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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 16 Juli 2021

                           China says US measures on Xinjiang threaten global trade

            (AP)  —  China’s  govern-                                 rity and stability of the global  In  unusually  forceful  lan-  and  materials  to  make  solar
            ment  rejected  U.S.  ac-                                 industrial  chain  and  supply  guage, they said Beijing car-  panels  from  companies  sus-
            cusations  of  forced  labor                              chain,” he said. “China firm-  ries out “genocide and crimes  pected of using forced labor.
            in  Xinjiang  and  accused                                ly opposes it.”              against  humanity”  in  Xinji-
            Washington  on  Thursday                                                               ang including imprisonment,  Beijing  retaliated  by  an-
            of  hurting  global  trade                                Gao  gave  no  indication  of  torture, rape, forced steriliza-  nouncing  unspecified  pen-
            after lawmakers endorsed                                  possible Chinese retaliation.  tion, forced labor and “draco-  alties  against  American  and
            import  curbs  and  Ameri-                                                             nian  restrictions”  on  move-  European officials, a Europe-
            can    companies      were   has  blocked  some  imports,   The latest measure approved  ment and religion.         an think tank and two Euro-
            warned  they  face  legal    while Beijing has whipped up   Wednesday by the U.S. Sen-                              pean  researchers  who  study
            risks  if  they  do  business   Chinese  consumer  anger  at   ate  would  block  imports  of  Chinese  officials  deny  accu-  Xinjiang.
            with the region.             brands  that  express  concern   goods made with forced labor  sations of abuses in Xinjiang.
                                         about possible forced labor.  in Xinjiang. The bill requires  They  say  the  camps  are  for  State TV called for a boycott
            The  measures  add  to  rising                            approval from the House of  job  training  and  combating  of  Swedish  retailer  H&M
            pressure  on  companies  that   “The so-called human rights   Representatives.         radicalism.                  after  it  joined  other  brands
            buy  clothing,  cotton,  toma-  and  forced  labor  issues  in                                                      in  expressing  concern  about
            toes  and  other  goods  from   Xinjiang  are  completely  in-  On Tuesday, the Commerce  Washington  and  the  Euro-  reports  of  forced  labor  in
            Xinjiang,  where  the  rul-  consistent  with  the  facts,”   Department  and  five  other  pean  Union  have  imposed  Xinjiang.  State  media  have
            ing  Communist  Party  is  ac-  said a Ministry of Commerce   agencies  warned  companies  travel and financial sanctions  publicized  calls  by  individ-
            cused  of  holding  more  than   spokesman, Gao Feng.     with  ties  to  the  region  they  on Chinese officials accused  ual  Chinese  for  boycotts  of
            1 million members of mostly                               “run  a  high  risk”  of  violat-  of  abuses  in  Xinjiang.  The  Nike,  Adidas,  Uniqlo  and
            Muslim ethnic groups in de-  “The U.S. approach has seri-  ing  U.S.  laws  against  forced  United  States  has  blocked  other global shoe and cloth-
            tention  camps.  Washington   ously  undermined  the  secu-  labor.                    imports  of  cotton,  tomatoes  ing brands.

