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a30    people & arts
                       Tuesday 9 June 2020
            The 10 best movies released since theaters were shuttered

            By JAKE COYLE and                                                                                                   Feldstein)  from  a  down-
            LINDSEY BAHR                                                                                                        trodden  U.K.  town  invents
            AP Film Writers                                                                                                     a  larger-than-life  persona
            Believe it or not, a lot of new                                                                                     to  help  get  a  foot  in  the
            films  have  been  released                                                                                         door in the male-dominat-
            since movie theaters were                                                                                           ed  world  of  music  writing.
            shuttered by the coronavi-                                                                                          (Available for digital rental)
            rus pandemic — and a lot                                                                                            — Bahr
            of good films.                                                                                                      — "Crip Camp: A Disability
            They   have    arrived   by                                                                                         Revolution":  The decades-
            streaming  service,  cable                                                                                          long struggle for the equity
            television,   on-demand,                                                                                            of  people  with  disabilities
            drive-in  and  even  Insta-                                                                                         is  the  central  and  most
            gram. But the movies have                                                                                           important  part  of  Nicole
            kept  coming.  Here  are  10                                                                                        Newnham  and  Jim  LeBre-
            favorites  of  AP  Film  Writers                                                                                    cht's  Netflix  documentary.
            Jake  Coyle  and  Lindsey                                                                                           But for a film that tells a vital
            Bahr:                                                                                                               and  under-told  history,  it's
            —  "Driveways":  A  grace-                                                                                          also  uncommonly  loving,
            fully understated film about                                                                                        celebratory and spirited. In
            about next-door neighbors                                                                                           "Crip  Camp"  we  see  a  so-
            —  one  an  eight-year-old                                                                                          cial  movement  fueled  by
            boy (Lucas Jaye), the other                                                                                         the  passion  of  remarkable
            a  retired  Korean  veteran   This image released by IFC Films shows Rob Brydon, right, and Steve Coogan in a scene from "The   individuals. — Coyle
            (  Brian  Dennehy,  in  one   Trip to Greece."                                                                      —  "The  Trip  to  Greece":
            of  his  last  performances)                                                                       Associated Press  There  is  a  poignant  mel-
            —  who  become  unlikely  be  sentimental,  but  Ahn's    are all tenderly human. The  writer-director  Alice  Wu  ancholy  to  "The  Trip  to
            friends,  Andrew  Ahn's  ex-  touch is true, and the per-  beautiful  final  shot  is  ach-  ("Saving  Face")  in  her  first  Greece." It's partly because
            quisitely  gentle  little  movie  formances  of  the  three   ingly  sweet.  (Available  for  film in 15 years, "The Half of  it might just be the last time
            has felt blessedly nourishing  leads   (including   Hong   digital rental.) — Coyle    It" follows a whip-smart Chi-  Steve  Coogan  and  Rob
            this  spring.  The  tale  might  Chau, as the boy's mother)   — "Never Rarely Sometimes  nese-American  student  El-  Brydon  take  their  semi-fic-
                                                                      Always":   Eliza   Hittman's   lie (played by the wonder-  tionalized versions of them-
            Review: Identical twins                                   "Never  Rarely  Sometimes  ful  Leah  Lewis)  who  reluc-  selves  out  for  an  impres-
                                                                      Always"  will  break  your  tantly helps a romantically  sion-soaked  spin  around  a
            veer apart in moving                                      heart,  and  you'll  be  glad  challenged football player  picturesque  locale.  But  it's
                                                                      it did. This quiet, sharp and  woo the beautiful and soul-
                                                                                                                                also a beautiful reminder of
            ‘Thin Girls’                                              deeply felt drama about a  ful Aster (the girl of both of  everything that we're miss-
                                                                      teenage  girl  in  rural  Penn-
                                                                                                   their  dreams).  It's  an  origi-
                                                                                                                                ing,  and  the  little  and  big
                                                                      sylvania who must travel to  nal gem that didn't get half  luxuries that we can't even
                                                                      New  York  to  get  an  abor-  the buzz it would have had  afford to dream about right
                                         gerous  path  of  extreme    tion  is  the  kind  of  film  that  the Tribeca Film Festival not  now:  Travel,  food,  wine,
                                         dieting.  Meanwhile,  as  if   burrows deep into your be-  been  canceled  because  friends.  (Available  for  digi-
                                         to  compensate  for  Rose’s   ing and stays with you long  of the pandemic. — Bahr     tal rental.) — Bahr
                                         weight loss, Lily begins eat-  after.  Newcomers  Sidney  — "The Vast of Night":  An-  —  "Bad  Education":  This
                                         ing and eating and eating.   Flanigan  and  Talia  Ryder  drew  Patterson's  stunning  true-life  suburban  crime
                                         Both girls struggle with body   capture the unease of sim-  directorial  debut    (stream-  drama,  which  premiered
                                         and  mental  health  issues   ply existing in their teenage  ing  on  Amazon)  is  a  low-  last  fall  at  the  Toronto  In-
                                         well into adulthood. When    girl bodies when the world  budget  sci-fi  thriller  set  in  ternational  Film  Festival,
                                         we meet them, Rose is liv-   sees  them  only  as  objects  a small town in 1950s New  might very well have been
                                         ing in an anorexia rehabili-  to  be  possessed  and  con-  Mexico.  With  sound  and  destined  for  Oscar  buzz.
