Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200609
P. 26
Tuesday 9 June 2020
Poll: Pandemic does little to alter U.S. views on health care
By EMILY SWANSON and RI- width. "I wonder if the short-
CARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR term crisis dampens peo-
Associated Press ple's appetite for health
WASHINGTON (AP) — The system reform," Baicker
coronavirus pushed hos- said. "The idea of upend-
pitals to the edge, and ing the health system at this
millions of workers lost job- moment ... it may be that
based coverage in the people think, 'No — let's get
economic shutdown to a vaccine.' "
slow the spread, but a new After the spectacle of
poll suggests Americans coronavirus-related short-
have remarkably little in- ages of everything from
terest in big changes to cotton swabs, to protective
health care as a result of gear for nurses and doc-
the pandemic. People tors, to breathing machines
are still more likely to pre- for desperately ill patients,
fer the private sector than the poll did find 56% saying
the government on driving the U.S. is spending too little
innovation in health care, on improving and protect-
improving quality and, by a ing the nation's health.
narrower margin, providing That is a significantly big-
coverage, according to ger share than the 42%
the survey by the University who think the government
of Chicago Harris School of In this May 8, 2020, file photo a nurse works inside a patient's room in the COVID-19 Intensive Care is spending too little in
Public Policy and The Asso- Unit at Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. Associated Press general. Still, views on the
ciated Press-NORC Center need for more health care
for Public Affairs Research. no appetite for change." cratic presidential debate. our conversation." spending were unchanged
Those views are basically The poll found that people But even with an estimat- Pelosi said Democrats are since before the pandem-
unchanged since Febru- are more likely to trust pri- ed 27 million people los- backing measures to tide ic. Christina Rush, a middle
ary, when an earlier edition vate entities over govern- ing employer coverage in over workers who have school counselor from Ra-
of the AP-NORC poll asked ment at driving innova- the economic shutdown, lost coverage — such as leigh, North Carolina, is
the same questions at a tion in health care (70% there's been no ground- expansions of the Afford- among those who think the
time that the coronavirus to 28%), improving quality swell of support for the able Care Act — but "rath- U.S. should spend more on
was still largely seen as a (62% to 36%) and providing Sanders plan, which calls er than saying let's take health care and cites the
problem in other countries, insurance coverage (53% for replacing the nation's that (employer coverage) virus as a reason.
not the United States. to 44%). Americans had hybrid system of private away from them, we should "Looking at COVID, I didn't
"It does strike me as odd," more confidence in gov- and government coverage say let's get them their jobs realize the huge shortag-
said Gaye Cocoman, a ernment's ability to reduce with a single government back." es of material that would
retired data processing ad- costs, preferring it over the plan for all. House Speaker It could simply be a reflec- be needed," Rush said. "I
ministrator from small-town private sector 54% to 44%. Nancy Pelosi, asked last tion of human nature to would have thought we
Macedonia, Ohio, who has All of those preferences are month whether waves of shelve ambitious schemes had what we needed in
Medicare. "I'm covered, unchanged since before layoffs were prompting her during a crisis, said health terms of the medical sys-
but I look at the millions COVID-19 arrived. Democratic caucus mem- economist Katherine Ba- tem, but it seems we were
of people who aren't and Not that long ago Vermont bers to reconsider the em- icker, dean of the University so far behind some of these
wonder what in the world Sen. Bernie Sanders' "Medi- ployer-based system that of Chicago Harris School of other countries, like South
they're going to do if they care for All" plan was at covers most working fami- Public Policy. There's only Korea. We could be spend-
get sick. There seems to be the center of the Demo- lies, responded: "That's not so much available band- ing more." q
Suspect in police killing was member of elite military team
By MARTHA MENDOZA and The FBI also is investigating security is needed to guns and bomb-making
STEFANIE DAZIO if Carrillo has any links to counter local threats,” devices were inside, Sheriff
Associated Press the killing of a federal according to the Air Force. Jim Hart said.
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (AP) officer who was shot Carrillo’s wife, Monika When deputies arrived, the
— An active-duty U.S. Air outside the U.S. courthouse Leigh Scott Carrillo, who van pulled away and the
Force sergeant accused in Oakland more than a was also in the Air Force, deputies followed. The van
of killing a Northern week ago. Both killings was found dead in an off- went down a driveway at
California sheriff’s deputy involved shooters in a van. base hotel in May 2018 a home, and the deputies
in an ambush-style attack Carrillo, 32, was a team while she was stationed in were ambushed by gunfire
was a leader for a military leader for the Phoenix South Carolina. She was and explosives after
In this Sunday, June 7, 2020, base’s elite security force, Ravens at Travis Air 30. Her death was ruled a getting out of their vehicle.
booking mugshot courtesy officials said Monday. Force Base, 50 miles (81 suicide, according to the Gutzwiller was wounded
Santa Cruz Sheriff's Office Staff Sgt. Steven Carrillo kilometers) northeast of Air Force. Carrillo arrived and later died at a
shows 32-year-old suspect has been arrested on San Francisco, as part of at Travis Air Force Base the hospital. Another deputy
Steven Carrillo, an active-
duty U.S. Air Force sergeant suspicion of fatally shooting the 60th Security Forces month after her death. was wounded by gunfire
arrested on suspicion of fatally Santa Cruz County sheriff’s Squadron. The Phoenix On Saturday, deputies or shrapnel and struck by
shooting Santa Cruz Sheriff's Sgt. Damon Gutzwiller Ravens are tasked with responded to a 911 the van as the suspect fled,
Sgt. Damon Gutzwiller, 38, and wounding two other protecting aircraft and call about a suspicious authorities said. A third
and wounding two other officers Saturday. He is crews from assaults on van in Ben Lomond, an officer from the California
officers Saturday. expected to be charged airfields “where security unincorporated area near Highway Patrol was shot in
Associated Press with first-degree murder. is unknown or additional Santa Cruz. The caller said the hand, Hart said.q