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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 16 november 2020

                         Bound despite Brexit: Prince Charles hails UK-Germany ties

            (AP)  —  Prince  Charles                                                              composer  George  Frideric  evolving, once again,” he be-
            called  Sunday  for  Britain                                                          Handel’s music being played  lieved the two countries “will
            and  Germany  to  remem-                                                              at British royal coronations.  always  be  friends,  partners
            ber  their  long  and  close                                                          “We  are  heavily  invested  in  and allies.”
            ties,  reaffirmed  by  the                                                            each  other’s  futures,  such  The  ceremony  in  parlia-
            nations'    reconciliation                                                            that  our  national  interests,  ment included a rendition of
            after  two  world  wars,  as                                                          whilst  distinct,  will  always  Beethoven's Ninth Sympho-
            the  U.K.  tries  to  find  its                                                       be  entwined,"  Charles  said  ny, the "Ode to Joy," which is
            place  outside  —  but  also                                                          in German, before switching  the official anthem of the EU
            alongside — the European                                                              to  English  and  stating  that  and also the 47-nation Coun-
            Union.                                                                                "Our  countries  are  instinc-  cil of Europe that Britain re-
                                                                                                  tive  problem  solvers  work-  mains a member of.
            Charles' appeal during a visit                                                        ing  together  to  find  innova-  Earlier  Sunday,  Charles  and
            to Berlin to attend Germany’s                                                         tive and practical solutions to  Camilla  observed  the  tradi-
            traditional  day  of  remem-                                                          the challenges we see in the  tional wreath laying ceremo-
            brance  was  part  of  Britain’s                                                      world around us.”            ny  at  Berlin's  Neue  Wache.
            diplomatic  outreach  to  Eu-                                                         Describing the two countries  Originally  designed  as  a  site
            rope's biggest economy, days  Charles  arrived  in  Berlin  stag, Queen Elizabeth II’s el-  as having a “natural position  to commemorate those who
            before  a  deadline  to  strike  a  late Saturday on a freshly re-  dest son noted such personal  of allies and friends,” Charles  died in the Napoleonic Wars,
            post-Brexit deal with the EU.  branded  U.K.  government  bonds,  as  well  as  the  close  drew  on  English  poet  John  it is now Germany's Central
                                         plane with his wife Camilla,  diplomatic, cultural and eco-  Donne's words that “no man  Memorial for the Victims of
            There  is  growing  anxiety  in  the  Duchess  of  Cornwall.  nomic links between the two  is  an  island”  to  argue  that  War and Tyranny.
            London that Britain may find  They  were  welcomed  on  countries  going  back  centu-  “one  might  equally  submit  Steinmeier, who was Germa-
            itself without favorable access  their  first  foreign  trip  since  ries, and which were revived  that  no  country  is  really  an  ny's  foreign  minister  when
            to its biggest trading partner  the start of the pandemic by  after  the  enmity  of  World  island  either,  other  than  in  Britain held a referendum on
            when a transition agreement  Britain's  new  ambassador  Wars I and II.               the wholly literal sense” — a  Brexit in 2016 before assum-
            with  the  EU  expires  at  the  to  Berlin,  Jill  Gallard,  who                     clear reference to Britain's in-  ing  the  largely  ceremonial
            end of the year.             tweeted that the prince was a  “Our people have prospered  sular geography.           role as head of state a year lat-
            “As  our  countries  begin  this  “true friend of Germany.”  from  one  another  through  "Our histories bind us tightly  er, has in the past dismissed
            new  chapter  in  our  long  On  Sunday,  the  royal  cou-  commerce  since  the  Han-  together  and  our  destinies,  British Prime Minister Boris
            history  let  us  reaffirm  reaf-  ple  were  received  by  Ger-  seatic  League  established  a  although  each  our  own  to  Johnson's efforts to renegoti-
            firm  our  bond  for  the  years  man  President  Frank-Walter  trading  relationship  which  forge, are interdependent to a  ate existing agreements with
            ahead,” Charles said during a  Steinmeier and his wife, Elke  continues to drive our shared  considerable degree,” he said.  the EU.
            speech at the German parlia-  Buedenbender,  at  Bellevue  prosperity," Charles said.                              Charles, 72, was exempt due
            ment. "And let us reflect on  Palace.  The  palace  was  built  “However,  the  relationship  The  heir  apparent,  who  has  to  the  diplomatic  nature  of
            all that we have been through  in  the  late  18th  century  by  between  us  has  always  been  visited  Germany  more  than  his trip from Germany's rules
            together and all that we have  Prince  Augustus  Ferdinand  so much more than a trans-  30 times since 1962, said that  requiring  him  to  go  into
            learned.”                    of Prussia, to whom Charles  action," he added, citing Ger-  while  Britain  “has  chosen  a  quarantine  on  arrival  from
                                         is  distantly  related  through  mans’  love  for  Shakespeare  future outside the European  Britain. The prince has him-
            Wearing  masks  and  the  cus-  his family's German line.  and  English  gardens,  and  Union  and  the  relationship  self recovered from a corona-
            tomary remembrance poppy,  In his speech to the Bunde-    the  fixture  of  German-born  between  our  countries  is  virus infection in March.

