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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 25 aPRil 2022

                       Sanctions hit Russian economy, although Putin says otherwise

            (AP)    —    Nearly    two  “The  government  wants  to  — as a sign of sanctions hav-
            months  into  the  Russian-  paint  a  picture  that  things  ing an effect.
            Ukraine war, the Kremlin  are not as bad as they actually
            has  taken  extraordinary  are,” said Michael Alexeev, an  — Moscow’s mayor says the
            steps to blunt an econom-    economics professor at Indi-  city is looking at 200,000 job
            ic  counteroffensive  from  ana University who has stud-  losses  from  foreign  compa-
            the West. While Russia can  ied  Russia’s  economy  in  its  nies  shutting  down  opera-
            claim  some  symbolic  vic-  transition  after  the  collapse  tions.  More  than  300  com-
            tories,  the  full  impact  of  of the Soviet Union.      panies  have  pulled  out,  and
            Western sanctions is start-                               international  supply  chains
            ing to be felt in very real  A  closer  look,  however,  have largely shut down after
            ways.                        shows that the sanctions are  container  company  Maersk,
                                         taking  a  bite  out  of  Russia’s  UPS, DHL and other trans-
            As  the  West  moved  to  cut  economy:                   portation firms exited Russia.
            off Russia’s access to its for-  —  The  country  is  endur-
            eign  reserves,  limit  imports  ing  its  worst  bout  of  infla-  — Russia is facing a historic
            of key technologies and take  tion in two decades. Rosstat,  default  on  its  bonds,  which  distress, such as higher infla-  because  of  the  extraordinary
            other  restrictive  actions,  the  the  state’s  economic  statis-  will likely freeze the country  tion,  a  decline  in  industrial  lengths the Kremlin has tak-
            Kremlin    launched   some  tics agency, said inflation last  out  of  the  debt  markets  for  production  and  a  slowdown  en to prop it up. In addition,
            drastic  measures  to  protect  month hit 17.3%, the highest  years.                   in economic growth.          its  largest  sector  —  oil  and
            the economy. Those includ-   level since 2002. By compari-                                                          gas  —  is  largely  unencum-
            ed hiking interest rates to as  son,  the  International  Mon-  Meanwhile, Treasury officials  “The  things  that  we  should  bered due to European, Chi-
            high as 20%, instituting capi-  etary Fund expects consumer  and most economists urge pa-  be  looking  for  to  see  if  the  nese  and  Indian  reliance  on
            tal controls and forcing Rus-  prices  in  developing  coun-  tience,  saying  that  sanctions  sanctions  are  working  are,  Russian energy.
            sian business to convert their  tries to rise 8.7% this year, up  take months to have their full  frankly, not easy to see yet,”
            profits into rubles.         from 5.9% last year.         effect. If Russia can’t get ap-  said David Feldman, a profes-  Benjamin  Hilgenstock  and
                                                                      propriate amounts of capital,  sor of economics at William  Elina  Ribakova,  economists
            As  a  result,  the  value  of  the  —  Some  Russian  compa-  parts  or  supplies  over  time,  &  Mary  in  Virginia.  “We’ll  with the Institute of Interna-
            ruble  has  recovered  after  an  nies  have  been  forced  to  that will cause even more fac-  be  looking  for  the  price  of  tional  Finance,  estimated  in
            initial  plunge,  and  last  week  shut  down.  Several  reports  tories and businesses to shut  goods, the quantity of goods  a  report  released  last  month
            the central bank reversed part  say a tank manufacturer had  down, leading to higher un-  they  are  producing  and  the  that if the European Union,
            of  its  interest  rate  increase.  to  stop  production  due  to  a  employment.      quality  of  goods.  The  last  Britain and the U.S. were to
            Russian  President  Vladimir  lack  of  parts.  U.S.  officials                        being the hardest to see and  ban  Russian  oil  and  natural
            Putin  felt  emboldened  and  point  to  the  closing  of  Lada  It took nearly an entire year  probably the last to appear.”  gas,  the  Russian  economy
            proclaimed — evoking World  auto plants — a brand made  after  Russia  was  sanctioned                              could  contract  more  than
            War  II  imagery  —  that  the  by the Russian company Av-  for seizing Ukraine’s Crimea  Transparency into how sanc-  20%  this  year.  Current  pro-
            country  had  withstood  the  tovaz and majority-owned by  peninsula in 2014 for its eco-  tions are affecting the Russian  jections forecast  a 15% con-
            West’s “blitz” of sanctions.  French  automaker  Renault  nomic data to show signs of  economy  is  limited,  largely  traction.

