Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20201202
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Diaranson 2 December 2020
Biden unveils economic team declaring, 'Help is on the way'
“that we will be able to work rector of the Office of Man-
across the aisle in good faith, agement and Budget, would
move forward as one coun- be the first South Asian
try.” American in that job. Rouse,
Tanden and Adeyemo will all
Janet Yellen, Biden’s nomi- require Senate confirmation,
nee for treasury secretary, and Tanden in particular is al-
served as chair of the Federal ready drawing heavy Repub-
Reserve from 2014 to 2018, lican criticism.
when she placed a greater
emphasis than previous Fed “Budgets are not abstrac-
chairs on maximizing em- tions, they are a reflection of
ployment and less focus on our values,” Tanden said dur-
price inflation. Biden also ing Tuesday's event.
named Cecilia Rouse as
chair of his Council of Eco- All of Biden's picks are out-
nomic Advisers, and Heather spoken supporters of more
Boushey and Jared Bernstein government stimulus spend-
as members of the council. ing to boost growth — which
Biden embraced on the cam-
Yellen called the econom- paign trail — though their
ic havoc the pandemic has proposals could face a diffi-
wrought “an American trag- cult reception in Congress,
(AP) — President-elect campaigning, Biden prom- it off. Asked about his foot by edy.” which has stalemated on a
Joe Biden on Tuesday in- ised that the U.S. would reporters, Biden responded new round of economic re-
troduced top advisers he eventually emerge with an only, “Good, thanks for ask- “To the American people: lief for months.
says will help his admin- economy that was dramati- ing.” We will be an institution
istration rebuild an econ- cally remade to better stamp that wakes up every morning The prospects for a large-
omy hammered by the out economic inequality. The injury, while not seri- thinking about you,” Yellen scale deal could hang on the
coronavirus pandemic, ous, again intensifies scrutiny said “your jobs, your pay- outcome of runoff elections
declaring, “I know times “From the most unequal eco- on Biden’s age, given that he checks, your struggles, your for both Georgia Senate seats.
are tough but I want you nomic and job crisis in mod- just turned 78 and is the old- hopes, your dignity and your Victories in both would give
to know that help is on the ern history, we can build a est president ever to being limitless potential.” Democrats control of the
way.” new American economy that his first term. Still, his team chamber — and its agenda
works for all Americans, not has tried to keep the focus on Yellen, if confirmed by the —- by the slimmest of mar-
Biden said he'd chosen a “first just some,” Biden said as he forming its government and Senate, would be the first gins, but Republican victories
rate team” that is “tested and introduced his choices for upcoming policy challenges, woman to serve as treasury will quickly test Biden and
experienced" to tackle “this some of the government's chief among them the pan- secretary, after breaking his team's ability to negoti-
ongoing economic crisis.” top economic posts during a demic and the economy. ground as the first woman to ate across the aisle to deliver
speech at a theater in Wilm- chair the Fed. Rouse would on their promised relief for
He picked liberal advisers ington, Delaware, where he Biden repeatedly evoked his be the first Black woman to Americans.
who have long prioritized has led his transition to the work as vice president when lead the CEA in its 74 years
the nation’s workers and presidency. the Obama administration of existence. Biden repeated calls for Con-
government efforts to ad- oversaw the economic re- gress to pass pandemic relief
dress economic inequality, Tuesday also marked Biden's covery following the 2008 fi- “We might have to ask Lin funding, but said even if that
as unemployment remains first appearance since break- nancial crisis and subsequent Manuel Miranda, who wrote happens, anything done dur-
high and as the COVID-19 ing two small bones in his Great Recession, noting that a musical about the first sec- ing the lame duck session be-
outbreak widens the gulf be- right foot while playing with many of those on his new- retary of the treasury Hamil- fore next year “is likely to be
tween average people and the one of his dogs over the ly-formed economic team ton, to write another musical at best just a start.”
nation’s most well off. The weekend. worked closely with him about the female secretary of
virus, which has killed more then. the treasury,” Biden joked. The event came a day after
than 268,000 Americans, is The president-elect wore Federal Reserve Chairman
resurgent across the country a black walking boot and Most of his choices will re- The president-elect also se- Jerome Powell said that the
amid holiday travel and cold- moved gingerly but tried quire confirmation from the lected Wally Adeyemo to be pace of improvement in the
er weather sending people to keep things light. As he deeply divided Senate, where Yellen’s deputy, which would economy has moderated in
indoors. emerged from his motorcade, some top Republicans have make him the first Black dep- recent months with future
Biden pointed to his boot and already begun voicing oppo- uty treasury secretary. Neera prospects remaining “ex-
As he did frequently while lifted his leg briefly to show sition. Biden said he hopes Tanden, Biden’s pick for di- traordinarily uncertain.”
Pentagon official overseeing counter-IS effort has resigned
(AP) — The civilian official over- In its statement, the Pentagon gave no of ISIS and encourage the repatria-
seeing the Pentagon's campaign Maier was director of the Defeat- reason for Maier's departure but said tion of foreign terrorist fighters for
to defeat the Islamic State group ISIS Task Force, which has been dis- the decision to disband the task force prosecution,” the Pentagon said.
in the Middle East has resigned in banded. Its responsibilities have been he led was a recognition of the “suc-
the latest jolt to Pentagon leader- absorbed by counterterrorism staffs cess of the military fight to destroy” Nearly 900 U.S. troops are still in
ship in the waning weeks of the headed by appointees who President the Islamic State's grip on territory in Syria to work with local groups aim-
Trump administration. Donald Trump placed in senior Pen- Iraq and Syria. Critics say that while ing to prevent an IS resurgence. The
tagon positions in a shakeup that in- the militant group has lost its physi- U.S. also has about 3,000 troops in
The Pentagon said in a statement that cluded his firing of Defense Secretary cal empire, it remains a threat and has neighboring Iraq working with local
the acting defense secretary, Chris- Mark Esper on Nov. 9. been biding its time in search of ways security forces toward the same goal.
topher Miller, on Monday accepted Maier's departure was first reported to regroup and re-emerge.
the resignation of Christopher Maier, by CNN. The New York Times re- The counter-IS campaign began dur-
who had provided policy oversight of ported on Tuesday that Maier had “The Department of Defense will ing the Obama administration and
the military's counter-IS effort since been forced out. continue to engage with our partners in some respects was accelerated by
March 2017. and allies to ensure the lasting defeat Trump.