                        Ray Clemence, former Liverpool goalkeeping great, dies at 72

            (AP)  —  Ray  Clemence,  clubs.”                          Sven-Goran  Eriksson,  for
            the   former    Liverpool,  Clemence made 61 England  whom Clemence was a goal-
            Tottenham  and  England  appearances  and  was  a  rival  keeping  coach  for  the  na-
            goalkeeper,  has  died.  He  for the No. 1 shirt with Pe-  tional  team,  paid  a  glowing
            was 72.                      ter Shilton, who accumulated  tribute.
                                         125 caps.
            The  Football  Association                                “As  a  player  he  was  one  of
            confirmed the news Sunday.  England  players  will  now  the  best  ever,  to  work  to-
            Clemence  had  been  living  wear black armbands during  gether  with  him  was  fantas-
            with  advanced  prostate  can-  their  Nations  League  game  tic, which was why I was very
            cer since 2005.              in  Belgium  on  Sunday  eve-  keen to keep him when I was
                                         ning  and  will  pay  tribute  to  manager of England,” he told
            Clemence, one of the great-  Clemence  before  Wednes-    Sky Sports.
            est English goalkeepers of his  day’s match against Iceland at  Clemence is survived by his
            generation, won three Euro-  Wembley.                     wife  Veronica,  son  Stephen
            pean  Cups  and  five  top-tier                           —  a  former  player  him-
            league titles during a trophy-  An  18,000  pound  ($23,000)  self and now a coach — and
            laden spell at Liverpool.    signing  from  Scunthorpe  by  daughters Sarah and Julie.
            Current  Liverpool  manager  Bill Shankly, Clemence was a
            Jürgen  Klopp  hailed  Clem-  key member of the Liverpool  “With  great  sadness,  we
            ence as “one  of the founda-  team that dominated Europe  write  to  let  you  know  that
            tion stones” upon which the  between 1977 and 1981, and  Ray  Clemence  passed  away
            club’s success had been built.  also  picked  up  two  UEFA  peacefully today, surrounded
                                         Cups,  an  FA  Cup  and  the  by  his  loving  family,”  said  a
            “This is an extremely sad mo-  League Cup.                statement  from  the  Clem-
            ment for everyone associated                              ence  family.  “After  fighting
            with Liverpool FC and we, as  At  Tottenham,  which  he  so hard, for such a long time,
            the  current  team  and  man-  joined in 1981 aged 32 for a  he’s now at peace and in no  by the passing of one of the  family and many friends."
            agement,  send  all  our  love  fee  of  then  300,000  pounds  more pain."           greatest  ever  goalkeepers,  Tottenham tweeted: “We are
            to  the  family,”  Klopp  told  ($390,000),  he  won  another                         Ray Clemence. The thoughts  deeply saddened to report the
    “We  should  UEFA Cup and FA Cup.       Liverpool  paid  tribute  to  of everyone at Liverpool   passing  of  legendary  former
            never forget it is great players                          its  player,  saying  on  Twit-                          goalkeeper Ray Clemence."
            who  make  great  teams  and  Former  England  manager  ter:  “We’re  deeply  saddened  Football Club are with Ray’s
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