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                                                                                                       sports Dialuna 25 aPRil 2022

                           ‘Unbeatable’ Fury determined to stick to retirement pledge

            (AP)  —  Sitting  in  noth-  is retiring as “the best heavy-  kids.
            ing  but  some  tight-fit-   weight there has ever been.”
            ting  shorts,  Tyson  Fury                                Yet  he  was  persuaded  to  get
            grabbed the flabby part of  Could Fury really turn down  back in the ring for a home-
            his belly and started shak-  the chance of holding all the  coming  fight  against  Whyte
            ing it.                      heavyweight  titles  and  be-  in  front  of  the  biggest  ever
                                         coming  undisputed  champi-  crowd  for  a  boxing  bout  in
            “I’m a normal-looking man,”  on of the world? He has held  Britain.
            he said, “an average Joe.”   each of the belts at some stage
                                         of  his  14-year  pro  career  —  With  a  32nd  victory  in  the
            No one quite mixes self-dep-  either side of a 3½-year break  bag,  completed  Saturday
            recation with self-promotion  when he dealt with issues of  with a vicious uppercut that
            quite  like  this  world  heavy-  mental health, drug use and  sent Whyte to the canvas, he
            weight champion.             depression  during  which  he  gave  his  U.K.  fans  a  walk-
                                         tried  to  kill  himself  —  but  away knockout to remember
            After  all,  moments  earlier,  never at the same time.   him by.
            Fury had reeled off all the ti-
            tles he had won in a turbulent  Beating  the  winner  of  the  If  this  is  it  for  the  towering  out  with  some  homophobic  skilled  boxer,  from  a  blood-
            and headline-making boxing  rematch  between  Oleksandr  Fury — and it still seems hard  and  misogynistic  comments  line  of  bare-knuckle  cham-
            career that he might just have  Usyk,  the  reigning  WBA,  to believe we’ve seen the last  that saw him get heavily criti-  pions.
            brought to an end with a bru-  IBF  and  WBO  title-holder,  of him — it was quite the ca-  cized in Britain at a time he
            tal  sixth-round  stoppage  of  and  Anthony  Joshua  in  a  reer, in and out of the ring.  thought he should be treated  “There  ain’t  ever  been  any-
            fellow  Briton  Dillian  Whyte  highly  lucrative,  legacy-de-                         like  a  king  after  dethroning  one  who  could  beat  me,”
            in  front  of  94,000  fans  at  fining fight would surely be  Ending Wladimir Klitschko’s  Klitschko. There was a back-  the  self-styled  Gypsy  King
            London’s Wembley Stadium.    the ultimate way to bow out.  decade-long run as champ in  dated  two-year  doping  ban  said.  “You  know  why?  My
                                                                      2015 in the Ukrainian’s box-  for  having  elevated  levels  of  6-foot-9  frame,  270-pound
            “I’m very proud I’ve won two  Not according to Fury.      ing  backyard  of  Dusseldorf  nandrolone in urine samples  weight,  can  move  like  a
            English  titles,  two  British                            was the night he announced  provided  after  fighting  in  middleweight,  can  hit  like  a
            titles,  two  Commonwealth  “I’ve fulfilled everything I’ve  himself  to  the  world.  But  2015.                   thunderstorm  and  can  take
            titles, the Irish title, the Eu-  ever  wanted  to  fulfil,”  he  it  was  the  Wilder  trilogy  in                 a  punch  like  anybody  else.
            ropean title, WBO intercon-  said.  “I’m  going  to  retire  as  the U.S., when he mixed his  Others, though, prefer to see  I’ve got … the heart of a lion,
            tinental, WBO international,  only the second heavyweight  styles from a back-foot, prag-  him  as  an  icon  for  coming  the mindset of the Wizard of
            WBO  super,  WBA  super,  in  history,  after  Rocky  Mar-  matic boxer to an aggressive,  back  from  the  brink  —  he  Oz.”
            IBF,  IBO,  Ring  Magazine,  ciano, to retire undefeated.  in-your-face  approach,  that  ballooned in weight, became
            lineal, WBC — I’ve won ev-                                really cemented his status as  a  drug  user,  drank  heavily  Fury  says  he  could  next  be
            ery belt there is to win. There  “I  was  unbeatable  at  this  the  best  heavyweight  of  the  and said he attempted to kill  seen  competing  at  a  WWE
            isn’t more to do,” he said in  game.”                     past decade.                 himself  after  capturing  the  event.  He  teased  a  potential
            the  bowels  of  England’s  na-                                                        world  heavyweight  title  for  hybrid  exhibition  fight  with
            tional soccer stadium.       The  33-year-old  Fury  said  His  links  to  Daniel  Kina-  the first time — and becom-  UFC heavyweight champion
                                         he gave his word to his wife,  han, named by U.S. authori-  ing the No. 1 heavyweight.  Francis Ngannou.
            “If this was a computer game,  Paris, that he would quit after  ties this month as one of the
            it  definitely  would  be  com-  completing  his  sensational  heads of an organized crime  He is also a born entertainer,  More would want to see him
            pleted.”                     trilogy of fights with Deontay  gang  involved  in  interna-  singing  in  the  ring  after  his  fight Usyk or Joshua, though.
                                         Wilder with a victory in Las  tional  drug-trafficking  op-  fights  and  even  attending  a
            Not quite, though. There is  Vegas in October. He wanted  erations and firearm offenses,  press  conference  dressed  as  “I’ve given everything … and
            one final level that might, in  to  go  out  unhurt,  unbeaten  have  dogged  him  in  recent  Batman.              put it on the line every single
            the coming days, start to nag  and  on  his  own  terms,  and  years, especially ahead of the                       time,” Fury said, “but enough
            away at the man who says he  spend more time with his six  Whyte  fight.  He  has  come  Most of all, he is a seriously  is enough.”

