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WORLD NEWS Tuesday 9 June 2020
Germany: U.S. troop reduction could harm NATO security
By DAVID RISING and for operations in the Mid-
ZEKE MILLER dle East and Africa and
Associated Press headquarters to the U.S. Air
BERLIN (AP) — Germany's Forces in Europe and Afri-
defense minister suggested ca; the Landstuhl Regional
Monday that U.S. President Medical Center, which has
Donald Trump's reported saved the lives of count-
plans to withdraw more less Americans wounded in
than a quarter of Ameri- Iraq and Afghanistan; and
can troops out of Germa- the headquarters of both
ny could weaken not only U.S. European Command
the NATO alliance but the and U.S. Africa Command
U.S. itself. Trump is said to in Stuttgart.
have has signed off on a Germany is also home
plan to reduce the total of to the headquarters of
troops stationed in Germa- U.S. Army Europe in Wi-
ny from 34,500 to no more esbaden, an F-16 fighter
than 25,000, according to base in Spangdahlem, and
reports by The Washington the Grafenwoehr Train-
Post and The Wall Street ing Area, the largest NATO
Journal, but German De- training facility in Europe.
fense Minister Annegret "If this is confirmed, you
Kramp-Karrenbauer told have to ask yourself what
reporters that Berlin hasn't In this Thursday, Dec. 27, 2018 file photo, President Donald Trump, center, and first lady Melania impact this will have on
yet been informed of any Trump, center left, greet members of the military at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. NATO and the security
Associated Press
such move. architecture in Europe,"
A White House official, a whole than to Germany's fense to meet the NATO U.S. president," Beyer told Beyer said. Germany has
speaking on condition of own defense. goal of spending 2% of the dpa news agency. been increasing its defense
anonymity to discuss inter- In Brussels, NATO Secretary- gross domestic product "It's not just about 9,500 sol- spending and the issue of
nal matters, confirmed to General Jens Stoltenberg on defense, and Ameri- diers, but also about their troops had lain dormant for
The Associated Press that sidestepped a question on can officials in the past families, so about 20,000 many months.
there are plans to move the decision, saying that in had raised the possibility Americans. This would It wasn't immediately clear
troops, saying some could general "over the last few of moving troops out as a break down trans-Atlantic why it was being brought
go to Poland while others years we have actually veiled threat.As such, the bridges." up again, but Trump's de-
could go elsewhere. seen an increase in the U.S. government's coordinator The days are long gone cision came shortly after
The decision is part of the presence" in Europe. for trans-Atlantic relations, when hundreds of thou- Chancellor Angela Merkel
president's and Depart- "What I can say is that we Peter Beyer, said if the plan sands of American troops said that she wouldn't at-
ment of Defense efforts to are constantly consulting is confirmed it wouldn't be were stationed in Germany tend a Group of Seven
review combatant com- with the United States, with a surprise, but that it was as a bulwark against the summit in person in the U.S.
mands around the globe, other NATO allies on the irritating to first learn of possibility of a Soviet inva- if the president decided to
the official said. military posture and pres- the possibility through me- sion. Today, the country go ahead with it. Shortly
If the U.S. goes ahead, ence in Europe," he said. dia reports. "The German- is much more a hub for after the chancellor's an-
Kramp-Karrenbauer sug- The Trump administration American relationship wider American military op- nouncement, Trump said
gested the move would has been urging Germany could be severely affected erations. Facilities include he was postponing the
do more harm to NATO as to spend more on its de- by such a decision of the Ramstein Air Base, critical summit.q
Lawyers: U.S. not investigating Prince Andrew in Epstein probe
By DANICA KIRKA and has never been a 'tar- as part of their sex traffick-
Associated Press get' of their criminal inves- ing probe.
LONDON (AP) — Attorneys tigations into Epstein and The contrasting views of
representing Britain's Prince that they sought his confi- what is going on behind
Andrew say they've been dential, voluntary co-oper- the scenes came after The
assured by the U.S. Depart- ation,'' the attorneys said. Sun newspaper reported
ment of Justice that he is The firm issued the unusual that the DOJ submitted
not a target in the investi- statement after reports in a mutual legal assistance
gation of the late sex of- Britain's Sun newspaper request to Britain's Home
fender Jeffrey Epstein. and on NBC that American Office. Such requests are
The firm, Blackfords LLP, authorities had formally re- used in criminal cases un-
said U.S. authorities re- quested that Andrew an- der a treaty and are gen-
quested the help of the son swer questions on the mat- erally used when material
of Queen Elizabeth II for the ter. He categorically de- can't be obtained on a po-
first time in January after nies wrongdoing and has lice cooperation basis. In this file photo dated Sunday, Nov. 3, 2019, Britain's Prince
having investigated Epstein repeatedly insisted that he As Blackfords insists Andrew Andrew delivers a speech during the ASEAN Business and
for 16 years. He has offered was willing to cooperate is trying to cooperate, it Investment Summit (ABIS) in Nonthaburi, Thailand.
three times to do so — con- with U.S. authorities. pushed back Monday. It Associated Press
trary to the statements of Berman has instead said said it was a "matter of re- courage witness coopera- by Epstein. The woman, Vir-
U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Ber- that Andrew has provided gret'' that the department tion. ginia Roberts Giuffre, has
man, the firm said. "zero cooperation" to the would "breach its own rules Andrew has flatly denied said Epstein forced her to
"Importantly, the DOJ ad- American investigators of confidentiality, not least he had sex with a teenager have sex with Andrew in
vised us that the Duke is not who want to interview him as they are designed to en- who says she was trafficked 2001, when she was 17. q