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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 16 Juli 2021
                             Athletes go it alone in Tokyo as families watch from afar

            (AP)  -  Michael  Phelps  The youngest athlete on the                                                               “I  will  be  home  watching
            reached  for  his  mother’s  U.S.  team  in  Tokyo  calls  it                                                       gymnastics  by  myself,”  she
            hand through a chainlink  “weird” that her family won’t                                                             said. “I just get too nervous.”
            fence  near  the  pool.  The  be in the stands.
            19-year-old  swimmer  had                                                                                           The  family  of  swimmer
            just won his first Olympic  “They’re  usually  at  all  my                                                          Chad le Clos is flying to the
            medal — gold, of course —  meets,” said Katie Grimes, a                                                             United  States  to  watch  on
            at the 2004 Athens Games,  15-year-old  swimmer  from                                                               TV because the competition
            and  he  wanted  to  share  Las Vegas.                                                                              will air at 3 a.m. in their na-
            it  with  the  woman  who                                                                                           tive South Africa.
            raised him on her own.       Katie Hoff was the same age
                                         as Grimes when she was the                                                             “It must be terrible to watch
            That  kind  of  moment  be-  youngest  member  of  the                                                              me at 3 in the morning,” Le
            tween  loved  ones  won’t  be  U.S. team in Athens. Nerves   2016.  No  kids  allowed  this  have that outlet.”     Clos  said.  “Then  what  do
            happening  at  the  pandemic-  got to her in her first event,   time.                                               you do afterwards?”
            delayed Tokyo Olympics.      and Hoff hyperventilated and   The people who raised them,  American high jumper Vashti
                                         vomited on the pool deck.    comforted  them,  financed  Cunningham  will  have  her   Caeleb  Dressel,  the  world’s
            No  spectators  —  local  or                              them,  and  encouraged  them  coach, Randall Cunningham,   dominant  male  swimmer,
            foreign  —  will  be  allowed  “I  hope  us  older  swimmers   through  injury  and  defeat  who  is  also  her  father,  on   barely  gets  to  see,  let  alone
            at  the  vast  majority  of  ven-  can  show  them  the  ropes  a   will  have  to  be  content  to  hand.  But  she’ll  be  missing   spend time with his wife and
            ues,  where  athletes  will  little bit and create that fam-  keep  up  with  their  athletes  the rest of the family.  family at major meets.
            hang  medals  around  their  ily environment,” three-time   through  calls,  texts  and  vid-
            own necks to protect against  Olympian  Katie  Ledecky    eo  chats,  when  they’re  not  “It just feels good to go and   “It’s  not  something  I’m  de-
            spreading  the  coronavirus.  said. “We will make sure we   watching the competition on  eat  with  them,  for  them  to   pendent on,” he said. “I know
            No  handshakes  or  hugs  on  stay in touch with our fami-  various devices.           be  at  the  Bible  studies  with   they  will  be  back  home  and
            the podium, either.          lies and keep them connected                              me, just everything, going to   you can feel that energy, and
                                         to what we’re doing.”        “She said, ‘On TV, I can see  the stores,” she said. “But it   I can text or FaceTime when-
            “I  like  to  feed  off  of  the                          it  better  anyway,’”  Dutch  doesn’t really matter to me if   ever I need to.”
            crowd,” defending all-around  The  decision  to  prohibit   swimmer Kira Toussaint said  there are fans or not. I’m just
            champion  gymnast  Simone  fans was made for health and   of  her  mother,  Jolanda  de  really excited to go out there   Nellie  Biles  and  her  hus-
            Biles said, “so I’m a little bit  safety  concerns.  The  Games   Rover, a gold medalist swim-  and  jump.  I  do  wish  that   band run a gymnastics train-
            worried  about  how  I’ll  do  will be held during a state of   mer at the 1984 Olympics.  our families could come and   ing  center  in  Spring,  Texas,
            under those circumstances.”  emergency  in  Tokyo,  with                               watch, though.”              so  she  knows  about  COV-
                                         rising  coronavirus  infections   Building  support  and  cama-                        ID-19 protocols and restric-
            Catching  sight  of  familiar  in a country where 16.8% of   raderie  among  athletes  who  American  discus  thrower   tions. Still, she thinks having
            faces  during  competition  the population is fully vacci-  usually compete individually  Mason Finley is prepared to   spectators  in  the  12,000-seat
            can  bolster  an  athlete  on  a  nated.  Variant  strains  of  the   has taken on new importance  hunker down at the athletes   venue  in  Tokyo  would  have
            big stage. It helped Matthew  coronavirus  are  emerging   for  coaches  during  the  pan-  village  with  his  Nintendo   worked.
            Centrowitz at the U.S. track  around the world, too.      demic.  They’re  turning  to  Switch  for  endless  gaming
            trials,  where  fans  were  al-                           veterans to inform and reas-  while  his  pregnant  wife  and   “We could social distance and
            lowed.                       Those reaction shots of excit-  sure younger first-timers.  two dogs wait at home.     not  see  each  other.  That’s
                                         ed, shocked or crying family                                                           how  huge  their  complex  is,
            “Seeing  my  family  in  the  members in the stands? For-  “We’re going to have to rely  “I’m  just  going  to  kind  of   their  venues  are,”  she  said.
            crowd and hearing them gave  get it. Singing, chanting and   on each other a lot more than  nest in there and stay enter-  “It’s  hard  for  me  to  under-
            me a little sense of comfort,  cheering  among  flag-waving   we would have to if our loved  tained,” he said.      stand that they cannot make
            and  what  I  needed  to  hear  fans at the venues? TV pro-  ones  were  able  to  come  to                         accommodations. Of course,
            and  see  to  calm  my  nerves  ducers will have to look else-  Tokyo  to  watch,”  said  Lind-  Some  athletes’  families  will   that’s  just  me  being  selfish.
            a  little  bit,”  said  Centrow-  where. Phelps’ son, Boomer,   say Mintenko, national team  host  watch  parties  back   This will be one gymnastics
            itz,  the  defending  Olympic  who was 3 months old at the   director  for  the  American  home. Biles’ mother, Nellie,   event that I will never forget
            1,500-meter champion.        time,  became  an  adorable   swimmers. “The bond might  won’t attend.                 because  I  will  not  be  pres-
                                         sight at the Olympic pool in   be stronger because we don’t                            ent.”

