Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20201116
P. 30
A30 world news
Dialuna 16 november 2020
500 reported arrested in Belarus protests
carried placards in commem-
oration of Raman Bandaren-
ka, an opposition supporter
who died Thursday after re-
portedly being beaten in po-
lice detention.
A wide wave of protests, some
attracting more than 100,000
people, broke out following
the Aug. 9 presidential elec-
tion that official results say
gave Lukashenko a sixth term
in office. The opposition and
some poll workers say the re-
sults were manipulated.
(AP) — A human rights enko to step down. police wielded clubs and tentions at demonstrations Lukashenko, who has sup-
pressed opposition and in-
group in Belarus said used tear gas and water can- in other cities, including
more than 500 people The Sunday demonstra- nons to disperse thousands of Vitebsk and Gomel. It said dependent media during 26
years in power, refuses to
were arrested in protests tions continued the wave of demonstrators. the nationwide arrest num-
around the country call- near-daily protests that have bers exceeded 500. negotiate with the opposition
and alleges the protests are
ing for authoritarian Pres- gripped Belarus since early The Viasna human rights
ident Alexander Lukash- August. In the capital Minsk, organization reported de- Many of the demonstrators incited by Western countries.
Algerian president finishes virus treatment, undergoes tests
(AP) — Algerian Presi- and is currently undergoing Prior to his hospitalization,
dent Abdelmadjid Teb- medical tests.” several senior officials in the
boune has finished his president’s entourage had
treatment for COVID-19 The statement didn't provide developed COVID-19 symp-
in an undisclosed location details about his condition or toms, and Tebboune had
in Germany, and is under- his location, or indicate when been placed in what the gov-
going medical tests, his of- Tebboune might return to ernment called “voluntary
fice said Sunday. Algeria. preventive confinement.”
Amid growing concern in Al- Tebboune was sent to an Al- Tebboune was elected in De-
geria about the 74-year-old gerian military hospital last cember to replace longtime
president’s health, his office month and then transferred leader Abdelaziz Bouteflika,
issued a statement Sunday to Germany in a special med- who was pushed out of office
saying: “The medical team ical plane on Oct. 28. His by pro-democracy protesters
accompanying him confirms office initially didn't explain backed by the powerful army
that the president has com- the reason for the move, but chief.
pleted the recommended confirmed a week later that Algeria has reported 2,139 vi-
treatment protocol after hav- he had the virus. rus-related deaths and more
ing contracted COVID-19, than 66,000 infections.
French Catholics protest for end to lockdown on Mass
to local broadcaster France tionwide partial lockdown he said he would meet Mon-
Bleu. Similar gatherings were measures aimed at reining in day with religious leaders to
reported or planned in the infections and relieving pres- discuss how the government
eastern city of Strasbourg, sure on hospitals. Churches may eventually open up ser-
Bordeaux in the southwest, and other religious sites re- vices again, notably amid
and outside the Saint-Louis main open for individual vis- pressure to allow in-person
Cathedral in Versailles. itors to come and pray. Christmas celebrations.
Devout Catholics sang The vicar general of the Paris One of France’s earliest vi-
hymns and protested for archdiocese, Benoist de Si- rus clusters was traced to an
hours Friday at the land- nety, urged churchgoers to evangelical religious gather-
mark Saint-Sulpice Church respect the rules, saying Sun- ing near Strasbourg in Febru-
on the Left Bank of Paris at a day on BFM television that ary. The region’s ensuing out-
similar demonstration — but such protests “aren’t useful.” break quickly overwhelmed
Paris police said the protest However he called Mass “a hospitals, forcing France to
didn’t respect social distanc- vital necessity” and called it send patients to neighboring
ing and violated an order a kind of “suffering to not be Germany and Switzerland
against praying in the streets, able to go.” for treatment and prompting
so they banned a similar rally the French military to build
planned for Sunday. While France is seeing signs its first-ever peacetime field
(AP) — With banners sures to allow religious that the current surge may hospital to relieve saturated
reading “Let us Pray” and services. With more confirmed virus be reaching its peak, Interior facilities.
“We Want Mass,” Catholic cases in than any other Euro- Minister Gerald Darmanin To date, France has reported
protesters held scattered In the western city of Nantes, pean country, predominant- appealed to believers to watch 44,246 virus-related deaths,
demonstrations around hundreds gathered in front ly Roman Catholic France services online and avoid and today COVID-19 pa-
France on Sunday to de- of a statue of the Virgin Mary, banned Mass and other reli- public gatherings while the tients occupy 96% of the
mand that authorities re- some kneeling on the rain- gious services for the month lockdown is place. In a state- country's standard intensive
lax virus lockdown mea- soaked pavement, according of November as part of na- ment published on Twitter, care unit capacity.