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                                                                                                 u.s. news Dialuna 25 aPRil 2022

                              Split verdict in first-ever Air Force general military trial

            (AP) — An Air Force ma-      backyard  barbecue  in  New
            jor  general  in  Ohio  has  Mexico nearly four years ago.
            been convicted by a mili-    Officials said the woman is a
            tary judge of one of three  civilian who is not a Depart-
            specifications  of  abusive  ment of Defense employee.
            sexual contact in the first-
            ever  military  trial  of  an  Cooley  was  to  be  sentenced
            Air Force general.           Monday morning and could
                                         face as much as seven years in
            The  charge  faced  by  Maj.  jail as well as loss of rank, pay
            Gen. William Cooley during  and benefits.
            the  weeklong  court-martial
            at Wright-Patterson Air Force  Cooley  had  the  option  of  a
            Base in Ohio had three speci-  trial  by  court  member  ju-
            fications, one alleging a forc-  rors or by military judge, and
            ible  kiss  and  two  alleging  chose to have the case heard
            forcible  touching  in  2018.  by the judge.
            Cooley  was  convicted  Sat-
            urday of the forcible kissing  “Today  marks  the  first  time
            specification but acquitted of  an  Air  Force  general  officer
            the other two.               has  been  held  responsible
                                         for  his  heinous  actions,”
            Officials  said  the  verdict  the  woman’s  attorney  Ryan
            marks the first court-martial  Guilds,  said  in  a  statement,
            trial and conviction of a gen-  the  Dayton  Daily  News  re-
            eral officer in the Air Force’s  ported.  “...  Hopefully,  this
            75-year history.             will not be as difficult for the
                                         next survivor.”
            A former commander of Air
            Force  Research  Laboratory,  Cooley  was  fired  from  his  job  since  then.  A  message  strates  the  commitment  of  they fail to uphold Air Force
            Cooley  was  charged  with  research  laboratory  position  seeking comment was left for  Air Force leaders to fully in-  standards,”  Col.  Eric  Mejia,
            abusive  sexual  contact  in  an  in January 2020 after an Air  his attorney Saturday.  vestigate  the  facts  and  hold  staff  judge  advocate  for  Air
            encounter  with  a  woman  Force  investigation  and  has                              Airmen of any rank account-  Force  Materiel  Command,
            who  gave  him  a  ride  after  a  worked  in  an  administrative  “This  case  clearly  demon-  able  for  their  actions  when  said in a statement.

                          Long-serving US Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah dies at age 88

            (AP) — Orrin G. Hatch, the lon-                                         fending  Justice  Clarence  Thomas  Trump  administration,  willing  to
            gest-serving  Republican  senator  President  Joe  Biden,  whose  served  against sexual harassment allegations  work  with  liberals  to  find  common
            in  history  and  a  fixture  in  Utah  with Hatch in the Senate over three  during confirmation hearings.  ground  and  compromises,”  Harkin
            politics  for  more  than  four  de-  decades, on Sunday described the Re-                                  said.
            cades, has died at age 88.          publican lawmaker as a fighter for the  He later became an ally of Republi-
                                                causes he believed in, but with a soft-  can  President  Donald  Trump,  using  Utah’s Sen. Mike Lee called Hatch “a
            The retired senator’s death Saturday  er  side  including  writing  songs  and  his role as chairman of the powerful  friend, a  mentor and an example to
            was announced in a statement from  poems that he shared with friends.   Senate  Finance  Committee  to  get  a  me and countless others.”
            his foundation, which did not specify                                   major rewrite of U.S. tax codes to the
            a cause.                            “To  serve  with  Orrin,  as  I  did  for  president’s  desk.  In  return,  Trump  Hatch  was  noted  for  a  side  career
                                                over three decades, was to see — and  helped Hatch deliver on a key issue  as a singer and recording artist with
            A  staunch  conservative  on  most  appreciate  —  both,”  Biden  said  in  for Republicans in Utah with a con-  themes  of  his  religious  faith,  The
            economic  and  social  issues,  he  also  a  statement.  “I  saw  that  energetic,  tentious move to drastically downsize  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
            teamed with Democrats several times  sharp-elbowed  Orrin  in  the  many  two national monuments established  Saints.
            during his long career on issues rang-  battles  we  had  over  tax  policy,  the  by past presidents.
            ing from stem cell research to rights  right of workers to join a union, and                                He  is  survived  by  his  wife,  Elaine,
            for people with disabilities to expand-  many others.”                  Hatch  retired  in  2019.  Trump  en-  and their six children.
            ing  children’s  health  insurance.  He                                 couraged  him  to  run  again,  but  the
            formed  friendships  across  the  aisle,  Hatch championed GOP issues like  longtime senator would have faced a  Hatch was elected to the U.S. Senate
            particularly with the late Democratic  abortion limits and helped shape the  tough primary and had promised to  in 1976 and served seven terms to be-
            Sen. Edward M. Kennedy.             U.S.  Supreme  Court,  including  de-  retire. Hatch encouraged Republican  come  the  longest-serving  senator  in
                                                                                    Mitt Romney, a Trump critic, to run  Utah history. He became the Senate
                                                                                    to replace him.                     president pro tempore in 2015 when
                                                                                                                        Republicans took control of the Sen-
                                                                                    “Few men have made their mark on  ate. The position made him third in
                                                                                    the Senate as he did,” Romney wrote  the line of presidential succession be-
                                                                                    in a tribute to his friend and prede-  hind  then-Vice  President  Joe  Biden
                                                                                    cessor, praising his “vision and legis-  and  the  Speaker  of  the  House.  His
                                                                                    lative accomplishment.”             tenure places him as the longest GOP
                                                                                                                        senator, behind several Democrats.
                                                                                    Former  Democratic  Sen.  Tom  Har-
                                                                                    kin of Iowa issued a statement recall-  One  issue  Hatch  returned  to  over
                                                                                    ing Hatch’s help in securing conser-  the course of his career was limiting
                                                                                    vative support for the Americans with  or outlawing abortion, a position that
                                                                                    Disabilities Act in 1990, which Hatch  put him at the center of one of the
                                                                                    would later rank among his most im-  nation’s  most  controversial  issues.
                                                                                    portant accomplishments.            He was the author of a variety of pro-
                                                                                                                        posed  “Hatch  amendments”  to  the
                                                                                    “Orrin  was  always  a  likable  conser-  Constitution  aimed  at  diminishing
                                                                                    vative,  and  until  the  advent  of  the  the availability of abortions.
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