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u.s. news Dialuna 16 november 2020
Trump seems to acknowledge Biden win, but he won’t concede
(AP) — President Don- The American people did of the lawsuits have been
ald Trump on Sunday ap- that.” thrown out and none has in-
peared to acknowledge A Republican governor said cluded any evidence that the
for the first time that Joe “it was good actually” to see outcome might be reversed.
Biden won the White Trump's tweet that Biden
House, but made clear he won. “I think that’s the start Nearly two weeks after Elec-
would not concede and of an acknowledgment. ... We tion Day, Trump has neither
would keep trying to over- want to make sure that there called Biden nor made a for-
turn the election result. is a smooth transition,” said mal concession, and White
Trump's statements came Arkansas' Asa Hutchinson on House officials have insisted
in tweets that included NBC. that they are preparing for a
several baseless claims second term.
about the Nov. 3 vote, The president has previously In recent days, Trump ap-
which state and federal refused to accept the results peared to be inching closer to
officials say was safe and of the election and, in a later acknowledging the reality of
secure. tweet Sunday, he dug in again, his loss. In comments Friday
saying, “I concede NOTH- in the Rose Garden about a ”There is no evidence that Republican voters are only
Trump, without using ING! We have a long way to coronavirus vaccine, Trump any voting system deleted hearing Donald Trump’s
Biden's name, tweeted that go.” Even while seemingly said his administration would or lost votes, changed votes, misrepresentations, it’s not
“He won,” something Trump acknowledging Biden’s vic- “not be going to a lockdown” or was in any way compro- surprising that they believe
had not said before publicly, tory, he also argued without to slow the spread of COV- mised." it," Bolton said on ABC's
though he said the Demo- evidence that the former vice ID-19, and added that “what- “This Week." “It’s critical for
crat's victory was only “in president only won because ever happens in the future, In his latest fundraising other Republican leaders to
the eyes” of the media. Biden the election was “rigged.” who knows which adminis- email, Trump told support- stand up and explain what
defeated Trump by winning Trump then made unsub- tration it will be? I guess time ers that “we are fighting to actually happened. Donald
back a trio of Midwestern stantiated complaints about will tell.” ensure EVERY SINGLE LE- Trump lost what by any evi-
battleground states: Michi- access for poll watchers and GAL ballot is counted” and dence we have so far was a
gan, Wisconsin and Penn- about vote tabulations and Trump on Sunday renewed that he had "legal teams on free and fair election."
sylvania, and topped the 270 asserted, “WE WILL WIN!” his groundless attacks on an the ground in every critical
electoral vote threshold to Twitter soon posted warning election technology firm, state.” Having none of that was
clinch the presidency. Biden labels about the tweets. Dominion Voting Systems, Rudy Giuliani, the presi-
so far has 77.5 million votes, without evidence of any se- John Bolton, a former Trump dent's personal attorney who
the most ever by a winning There has been no wide- rious irregularities. Domin- national security adviser, said is helping lead Trump's na-
candidate, to Trump's 72.3 spread fraud in the 2020 elec- ion has said it “denies claims it was important for party tional legal front on the elec-
million. tion. In fact, election officials about any vote switching or leaders to explain to voters tion challenge. In a televi-
from both political parties alleged software issues with that Trump did lose and that sion appearance that Trump
“If the president’s prepared have stated publicly that the our voting systems.” his claims of election fraud previewed on Twitter after
to begin to recognize that re- election went well and inter- The Cybersecurity & Infra- are baseless. Bolton left the his morning tweets, Giuliani
ality, that’s positive,” Biden's national observers confirmed structure Security Agency, a administration last year. He denied Trump was conceding
incoming chief of staff, Ron there were no serious irregu- federal agency that oversees says he resigned; Trump says — “No, no, no, far from it.”
Klain told NBC's “Meet larities. U.S. election security, said in he fired Bolton.
the Press.” Still, Klain said, a statement last week that the “I guess,'' Giuliani told Fox
“Donald Trump’s Twitter Trump’s campaign has tried “November 3rd election was “I think as every day goes by, News Channel's ”Sunday
feed doesn’t make Joe Biden to mount legal challenges the most secure in American it’s clearer and clearer there Morning Futures," “you
president or not president. across the country, but many history.” The agency said, isn’t any evidence. But if the would call it sarcastic.”
Key role for Black policy leaders on Biden’s transition team
(AP) — Black policy lead- “The agency review process The makeup of the teams is people in the fold.” Biden’s administration to cre-
ers will play a pivotal role will help lay the foundation a sign that Biden is focused ate more progressive policies
in President-elect Joe for meeting these challenges on rewarding Black voters for Many of the review team ap- on criminal justice, housing,
Biden’s transition, mark- on Day One," said Tony Al- their support in the election. pointees are graduates of his- the economy and more.
ing one of the most di- len, a transition advisory Black voters powered Biden torically Black colleges and
verse agency review teams board member and president and his running mate, Cali- universities. Black Lives Matter co-found-
in history. of historically Black Dela- fornia Sen. Kamala Harris, to They include Charmion er Patrisse Cullors, in a let-
ware State University. “We victory in critical states such Kinder, who will help lead ter this week, congratulated
Of the 500-plus team mem- are building a team to reflect as Michigan and Pennsylva- or guide transition efforts at Biden and Harris on their
bers announced this week, America and these Black nia. the Commerce Department. victory and sought a meet-
more than half are women, leaders are dedicated experts They were also instrumental Kinder was a White House ing to discuss “commitments
and Black men and women in their fields.” in Georgia, a longtime GOP press aide to first lady Mi- that must be made to Black
are leading more than one- bastion where Biden holds a chelle Obama and served as a people.”
quarter of the teams. The teams announced by narrow lead. public affairs appointee at the
Biden this week will lay departments of Commerce “Without the resounding
The diversity is significant much of the groundwork so “The Biden coalition owes and Housing and Urban De- support of Black people, we
because the teams will be re- the thousands of new staff- a debt to Black folks,” said velopment. would be saddled with a very
sponsible for evaluating the ers and appointees starting Niambi Carter, a Howard Patrice Simms will lead the different electoral outcome,”
operations of federal agen- work in January will have a University political science transition effort for the Envi- Cullors wrote. “In short,
cies that have a broad impact road map and guidelines for professor. “Black people ronmental Protection Agen- Black people won this elec-
on Americans' lives. And it's how to continue the federal helped them survive the pri- cy. He is a prominent envi- tion. … We want to be heard
especially important because government’s work without mary and then in this election ronmental attorney and legal and our agenda to be priori-
Biden will take office at a pause. The teams face hur- cycle they showed up in key scholar who was a deputy as- tized. We issue these expecta-
time when the United States dles because President Don- states like Georgia, Michigan, sistant attorney general in the tions not just because Black
is confronting a historic pan- ald Trump has yet to publicly Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Obama Justice Department's people are the most consis-
demic, joblessness and police acknowledge Biden’s victory that really pulled Joe Biden environment and natural re- tent and reliable voters for
brutality -- crises that have and his administration has over the line. So absolutely, I sources division. Democrats, but also because
disparately impacted Black prevented a formal start to think this is an attempt by not Black people are truly living
Americans. the transition. just Biden but also the Dem- Civil rights leaders and ac- in crisis in a nation that was
ocratic Party to keep Black tivists have pledged to push built on our subjugation.