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                       Tuesday 9 June 2020
            Settler leader: Netanyahu moving ahead with annexation plans

            By ARON HELLER                                                                                                      partner,  Defense  Minister
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Benny  Gantz,  has  reserva-
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  Prime                                                                                           tions  about  the  plan.  The
            Minister Benjamin Netanya-                                                                                          report  said  that  U.S.  Am-
            hu  has  assured  Jewish  set-                                                                                      bassador  David  Friedman
            tlers that he is going ahead                                                                                        met  with  the  two  men  in
            with plans to begin annex-                                                                                          an attempt to bridge their
            ing  parts  of  the  occupied                                                                                       differences.Netanyahu has
            West  Bank  next  month,  a                                                                                         said  he  wants  to  annex
            settler  representative  said                                                                                       parts of the West Bank, in-
            Monday.                                                                                                             cluding  the  strategic  Jor-
            Netanyahu  told  a  group                                                                                           dan  Valley  and  dozens  of
            of  settler  leaders  late  Sun-                                                                                    Jewish  settlements,  in  line
            day  that  President  Donald                                                                                        with  Trump's  Mideast  plan.
            Trump's  Mideast  plan  al-                                                                                         He's lauded the move as a
            lowing the annexation has                                                                                           historic  opportunity  to  es-
            not  been  finalized,  Oded                                                                                         tablish  Israel's  permanent
            Revivi,  mayor  of  the  Efrat                                                                                      borders,  without  having  to
            settlement, told The Associ-                                                                                        evacuate  a  single  settler.
            ated  Press.  But  Netanyahu                                                                                        Previous peace plans have
            said that once a final map                                                                                          all  included  far  greater  Is-
            is  agreed  upon  with  the                                                                                         raeli concessions.
            Americans,  he  will  present                                                                                       A U.S. Embassy official, said
            it to settler leaders individu-  Israeli  Prime  Minister  Benjamin  Netanyahu  chairs  the  weekly  cabinet  meeting  in  Jerusalem,   the  "the  work  of  the  map-
            ally, Revivi said.           Sunday, June 7, 2020.                                                 Associated Press   ping  committee  is  ongo-
            Revivi was one of a dozen                                                                                           ing."  The  official  was  not
            settler leaders who attend-  enclaves  surrounded  by  open  last  week  when  Da-     concerns, and were solidly  authorized to speak to the
            ed  Sunday's  meeting  to  Palestinian  territory.  They  vid  Elhayani,  chairman  of  behind Netanyahu.           media  on  the  record  and
            support the annexation ef-   also reject the U.S. offer to  the Yesha Council, an um-  Netanyahu  and  much  of  requested anonymity.
            fort and offer a counterbal-  recognize Palestinian state-  brella  settlers'  group,  told  his nationalist base are ea-  Netanyahu's   office   de-
            ance to growing criticism of  hood,  albeit  with  far  less  an  Israeli  newspaper  that  ger  to  move  ahead  with  clined to comment.
            the plan among the prime  land  and  far  less  authority  the  plan  was  inadequate  annexation,      especially  The U.S. plan envisions leav-
            minister's nationalist base.  than the Palestinians seek.  and proved Trump was "not  with  Trump  facing  shaky  ing  about  one  third  of  the
            Annexation  of  West  Bank  "This doesn't answer all our  a friend of Israel."         re-election prospects in No-  West  Bank,  which  Israel
            land  has  long  been  a  dreams  but  you  have  to  Netanyahu,  fearful  of  up-     vember.                      captured  in  1967,  under
            dream  of  the  Israeli  settler  keep it in perspective and  setting  his  close  ally  in  the  The  proposal  also  faces  permanent  Israeli  control,
            movement.                    see what the alternative is,"  White  House,  responded  opposition  in  Israel,  where  while granting the Palestin-
            Despite  what  is  widely  Revivi  said.  "We  have  an  harshly,  lauding  Trump's  many fear that annexation  ians  expanded  autonomy
            viewed as a pro-Israel plan,  opportunity  with  this  presi-  friendship  and  accusing  is a step that could lead to  in the remainder of the ter-
            some  settlers  have  voiced  dent,  this  prime  minister  the settler leadership of be-  the creation of a single bi-  ritory. The Palestinians, who
            concern  that  Trump's  ini-  and  this  international  cli-  ing ungrateful.          national state with the Pal-  seek  all  of  the  West  Bank
            tiative  does  not  go  far  mate and we have to seize  Revivi,  a  senior  figure  in  estinians.                  as part of an independent
            enough.  They  note  that  it."                           Yesha, said the majority of  Channel  13  TV  reported  state,  have  rejected  the
            many  settlements  would  The schism in the settlement  settlers supported the plan,  Monday  night  that  Ne-      plan,  saying  it  unfairly  fa-
            be  turned  into  isolated  leadership  burst  into  the  even if they harbored some  tanyahu's  main  coalition  vors Israel.q
              With recovery of last case, New Zealand has eradicated virus

                                                                      coronavirus  —  at  least  for  time  since  late  February  occurs  we  have  to  make
                                                                      now  —  after  health  offi-  there have been no active  sure — and we are — that
                                                                      cials said Monday the last  cases. Prime Minister Jacin-  we are prepared."
                                                                      known  infected  person  da  Ardern  said  she  was  More cases are likely to be
                                                                      had recovered.               confident  New  Zealand  imported  as  people  enter
                                                                      The  announcement  was  had  halted  the  spread  of  the  country.  For  now,  the
                                                                      greeted  with  joy  around  the virus but it still must be  border  remains  shut  to  all
                                                                      the country and means the  prepared for more.            but  citizens  and  residents,
                                                                      nation  of  5  million  people  "We are confident we have  with  some  limited  excep-
                                                                      will  be  among  the  first  to  eliminated  transmission  of  tions. Everybody who does
                                                                      welcome  throngs  of  fans  the  virus  in  New  Zealand  enter has to go into quar-
                                                                      back  into  sports  stadiums,  for  now,  but  elimination  is  antine.
                                                                      embrace  crowded  con-       not  a  point  in  time,  it  is  a  "We can hold public events
                                                                      certs  and  remove  seating  sustained  effort,"  she  said  without  limitations.  Private
                                                                      restrictions from flights.   at  a  news  conference.  events  such  as  weddings,
              In this April 17, 2020, file photo, a man reacts as a medical   It  has  been  17  days  since  "We  almost  certainly  will  functions   and   funerals
              staffer tests shoppers who volunteered at a pop-up community   the  last  new  case  was  see cases here again, and  without limitations," Ardern
              COVID-19  testing  station  at  a  supermarket  carpark  in   reported,  during  which  I do want to say that again,  said.  "Retail  is  back  with-
              Christchurch, New Zealand.                              time  an  additional  40,000  we will almost certainly see  out  limitations.  Hospitality
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      people have been tested,  cases here again, and that  is back without limitations.
              By NICK PERRY               land (AP) — New Zealand  bringing  the  total  number  is not a sign that we have  Public transport and travel
              Associated Press            appears  to  have  com-     tested  to  about  300,000.  failed,  it  is  a  reality  of  this  across  the  country  is  fully
              WELLINGTON,  New  Zea-      pletely  eradicated  the  Monday  marked  the  first  virus. But if and when that  opened." q
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