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A28    U.S. NewS
                      Diabierna 16 Juli 2021

                             Child tax credit starts hitting US families’ bank accounts

            (AP)  —  The  child  tax
            credit had always been an
            empty gesture to millions
            of  parents  like  Tamika

            That    changed   Thursday
            when  the  first  payment  of
            $1,000 hit Daniel’s bank ac-
            count  —  and  dollars  started
            flowing  to  the  pockets  of
            more than 35 million families
            around the country. Daniel, a
            35-year-old  mother  of  four,
            didn’t  even  know  the  tax
            credit existed until President
            Joe Biden expanded it for one
            year as part of the $1.9 trillion
            coronavirus  relief  package
            that passed in March.
            Previously,  only  people  who
            earned  enough  money  to
            owe  income  taxes  could
            qualify for the credit. Daniel   comes in adulthood that will  ca,” the president said. “Mil-  costs  of  housing,  child  care  credit would raise income by
            went nearly a decade without   help  economic  growth.  But  lions  of  children  and  their  and  health  care.  He  said  his  almost 41%.
            a job because her eldest son   many Republicans warn that  families, starting today, their  voters  back  in  Colorado  are
            is autistic and needed her. So   the payments will discourage  lives are about to change for  concerned that their children  The  tax  credit  is  as  much
            she  got  by  on  Social  Secu-  parents from working and ul-  the  better.  And  our  country  will be poorer than previous  about  keeping  people  in  the
            rity  payments.  And  she  had   timately feed into long-term  would be better off for it as  generations and that requires  middle class as it is about lift-
            to  live  at  Fairfield  Courts,  a   poverty.            well.”                       the expansion of the child tax  ing up the poor.
            public  housing  project  that                                                         credit.
            dead-ends at Interstate 64 as   Some  15  million  house-  Florida   Republican   Sen.                              Katie  Strelka,  of  Brookfield,
            the highway cuts through the   holds  will  now  receive  the  Marco  Rubio,  who  success-  “It’s  the  most  progressive  Wisconsin, was laid off from
            Virginia capital of Richmond.  full  credit.  The  monthly  fully  championed  increas-  change to America’s tax code  her job as a beauty and hair
                                         payments  amount  to  $300  ing  the  credit  in  2017,  said  ever,” Bennet told reporters.  care  products  buyer  for  the
            But the extra $1,000 a month   for  each  child  who  is  5  and  that  the  Democrats’  plans                      Kohl’s   department   store
            for the next year could be a   younger  and  $250  for  those  will turn the benefits into an  Parenthood  is  an  expensive  chain  in  September  as  the
            life-changer for Daniel, who   between 5 and 17. The pay-  “anti-work  welfare  check”  undertaking.  The  Agricul-  pandemic  tightened  its  grip
            now  works  as  a  community   ments are set to lapse after a  because  almost  every  family  ture Department estimated in  on the country. She and her
            organizer  for  a  Richmond   year, but Biden is pushing to  can now qualify for the pay-  2017, the last year it published  sons,  3-year-old  Oliver  and
            nonprofit.  It  will  help  pro-  extend them through at least  ment  regardless  of  whether  such  a  report,  that  a  typical  7-year-old  Robert,  were  left
            vide  a  security  deposit  on  a   2025.                 the parents have a job.      family  spends  $233,610  to  to  depend on  her  husband’s
            new apartment.                                                                         raise a child from birth to the  income as a consultant for re-
                                         The  president  ultimately  “Not only does Biden’s plan  age of 17. But wealthier chil-  tirement  services.  The  fam-
            “It’s actually coming right on   would like to make the pay-  abandon incentives for mar-  dren get far more invested in  ily  was  already  struggling  to
            time,”  she  said.  “We  have  a   ments permanent — and that  riage  and  requirements  for  their education and upbring-  pay for her husband’s kidney
            lot going on. This definitely   makes this first round of pay-  work, but it will also destroy  ing,  while  poorer  children  transplant  five  years  earlier
            helps to take a load off.”   ments a test as to whether the  the  child-support  enforce-  face a constant disadvantage.  and his ongoing therapies be-
                                         government can improve the  ment  system  as  we  know  it  Families  in  the  top  third  of  fore she was laid off, she said.
            Biden has held out the new   lives of families.           by sending cash payments to  incomes spend about $10,000
            monthly  payments,  which    Biden invited beneficiaries to  single parents without ensur-  more annually per child than  With no job prospects, Strel-
            will average $423 per family,   the White House to mark the  ing  child-support  orders  are  families in the lower third.  ka  reenrolled  in  college  to
            as  the  key  to  halving  child   first round of payments, say-  established,” Rubio said in a                     study  social  work  in  Febru-
            poverty  rates.  But  he  is  also   ing in a Thursday speech that  statement Wednesday.  The child tax credit was cre-  ary. Last month she landed a
            setting  up  a  broader  philo-  the day carried a historic res-                       ated  in  1997  to  be  a  source  new job as an assistant execu-
            sophical battle about the role   onance because of the boost  The administration disputed  of  relief,  yet  it  also  became  tive director for the nonprof-
            of  government  and  the  re-  it will give families across the  those  claims.  Treasury  De-  a driver of economic and ra-  it  International  Association
            sponsibilities of parents.   nation.                      partment  estimates  indicate  cial inequality as only parents  for  Orthodontics.  Now  she
                                                                      that 97% of recipients of the  who  owed  the  federal  gov-  needs  day  care  again.  That
            Democrats see this as a land-  “This  would  be  the  largest  tax credit have wages or self-  ernment  taxes  could  qualify  amounts to $1,000 a week for
            mark program along the same   ever  one-year  decrease  in  employment  income,  while  for its full payment. Academ-  both kids.
            lines  as  Social  Security,  say-  child poverty in the history of  the  other  3%  are  grandpar-  ic research in 2020 found that
            ing it will lead to better out-  the United States of Ameri-  ents  or  have  health  issues.  about three-quarters of white  All the tax credit money will
                                                                      The credit also starts to phase  and Asian children were eli-  go to cover that, said Strelka,
                                                                      out at $150,000 for joint fil-  gible  for  the  full  credit,  but  37.
                                                                      ers,  so  there  is  no  disincen-  only about half of Black and
                                                                      tive for the poor to work be-  Hispanic children qualified.  “Every  little  bit  is  going  to
                                                                      cause  a  job  would  just  give                          help  right  now,”  she  said.
                                                                      them more income.            In  the  census  tract  where  “I’m  paying  for  school  out-
                                                                                                   Daniel  lives  in  Richmond,  of-pocket. I’m paying for the
                                                                      Colorado  Democratic  Sen.  the  median  household  in-   boys’ stuff. The cost of food
                                                                      Michael  Bennet  said  the  come  is  $14,725  —almost  and everything else has gone
                                                                      problem  is  one  of  inequal-  five times lower than the na-  up. We’re just really thankful.
                                                                      ity.  He  said  that  economic  tional  median.  Three  out  of  The  tide  feels  like  it’s  turn-
                                                                      growth  has  benefited  the  every 4 children live in pov-  ing.”
                                                                      top 10% of earners in recent  erty. For a typical parent with
                                                                      decades,  while  families  are  two  children  in  that  part  of
                                                                      struggling  with  the  rising  Richmond, the expanded tax
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