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a26     obituario/u.s. news
                      Dialuna 25 aPRil 2022

                          Emergency declaration for multiple wildfires in New Mexico

                                                             Winds and temperatures in New Mexico dimin-     government to be thinking about ways to ban the
                                                             ished Saturday but remained strong enough to still  sales of fireworks.”
                                                             fan fires. Dozens of evacuation orders remained in
                                                             place.                                          Wildfire  has  become  a  year-round  threat  in  the
                                                                                                             West given changing conditions that include earlier
                                                             Fire officials were expecting the northern wildfires  snowmelt and rain coming later in the fall, scientist
                                                             to slow Sunday as cloud and smoke cover moves  have said. The problems have been exacerbated by
                                                             in, allowing the forests to retain more moisture.  decades of fire suppression and poor management
                                                             But  they  added  that  the  interior  portions  of  the  along with a more than 20-year megadrought that
                                                             fires  could  show  moderate  to  extreme  behavior,  studies link to human-caused climate change.
                                                             which could threaten structures in those areas.
                                                                                                             In Arizona, two large wildfires continued to burn
                                                             More  than  200  structures  have  been  charred  by  Sunday 10 miles (16 kilometers) south of Prescott
                                                             the wildfires thus far and an additional 900 remain  and 14 miles (22 kilometers) northeast of Flagstaff.
            (AP)  —  New  Mexico  Gov.  Michelle  Lujan      threatened, Lujan Grisham said.
            Grisham  has  signed  emergency  declarations                                                    Coconino  County  authorities  lifted  the  evacua-
            as 20 wildfires continued to burn Sunday in      Fire  management  officials  said  an  exact  damage  tion order Sunday morning for residents living in
            nearly half of the state’s drought-stricken 33   count was unclear because it’s still too dangerous  neighborhoods along Highway 89 after fire man-
            counties.                                        for crews to go in and look at all the homes that  agement  officials  determined  the  Flagstaff-area
                                                             have been lost.                                 wildfire no longer posed a threat.
            One wildfire in northern New Mexico that started
            April 6 merged with a newer fire Saturday to form   “We do not know the magnitude of the structure  The fire near Flagstaff was at 33 square miles (85
            the largest blaze in the state, leading to widespread   loss.  We  don’t  even  know  the  areas  where  most  square  kilometers)  as  of  Sunday  with  3%  con-
            evacuations in Mora and San Miguel counties. That   homes  made  it  through  the  fire,  where  homes  tainment. It forced the evacuation of 766 homes
            fire was at 84 square miles (217 square kilometers)   haven’t been damaged or anything like that,” said  and burned down 30 homes and two dozen other
            Sunday and 12% contained.                        operation sections chief Jayson Coil.           structures since it began a week ago, according to
                                                                                                             county authorities.
            An uncontained wind-driven wildfire in northern   Some 1,000 firefighters were battling the wildfires
            New Mexico that began April 17 had charred 81    across  New  Mexico,  which  already  has  secured  Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey declared the fire a state
            square miles (209 square kilometers) of pondero-  about $3 million in grants to help with the fires.  of emergency Friday for Coconino County to free
            sa pine, oak brush and grass by Sunday morning                                                   up recovery aid to affected communities.
            north of Ocate, an unincorporated community in   Lujan Grisham said she has asked the White House
            Mora County.                                     for more federal resources and she’s calling for a  The wildfire near Prescott began last Monday and
                                                             ban of fireworks statewide.                     was  at 4.8  square  miles  (12.4 square kilometers)
            Meanwhile  in  Arizona,  some  residents  forced  to                                             and 15% contained as of Sunday morning as he-
            evacuate due to a wildfire near Flagstaff were al-  “We need more federal bodies for firefighting, fire  licopters and air tankers dropped water and retar-
            lowed to return home Sunday morning.             mitigation, public safety support on the ground in  dant to slow the fire’s growth.
                                                             New Mexico,” she said. “It’s going to be a tough
                                                             summer. So that’s why we are banning fires. And  The  cause  of  the  wildfires  in  New  Mexico  and
                                                             that is why on Monday I will be asking every local  Arizona remain under investigation.

                                                                     Native American artist, chief, Oklahoma

                                                                                       lawmaker Haney dies

                                                             (AP)  —  Enoch  Kelly  Haney,                                   of then-Lt. Gov. George Nigh’s
                                                             a  Native  American  artist,                                    first  of  four  successful  cam-
              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada  Seminole  Nation  chief  and                                    paigns for governor.
              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.  Oklahoma  state  lawmaker,
              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                    has died at age 81.                                             Haney served stints in the state
              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                                                                                       House  and  Senate  from  1980-
              Salmo: 23                                      Haney’s  death  was  announced                                  2002 and was chair of the Sen-
                                                             Saturday by Brian Palmer, assis-                                ate  Appropriations  Committee
              Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta anuncia        tant  chief  of  the  Seminole  Na-                             from 1994-2002.
              fayecimento di:                                tion.  A  cause  of  death  was  not
                                                             immediately released.                                           He  ran  unsuccessfully  for  the
                                                                                                                             Democratic nomination for gov-
                                                             “With  a  heavy  heart,  the  Semi-                             ernor  in  2002  and  was  elected
                                                             nole  Nation  woke  to  the  news                               principal  chief  of  the  Semi-
                                                             of  the  passing  of  Chief  Kelly                              nole  Nation  in  2005.  His  17-
                                                             Haney.  An  inspiration  to  many,                              foot  sculpture  “The  Guardian,”
                                                             an accomplished artist, his work                                a  towering  statue  of  a  Native
                                                             with the State and later as Chief                               American,  was  placed  atop  the
                                                             highlighted  his  career,  but  his                             state Capitol dome in 2002.
                                                             greatest  achievement  is  that  of
                                                             family. Keep his family in prayer                               In  a  2014  interview  with  The
                                                             and  may  they  find  comfort  in                               Oklahoman,  Haney  said  his  art
                                                             knowing  the  Seminole  Nation  Haney,  who  had  most  recently  was grounded in his heritage.
                                                             and Indian Country mourns his  lived  in  Norman,  grew  up  in
                                                             loss,” Palmer said in a statement  Seminole.  His  grandfather  was  “My grandfather and father were
                                                             on Facebook.                    the chief of the Seminole Tribe  great storytellers, so I have that
                                                                                             in the 1940s.                   ability to tell stories, about native
                   Juan Gualberto Tromp                      In a tweet on Saturday, Oklaho-                                 people and their history and so
                       *12-07-1961 - †15-04-2022             ma City Mayor David Holt said  A Democrat, Haney was a Meth-    forth. So I guess in one sense I’m
                                                             Haney’s  “contributions  to  our  odist  minister  prior  to  enter-  still the keeper of the traditions,”
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.      state are mighty.”              ing  politics  in  1978  as  co-chair  Haney said.
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