                                         tation  facility  and  Lily  has   trolled. (Available for digital  shadow  it  summons  a  fully  Instead,  it  went  straight
                                         found herself in an abusive   rental) — Bahr              realized  vision  of  mid-cen-  to  HBO  and  very  likely  the
                                         relationship, addicted to a   —  "New  York,  New  York":  tury  paranoia  with  more  Emmys,  should  they  hap-
                                         new  and  dangerous  fad     Spike  Lee  has  an  ambi-   contemporary  filmmaking  pen. In Cory Finley's film, a
                                         diet,  and  in  complete  de-  tious Vietnam War veteran  flare,  including  a  memo-  Long  Island  school  district
                                         nial that anything in her life   film, "Da 5 Bloods," coming  rable   long-take   prowl  becomes  enmeshed  in  an
            This image released by Harper   needs to change.          to  Netflix,  but  he's  already  through  town.  Rarely  do  embezzlement   scandal
            shows  "Thin  Girls"  by  Diana   Alternating  between  flash-  made possibly the most in-  new  directorial  talents  an-  that has its prim superinten-
            Clarke.                      backs and the present day,   delible and moving film of  nounce  themselves  this  dent (Hugh Jackman) and
                        Associated Press  “Thin Girls” is a captivating   the pandemic. Set to Frank  clearly. — Coyle          assistant   superintendent
            By MOLLY SPRAYREGEN          story  of  the  Winters  twins’   Sinatra,  the  three-minute  —  "How  to  Build  a  Girl":  (Allison Janney) fighting for
            Dark,  poignant  and  grip-  road  to  recovery  as  they   short "New York, New York"  A  portrait  of  a  writer  as  a  their  jobs.  Jackman  and
            ping,  Diana  Clarke’s  “Thin  work  to  help  each  other   simply and straightforward-  young, talented and messy  Janney, both, make grand
            Girls”  is  sure  to  be  unlike  through  issues  of  body  im-  ly  captures  lockdown  in  woman,  "How  to  Build  a  bamboozlers. — Coyle
            anything else you’ve read.   age, love, identity and sex-  Lee's  home  city.  A  galva-  Girl,"  based  on  Caitlin  Mo-  —   "Shirley":   Josephine
            Identical  twins  Rose  and  uality.  Clarke  succeeds  at   nizing  tribute  to  New  York  ran's   semi-autobiograph-  Decker's  prickly,  unnerving
            Lily Winters are deeply con-  creating  a  story  that  feels   when it needed it most. —  ical  novel,  is  the  fanciful,  "Shirley,"  about  the  reclu-
            nected, but in high school  wholly unique while at the    Coyle                        empowering  and  funny  sive author Shirley Jackson,
            their  relationship  begins  to  same time wholly relatable   — "The Half of It":  This Netflix  opposite side of the "Never  is set a '50s Vermont college
            grow  complicated.  Rose’s  for young women who en-       sleeper is smarter than your  Rarely  Sometimes  Always"  town  but  also  takes  place
            desperation  to  be  cool  dure so many of the chal-      average    Cyrano-inspired  coin,  in  which  a  teenage  in the gothic realm of one
            leads  her  down  a  dan-    lenges Rose and Lily face.q  high school dramedy. From  girl  (a  delightful  Beanie  of  Jackson's  own  stories.q
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