Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200609
P. 31

locAl           Tuesday 9 June 2020

            The importance of the coral reef

            ORANJESTAD      —    World  or sandy islands.             polyps  are  incredibly  deli-
            Ocean  Day  is  on  June  8                               cate  and  very  slow  grow-
            and this year the focus is on  The coral reefs of the Dutch  ing.  The  fastest  species  of
            growing  the  global  move-  Caribbean  are  very  di-    branching coral only grows
            ment to call on world lead-  verse.  Bonaire  and  Cura-  at 10cm a year, other cor-
            ers  to  protect  30%  of  our  çao  have  fringing  coral  als  take  years  to  grow  a
            blue planet by 2030.  Coral  reefs  which  encircle  their  few millimeters. Coral colo-
            reefs are extremely impor-   islands. Starting in very shal-  nies  can  reach  immense
            tant to the overall health of  low  water  the  reefs  slope  sizes and are tremendously
            planet Earth and its human  gently  seaward  to  around  long  lived.  There  are  colo-
            inhabitants:   Coral   reefs  30 feet (10m) before drop-  nies alive today which are
            provide   protection   and  ping  down  to  depths  in  believed  to  be  over  700
            shelter for many species of  excess  of  200  feet  (60m).  years old.
            fish  and  sea  life.  From  the  St Maarten has patch/bar-
            smallest shrimp to the larg-  rier reef whilst the reefs on  Stoney  corals  have  devel-
            est predator, sea creatures  Saba are found on the top  oped the remarkable abil-
            find both food and protec-   of  underwater  seamounts  ity  to  extract  calcium  car-
            tion on coral reefs.         or  pinnacles  which  make  bonate from sea water. This
                                         for  spectacular  diving.  St  they  use  to  build  complex
            The  Dutch  Caribbean  Na-   Eustatius  by  contrast  has  limestone  homes  which
            ture  Alliance  (DCNA)  is  re-  very well developed patch  form  the  solid  framework,
            gional  network  of  protect-  reefs.                     or matrix, of the reef.
            ed areas set up to help and  Despite  enormous  differ-   Around    this   framework
            assist  the  park  manage-   ences between coral reefs,  there  co-exists  a  complex
            ment and conservation or-    they all have the same ba-   web of life. Calcareous al-
            ganizations  on  the  islands  sic needs: warm, clear, sun-  gae  help  to  build  the  reef
            of  Aruba,  Bonaire,  Cura-  lit  water  with  an  absence  up  whilst  animals  like  bor-
            çao, Saba, St. Eustatius and  of  sediment,  which  could  ing  sponges,  worms,  graz-  up and secrete it beneath  47,000 in property. They pro-
            St. Maarten. Together they  choke and kill them and a  ing fish and urchins work to  themselves as microscopic  vide hundreds of thousands
            are  working  to  safeguard  hard substrate on which to  erode it away. In their ea-   crystals. The polyps of each  of people with income and
            our  unique  natural  world.  grow.  They  are  only  found  gerness  to  graze  on  algal  type of coral build accord-  food  from  fishing.  A  coral
            On  their  website  you  can  in  tropical  seas  where  the  (plant)  turf  parrotfish  recy-  ing  to  their  own  innate  reef in prime condition can
            find  valuable  information  year  round  water  temper-  cle  huge  amounts  of  reef:  plan.  And  even  though  produce  over  20  tons  of
            about  the  islands  nature,  ate is between 18 – 30’C, or  up to 75% of their stomach  coral  heads  are  incredibly  protein  per  square  kilome-
            among  others  about  the  broadly speaking between  content is ground up coral  plastic,  forming  radically  ter  a  year.  And  tourism  is
            coral reef.                  30’  north  and  30’  south  of  reef.  Still  other  creatures  different  shaped  colonies  a  major  source  of  income
                                         the equator.                 find shelter on the reef and  according  to  the  amount  for  many  tropical  island
            Coral reefs                                               for them it is their home. This  of  wave  action,  current  nations.  Caribbean  reefs
            For someone who has nev-     Building a coral reef        multitude of life is what we  and  light,  their  polyps  al-  alone  are  worth  around  $
            er  been  snorkeling  or  div-  Coral reefs are painstaking-  know of as the coral reef.  ways  build  identical  lime-  140 billion per year in tour-
            ing  over  a  tropical  coral  ly constructed by a humble  But what has long fascinat-  stone homes.                ism dollars.
            reef  it  is  almost  impossible  group  of  invertebrate  ani-  ed  scientists  is  how  corals
            to  imagine  the  sheer  rest-  mals belonging to the cni-  could  build  such  immense  The value of reefs         At the global level scientists
            less energy, the breathtak-  darian family. Scleractinian  cities  of  life  in  the  aquatic  In part coral reefs are valu-  believe  that  by  taking  up
            ing  color  and  beauty  of  a  (stoney)  corals  are  closely  equivalent  of  a  desert.  able because they protect  calcium  carbonate  from
            reef. Waves crash, currents  related  to  anemones  but  Oceanic  water  is  remark-   tropical   shorelines   from  seawater,  corals  create
            drift,  tides  ebb  and  flow  different from them in that  ably low in food (plankton)  damage  by  storm  waves.  carbon  sinks  which  lessen
            drawing  a  ceaseless  rain  they  form  huge  interlinked  and nutrients.             A recent World Bank study  the  impact  of  the  green
            of food and fresh seawater  colonies  consisting  of  hun-  Seawater is rich in dissolved  suggests that each square  house  gasses  involved  in
            across  the  reef.  There  are  dreds and thousands of in-  calcium  carbonate.  Coral  meter  of  coral  reef  in  the  global warming. Coral reefs
            fantastically shaped corals  dividual coral polyps. Coral  polyps are able to take this  Caribbean   protects   $  are home to such a vast ar-
            from dome like brain corals                                                                                         ray  of  animals  and  plants
            to  mountainous  pagodas,                                                                                           that  only  a  small  fraction
            prickly  tables  and  perfect                                                                                       of  them  have  so  far  been
            spheres.  Flitting  and  dart-                                                                                      described. More and more
            ing amongst the corals are                                                                                          medical  compounds  are
            numberless  vividly  colored                                                                                        being  isolated  from  coral
            reef fish.                                                                                                          reef  creatures  which  can
                                                                                                                                be  used  to  combat  HIV,
            Reefs  which  form  close  to                                                                                       cancer and other diseases
            land,  following  the  con-                                                                                         whilst  sterilized  coral  skel-
            tours  of  the  coastline  are                                                                                      eton is already being used
            called fringing reefs. Where                                                                                        as a bone substitute for im-
            the  reef  is  separated  from                                                                                      plants.
            land by a lagoon or open
            water  it  is  called  a  barrier                                                                                   But  most  of  all  coral  reefs
            reef.  Coral  reef  atolls  are                                                                                     give  us  an  unparalleled
            almost  exclusively  a  fea-                                                                                        opportunity  to  marvel  at
            ture  of  the  Pacific  where                                                                                       the wonder of life and the
            they form rings of coral up                                                                                         beauty  and  complexity  of
            to  several  kilometers  in  di-                                                                                    the world we live in. Source:
            ameter  around  open  sea                                                                                           DCNA. q
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