                            10 found dead after Japan tour boat with 26 aboard sinks

            (AP) — Rescuers said that 10 peo-   sinking. The location, near the Kas-                                    from  the  sea,  while  others  were
            ple  who  were  retrieved  Sunday  huni Waterfall, is known as a difficult  The  Transport  Ministry  launched  washed onto the rocky coast.
            from the frigid sea and the rocky  place  to  maneuver  boats  because  of  an  investigation  into  the  boat’s  op-
            coast of a northern Japanese na-    its rocky coastline and strong tide.  erator, which had two accidents last  An  orange-colored,  square-shaped
            tional park had died, a day after                                       year. The ministry said it was looking  lifesaving float with the boat’s name
            a tour boat with 26 aboard appar-   There were two crew and 24 passen-  into safety standards and the decision  on it was also found near the rocks,
            ently sank in rough waters, trig-   gers, including two children, on the  to  conduct  the  tour  despite  rough  the coast guard said.
            gering  questions  why  it  was  al-  the 19-ton Kazu 1 when it ran into  weather on Saturday.
            lowed to sail.                      troubles while traveling off the west-                                  Footage on public broadcaster NHK
                                                ern coast of the Shiretoko Peninsula.  The  operator,  Shiretoko  Pleasure  showed one of the victims arriving on
            The search for the others is still on-  The coast guard said the 10 victims  Cruise,  had  been  instructed  to  take  a helicopter and being transferred to
            going after the boat sent a distress call  —  seven  men  and  three  women  —  steps  to  improve  its  safety  follow-  an ambulance on a stretcher. Rescu-
            on Saturday afternoon saying it was  were adults.                       ing earlier accidents in which it ran  ers held up blue plastic shields to pro-
                                                                                    aground  in  June  without  causing  tect the victim’s privacy.
                                                                                    injuries,  and  another  in  May,  when
                                                                                    three passengers suffered minor inju-  The  sightseeing  vessel  made  an
                                                                                    ries when the boat collided with an  emergency  call  early  Saturday  after-
                                                                                    object.                             noon, saying its bow had flooded and
                                                                                                                        that it was beginning to sink and tilt,
                                                                                    “We will thoroughly investigate what  the coast guard said. Contact with the
                                                                                    caused this situation and what kind of  boat  had  since  been  lost.  The  coast
                                                                                    safety oversight was involved to allow  guard  said  the  operator  told  them
                                                                                    the tour in order to prevent another  that everyone on the boat was wear-
                                                                                    accident,” Transport Minister Tetsuo  ing a life vest, but some of the victims
                                                                                    Saito,  who  visited  the  area  Sunday,  found were without them.
                                                                                    told reporters.
                                                                                                                        Average  April  sea  temperatures  in
                                                                                    Following an intensive search involv-  Shiretoko  National  Park  are  just
                                                                                    ing six patrol boats, several aircraft and  above  freezing,  which  experts  say
                                                                                    divers  that  went  through  the  night,  would cause hypothermia.
                                                                                    rescuers on early Sunday found four
                                                                                    people near the tip of Shiretoko Pen-  “It’s a very severe condition especial-
                                                                                    insula and later six more in the same  ly when they are wet,” Jun Abe, vice
                                                                                    area, about 14 kilometers (8.7 miles)  chairman of the Society of Water Res-
                                                                                    north from where the boat sent a dis-  cue and Survival Research, told TBS
                                                                                    tress call. Some of them were plucked  TV.
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