                            Britain women’s soccer team will take a knee at Olympics

            (AP)  -  The  British  wom-                                                                                         playing host Japan and Can-
            en’s soccer team will take                                                                                          ada and Chile.
            a  knee  before  kickoff  at
            the Tokyo Olympics.                                                                                                 England’s  men  took  a  knee
                                                                                                                                before  all  of  their  games  at
            The  players  have  been  per-                                                                                      the  European  Champion-
            forming    the   anti-racism                                                                                        ship, even though some fans
            stance  with  their  separate                                                                                       and  politicians  publicly  dis-
            teams over the last year and                                                                                        agreed with them.
            the IOC relaxed its rules this
            month to allow Olympic ath-                                                                                         “We  will  do  so  with  the  ut-
            letes to make such gestures of                                                                                      most  respect  for  our  fellow
            protest in the field of play at                                                                                     competitors, officials and the
            the Tokyo Games.                                                                                                    IOC, with due regard for the
                                                                                                                                ideals that lie at the heart of
            “It  is  the  people  that  don’t                                                                                   the Olympic movement.”
            have  a  voice  that  we  are                                                                                       Britain  has  opted  for  three
            standing  up  for,”  said  Brit-  our platforms to help in any  form Britain usually play soc-  World Cup semifinals.  captains through the tourna-
            ain  defender  Demi  Stokes,   way we can.                cer as separate teams interna-                            ment  to  represent  the  three
            who  has  spoken  previously                              tionally but they are allowed  The  Olympics  start  next   nations  in  the  squad:  Steph
            about  being  racially  abused.   The decision was made after a  to compete at the Olympics,  week with Britain opening its   Houghton (England), Sophie
            “We know we have a big part   team meeting before flying to  qualifying through England’s  group-stage campaign against   Ingle (Wales) and Kim Little
            to play. It’s important we use   Japan. The four nations that  run  to  the  2019  Women’s  Chile  in  Sapporo  and  then   (Scotland).
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