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A Page 31
American public space, rebooted: What might it feel like?
By TED ANTHONY to “reopen the country”
AP National Writer grow, means a return to a
And the American people shared realm where insti-
returned to the American tutions of all types form the
streets, bit by bit, place by shape of American life.
place. Yet can you reopen a so-
And in the spaces they ciety — particularly a repu-
shared, they found a world blic built on openness and
that appeared much the public interaction — wit-
same but was, in many hout its physical institutions
ways, different — and at full capacity, without
changing by the day. public spaces available for
And the people were at congregation?
turns uncertain, fearful, “Humans are just terrified
angry, determined. As they of other humans right now.
looked to their institutions They just don’t feel confi-
to set the tone, they won- dent about each other,”
dered: What would this says Daniel Cusick, a New
new world be like? York architect who has
The choppy re-engage- worked on public spaces
ment of Americans with pu- for three decades. In this April 25, 2020, file photo, a surfer looks out over the waves off the cliffs of Newport, R.I., as
blic life over the past week, shutdown orders are still in place during the coronavirus outbreak.
with more to come as cries Continued on Page 25 Associated Press