                          India internet law adds to fears over online speech, privacy

            (AP)  —  It  began  in  Feb-  him.                        easier for the government to  government has also worked  vacy  and  security  concerns
            ruary with a tweet by pop                                 order social media platforms  closely  with  the  social  me-  comes amid a global push for
            star Rihanna that sparked  On  Wednesday,  the  com-      with over 5 million users to  dia  giant  to  allow  Indians  more  data  transparency  and
            widespread     condemna-     pany released a transparency  take  down  content  that  is  to  use  Twitter  to  seek  help  localization,  said  Kolla,  the
            tion  of  Indian  Prime  report  showing  India  had  deemed  unlawful.  Individu-     from government ministries,  tech expert.
            Minister  Narendra  Mo-      submitted  most  government  als now can request that com-  particularly  during  health
            di’s  handling  of  massive  information  requests  --  le-  panies  remove  material.  If  a  emergencies. Bharatiya Jana-  Germany requires social me-
            farmer  protests  near  the  gal demands for account in-  government  ministry  flags  ta  Party’s  social  media  team  dia companies to devote local
            capital, souring an already  formation  --  to  Twitter.  It  content as illegal or harmful  has meanwhile been accused  staff and data storage to curb-
            troubled  relationship  be-  accounted  for  a  quarter  of  it must be removed within 36  of  initiating  online  attacks  ing  hate  speech.  Countries
            tween  the  government  worldwide  requests  in  July-  hours. Noncompliance could  against critics of Modi.        like Vietnam and Pakistan are
            and Twitter.                 December last year.          lead to criminal prosecutions.                            drafting legislation similar to
                                                                                                   Still,  earlier  internet  restric-  India’s. In Turkey, social me-
            Moving to contain the back-  It  was  the  first  time  since  Tech  companies  also  must  tions  had  already  prompted  dia companies complied with
            lash, officials hit Twitter with  Twitter started publishing the  assign  staff  to  answer  com-  the  Washington-based  Free-  a broad mandate for remov-
            multiple injunctions to block  report in 2012 that the U.S.  plaints  from  users,  respond  dom House to list India, the  ing  content  only  after  they
            hundreds  of  tweets  critical  was  displaced  as  the  “top  to  government  requests  and  world’s  most  populous  de-  were fined and faced threats
            of  the  government.  Twitter  global requester,” it added.  ensure  overall  compliance  mocracy,  as  “partly  free”  in-  to their ad revenues.
            complied with some and re-                                with the rules.              stead  of  “free”  in  its  annual
            sisted others.               “India’s  plans  for  the  inter-                         analysis.                    Instead of leaving, some com-
                                         net appear to be like that of  Twitter missed a three-month                            panies  are  fighting  the  new
            Relations  between  Twitter  a closed ecosystem like Chi-  deadline  in  May,  drawing  a  The  law  announced  in  Feb-  rules in the courts, where at
            and Modi’s government have  na,”  said  Raheel  Khursheed,  strong rebuke from the Delhi  ruary  requires  tech  compa-  least 13 legal challenges have
            gone downhill ever since.    co-founder of Laminar Glob-  High Court. Last week, after  nies  to  aid  police  investiga-  been  filed  by  news  publish-
                                         al and Twitter India’s former  months of haggling with the  tions  and  help  identify  peo-  ers,  media  associations  and
            At the heart of the standoff is  head  of  Politics,  Policy  and  government, it appointed all  ple  who  post  “mischievous  individuals.  But  such  cases
            a sweeping internet law that  Government. “Twitter’s case  three officers as required.  information.”  That  means  can  stretch  for  months  or
            puts  digital  platforms  like  is the basis of a touchstone on                        messages  must  be  traceable,  even years.
            Twitter  and  Facebook  under  how the future of the inter-  Apar Gupta, executive direc-  and experts say this it could
            direct government oversight.  net will be shaped in India.”  tor  of  the  Internet  Freedom  mean end-to-end encryption  Mishi Choudhary, a technol-
            Officials  say  the  rules  are                           Foundation,  says  he  worries  would not be allowed in In-  ogy lawyer and founder of In-
            needed to quell misinforma-  Tech  companies  are  facing  the rules will lead to numer-  dia.                      dia’s Software Freedom Law
            tion  and  hate  speech  and  to  similar  challenges  in  many  ous  cases  against  internet                      Center,  says  that  under  the
            give users more power to flag  countries.  China  has  been  platforms  and  deter  people  Facebook’s WhatsApp, which  rules, social media platforms
            objectionable content.       aggressively  tightening  con-  from using them freely, lead-  has  more  than  500  million  might  lose  their  safe  harbor
                                         trols on access to its 1.4 bil-  ing to self-censorship. Many  users  in  India,  has  sued  the  protection,  which  shields
            Critics  of  the  law  worry  it  lion-strong market, which is  other critics say Modi’s Hin-  government, saying breaking  them  from  legal  liability
            may  lead  to  outright  cen-  already largely sequestered by  du  nationalist  government  encryption, which continues  over user-generated content.
            sorship  in  a  country  where  the Communist Party’s Great  is imposing what they call a  for now, would “severely un-  Courts have to decide that on
            digital  freedoms  have  been  Firewall  and  by  U.S.  trade  climate  of  “digital  authori-  dermine  the  privacy  of  bil-  a case-by-case basis, she said.
            shrinking  since  Modi  took  and technology sanctions.   tarianism.”                  lions of people who commu-   And  their  legal  costs  would
            office in 2014.                                                                        nicate digitally.”           inevitably soar.
                                         India is another heavyweight,  The  government  insists  the
            Police  have  raided  Twitter’s  with  900  million  users  ex-  rules  will  benefit  and  em-  Officials  say  they  only  want  “You know how it is in India.
            offices  and  have  accused  its  pected by 2025.         power Indians.               to  trace  messages  that  incite  The  process  is  the  punish-
            India chief, Manish Mahesh-                                                            violence  or  threatening  na-  ment,” Choudhary said. “And
            wari,  of spreading  “commu-  The new rules, in the works  Despite the antagonisms be-  tional  security.  WhatsApp  until we get to a place where
            nal hatred” and “hurting the  for  years  and  announced  in  tween  Modi  and  Twitter,  says  it  can’t  selectively  do  the courts will actually come
            sentiments  of  Indians.”  Last  February, apply to social me-  he  has  been  an  enthusiastic  that.              and tell us what the legal po-
            week, Maheshwari refused to  dia  companies,  streaming  user of the platform in build-                             sition is and determine those
            submit to questioning unless  platforms  and  digital  news  ing  popular  support  for  his  The  backlash  over  online  legal positions, it is open sea-
            police promised not to arrest  publishers.  They  make  it  Bharatiya  Janata  Party.  His  freedom  of  expression,  pri-  son for tech backlash.”
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