Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20210716
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obituario/u.s. news Diabierna 16 Juli 2021
California approves 1st state-funded
guaranteed income plan
(AP) — California lawmakers on Thursday
approved the first state-funded guaranteed
income plan in the U.S., $35 million for
monthly cash payments to qualifying preg-
M i n o a m u ri , p es e y m i n o a b i sa a yo . nant people and young adults who recently
M i a d j i s h a b r i m i h a l a n a n y b u l a b a i
k ei ro . left foster care with no restrictions on how
Bo so a k ed a a t ra s. No l a g a t ri st esa they spend it.
d o m i n a b o so .
Ked a u n i u n cu o t ro p a m i a lm a . The votes — 36-0 in the Senate and 64-0 in the
Es ey l o t a u n a l eg ri a .
Re co rd a m i cu h o p i a m o r.
C u i n me n s o t ri st es a y d ol o r n a n o s
c u ra s o n, p e r o c o nf o r me c u b ol u n t a d d i
Di os , n os t a a n u n ci a f ay ec i me n t o di n o s
es p o s a, ma m a , o ma y r u ma n sti ma :
Assembly — showed bipartisan support for an
idea that is gaining momentum across the coun-
try. Dozens of local programs have sprung up in
Maar ik mag door Uw grote liefde Uw recent years, including some that have been pri-
huis binnengaan, van ontzag vervuld vately funded, making it easier for elected officials
mij buigen naar Uw heilige tempel. to sell the public on the idea.
Leidt mij langs mijn belagers, HEER, California’s plan is taxpayer-funded, and could
door Uw gerechtigheid, maak effen de spur other states to follow its lead.
weg die U mij wijst.
Glenda B eatriz Kro zendij k
e/ v d e S o u s a F e rn an d es P ern a Psalmen 5:8–9 (NBV) “If you look at the stats for our foster youth, they
*1 8 j an u a ri 1 9 5 3 – † 1 3 j u l i 2 0 2 1 are devastating,” Senate Republican Leader Scott
Wilk said. “We should be doing all we can to lift
Treur niet om mij, maar gedenk mij
ACTO DI ENTIERO LO W ORDO met een glimlach, want er is nog these young people up.”
ANUNCIA DESPUES zoveel licht. Veeg de tranen uit je Local governments and organizations will apply
ogen. for the money and run their programs. The state
Breng een lach op je gezicht. Department of Social Services will decide who
gets funding. California lawmakers left it up to lo-
Met diepleedwezen maken wij bekend cal officials to determine the size of the monthly
dat van ons is heengegaan, onze lieve payments, which generally range from $500 to
moeder, schoonmoeder, grootmoeder, $1,000 in existing programs around the country.
overgrootmoeder en
betovergrootmoeder: The vote came on the same day millions of par-
ents began receiving their first monthly payments
under a temporary expansion of the federal child
tax credit many view as a form of guaranteed in-
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. come.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters. He “Now there is momentum, things are moving
restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths quickly,” said Michael Tubbs, an advisor to Gov.
of righteousness for His name's sake. Gavin Newsom, who was a trailblazer when he
instituted a guaranteed income program as mayor
With deep sorrow we announce the passing of of Stockton. “The next stop is the federal govern-
our beloved:
For decades, most government assistance pro-
grams have had strict rules about how the money
could be spent, usually limiting benefits to things
like food or housing. But a guaranteed income
Wilma Gertrude van Ree op de program gives money to people with no rules on
gezegende leeftijd van 90 jaar. how to spend it. The idea is to reduce the stresses
Weduwe van Franklin Pinas of poverty that cause health problems and make it
harder for people to find and keep work.
Wijlen Roy van Ree, “It changes the philosophy from ‘big brother gov-
Ernand van der Kuyp, ernment knows what’s best for you,’” said state
Sen. Dave Cortese, a Democrat from San Jose.
Roland van der Kuyp “We’ve been very prescriptive with that popu-
en Henna van der Kuyp. lation as a state and as counties go. Look at the
met hun gezinnen. failure. Half of them don’t get their high school
Beryl Yvonne Illidge Duinkerk De gelegenheid tot afscheid nemen en diplomas, let alone advance like other people their
*01-12-1934 age.”
†15-07-2021 de crematie vindt plaats op zaterdag
17 Juli 2021 van 09:00 a.m. –11:00 But critics like Republican Assemblyman Vince
Funeral will be held on Tuesday July 20 a.m. in het crematorium Aurora. Fong of Bakersfield say guaranteed income pro-
2021 from 9am to 11 am at the Methodist Adres : Cumana #76 grams “undermine incentives to work and in-
Church in San Nicolaas crease dependence on government.”