                           Keselowski looks to defend Talladega win, save his season

            (AP)  —  The  winningest  last year’s victory.            reach, well, Keselowski won’t  are likely at Daytona or Tal-  to extend his streak of playoff
            active  driver  at  Talladega                             hold back in search of his first  ladega.                 appearances to nine consecu-
            Superspeedway just might  Brad  Keselowski  isn’t  bank-  victory  since  leaving  Team                             tive years.
            be able to save his season  ing  on  a  seventh  Talladega  Penske  for  an  ownership  Keselowski  and  teammate
            on  Sunday  by  defending  win,  though.  But  if  it’s  in  stake at RFK Racing.      Chris  Buescher  each  won  a  “I  think  there’s  probably  a
                                                                                                   qualifying  race  at  Daytona  little bit of truth to that, but
                                                                      “We’ve got a great shot,” Ke-  International  Speedway  in  honestly  I’m  looking  at  the
                                                                      selowski said. “If we’re any-  February, but the RFK orga-  next  month  and  I’m  really
                                                                      where  close,  I’m  going  to  nization has not won a Cup  excited  about  the  races  we
                                                                      leave it all out on the line.”  points  race  since  2017.  The  have,”  Keselowski  said.  “I
                                                                                                   team won twice that year —  think we can win any one of
                                                                      A penalty for illegal modifica-  both  races  on  a  superspeed-  them. We’ve got a lot of good
                                                                      tions made to the No. 6 Ford  way, with Ricky Stenhouse Jr.  stuff coming down the pipe-
                                                                      has  devastated  Keselowski’s  sweeping the two stops at the  line. We’re starting to figure
                                                                      first season as a driver-owner  Alabama track when the team  some  things  out  and  find
                                                                      and knocked him to bottom  was known as Roush Fenway  some  of  the  missing  puzzle
                                                                      of  the  Cup  standings,  low-  Racing.                   pieces, so I’m not ready to say
                                                                      er  than  any  other  full-time                           that we have to win on a (su-
                                                                      driver.  It  took  him  a  month  The  organization  has  not  perspeedway)  to  advance  to
                                                                      to climb from 35th in points  won on any type of track be-  the playoffs.
                                                                      to 30th — a mark he hit last  sides a superspeedway since a
                                                                      week  at  Bristol  that  makes  2014 win by Carl Edwards at  “I  feel  like  we’re  starting  to
                                                                      him  eligible  for  the  playoffs  Sonoma.                find our game at other tracks,
                                                                      should he win a race.                                     too.  We  have  lot  more  con-
                                                                                                   So  the  speedway  races  seem  fidence  in  the  cars,  and  the
                                                                      His  best  chances  at  victory  to  be  Keselowski’s  best  shot  team is learning a lot.”
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