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sports Diaranson 2 December 2020
Sarah Fuller currently only kicker on Vanderbilt's roster
(AP) — The Vanderbilt for our team," Fitch said. “But we’ll have a better clarifica-
Commodores have only right now, she kicked for us tion on that.”
one kicker listed on their today and she’s certainly out
two-deep chart for this there and trying to get better It's been a hectic few days at
weekend's game at No. and working on all the differ- Vanderbilt.
11 Georgia, and it's Sarah ent things that (special team)
Fuller, the first woman to coach (Devin) Fitzsimmons Fuller made history as the
play in a Power Five game. has her working on." first woman to play in a Pow-
er Five conference game in
“She’ll be with us on the trip Fuller might not be the only last week's 41-0 loss at Mis-
to Georgia, and we’re going kicker on the sideline Satur- souri. Vanderbilt fired coach
to put the best people out day. Derek Mason a day later, and
there,” interim coach Todd the Southeastern Conference
Fitch said Tuesday. "And if Fitch said Vanderbilt (0-8) is honored Fuller as co-special
she’s our best option, we’ll checking on when the cur- teams player of the week for
continue to work with her rent specialists will be avail- her squib kick to open the
and we’ll do the best we can able. Ryley Guay, who made second half. the team or contribute, then
for the team.” 9 of 11 field goals last season, Smart mentioned Teresa Ed- by all means, go do it.”
also might be a possibility to If Fuller gets to kick again at wards, a four-time Olympic
None of the kickers who rejoin the team. He's cur- Georgia, the Bulldogs appear gold medalist in basketball Fuller even gave Vanderbilt
were out last week after CO- rently in medical school but eager to watch. and a Georgia alumna, and an impromptu pep talk at
VID-19 issues kept them still has eligibility left. other women making it OK halftime.
away from the team is back Coach Kirby Smart, whose for others to be aggressive
yet. Fitch said Fuller kicked “If it’s a possibility that we wife played basketball at and compete hard. Georgia tight end Tre' McK-
at Tuesday's practice while could get him back, we’ll cer- Georgia, said women have itty said Fuller kicking in an
coaches continued evaluating tainly take a look at him if he the opportunity now to com- “I think Sarah carries on that SEC game was awesome.
other players on the roster. can make our team better,” pete more than ever, though tradition, the way she goes
said Fitch, who is in his first it still isn't where it should about things and what she’s “It was definitely a huge
“If we can add something to season at Vanderbilt. “I know be. He said seeing Fuller kick not afraid to do,” Smart said. milestone in college football
the competition we will be- he kicked here before and ev- is something the hopes and "You know, not worried about and football in general to
cause we want to make sure erything. So as we progress dreams of young girls hang what somebody is going to have a female play in a college
we have the best availability through the week, I think on. say. If she has a chance to help football game,” McKitty said.
Celtics' Walker gets knee injection, out until early January
(AP) — Celtics point Walker nearly had his first Ainge said his concerns about said the timing of this season team knew of Hayward’s de-
guard Kemba Walker will playoff run with Boston the health of Walker’s knee was also a factor in Walker re- sire to explore free agency for
be sidelined until at least derailed in July when he going forward are low. quiring maintenance on his some time.
the first week of January tweaked the knee during knee. Teams began holding
after receiving a stem cell workouts leading up to the “I think this year will tell us individual workouts Tuesday. “That’s the nature of our
injection in his left knee. resumption of the season in a lot more,” Ainge said. “He Preseason games are less than business, that’s not a knock
the Florida bubble. It left him saw some specialists over the two weeks away, starting Dec. on Gordon in any way, shape
Boston president of basket- limited during the seeding last six or eight weeks. And 11. The regular season is set or form,” Ainge said.
ball operations Danny Ainge games portion of the sched- they all came to the same to begin on Dec. 22.
said Tuesday the decision ule. conclusion. And I think that In addition to Walker, guard
was made after Walker con- gave Kemba great peace of “I think this has as much to Romeo Langford, who un-
sulted with multiple special- But he was a big part of Bos- mind as he went to differ- do with the turnaround as derwent surgery in Septem-
ists in early October. Walker ton’s run to the Eastern Con- ent doctors around country, anything else,” Stevens said. ber to repair a torn ligament
was then put on a 12-week ference finals, averaging 19.6 (and) got the same opinions. “This is about making sure in his right wrist, is still on
strengthening program for points and 5.1 assists during He’s on a program and seems he feels great.” his initial four-to-five month
the upcoming season. He is the postseason. The Celtics to be in a very good happy rehab window.
expected to resume on-court lost the series in six games to spot.” The news comes just days
activities in early December. Miami. after the team officially com- Forward and free agent ac-
Celtics coach Brad Stevens pleted a sign-and-trade deal quisition Tristan Thompson
that sent Gordon Hayward also will be limited during
to the Hornets. Charlotte ac- the first week of training
quired Hayward, who was a camp after suffering a ham-
free agent, and unprotected string strain during an offsea-
2023 and 2024 second-round son workout prior to arriving
draft picks from the Celtics in Boston.
in exchange for a heavily pro-
tected 2022 second-round NOTE: Forward Jayson Ta-
draft pick. tum said while he is humbled
after signing a contract exten-
Hayward previously agreed to sion that could pay him $195
a four-year, $120 million deal million over five years, his
to join the Hornets following approach and resolve to find
three injury-plagued seasons ways to improve his game
in Boston during which the remain unchanged. “It was
2016-17 All-Star with Utah a dream come true. I’m ex-
saw his scoring average drop tremely grateful and thank-
from a career-high 21.9 with ful for that. I don’t take it for
the Jazz to 13.9 during his granted or take it lightly. It’s
Boston tenure. a big deal,” Tatum said Tues-
day. “I’m excited to be here
Ainge acknowledged the five more years.”