Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210716
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A30    world news
                      Diabierna 16 Juli 2021
                          25,000 troops deployed to quell South Africa riots, 117 dead

            (AP) — In one of the larg-                                                                                          it  is  the  Indian  community
            est deployments of soldiers                                                            “The  arson,  the  looting  and  and  the  neighboring  com-
            since the end of white mi-                                                             then  the  burning  of  malls,  munities,  who  are  African,”
            nority  rule,  25,000  South                                                           the  burning  of  warehouses,  Cele told a news conference
            African troops began tak-                                                              I mean, that indicates a really  in Phoenix, where he said 15
            ing  up  positions  Thurs-                                                             strategic  destruction  of  the  people had been killed.
            day  to  help  quell  week-                                                            economy  of  KwaZulu-Na-
            long  riots  sparked  by  the                                                          tal,”  said  Gumede.  “There’s  Gumede  said  the  way  for-
            imprisonment  of  former                                                               a  whole  lot  of  organization  ward  for  South  Africa  is  to
            President Jacob Zuma. At                                                               behind that.”                prosecute  the  perpetrators,
            least 117 people have been                                                                                          both those that stole property
            killed in the violence, au-                                                            Soldiers  and  police  worked  and those who may have in-
            thorities said.                                                                        to reopen the N2 and N3 toll  stigated the violence.
                                                                                                   highways,  which  have  been
            The government said 10,000                                                             closed  for  days  as  burned-  “This is going to be very im-
            soldiers  were  on  the  streets                                                       out trucks blocked the roads.  portant,”  the  analyst  said.
            by Thursday morning patrol-
            ling alongside police, and the
            South  African  National  De-
            fence  Force  had  also  called
            up all of its reserve force of
            12,000 troops.

            In a show of strength, a con-
            voy  of  more  than  a  dozen
            armored  personnel  carri-
            ers  brought  soldiers  into
            Gauteng province, South Af-
            rica’s  most  populous,  which
            includes  the  largest  city,  Jo-
            hannesburg,  and  the  capital,

            Buses,  trucks,  airplanes  and
            helicopters  were  also  being
            used  to  move  the  large  de-
            ployment of troops to trouble
            spots  in  Gauteng  and  Kwa-
            Zulu-Natal  province  that
            have seen violence in mainly
            poor areas.
                                         ed  and  11  others  are  under  ing  after  being  hit  by  arson   The highways are important  “First  to  restore  the  rule  of
            The unrest erupted last week   surveillance  for  inciting  and  attacks.              transport  routes  carrying  law  in  South  Africa  and  to
            after  Zuma  began  serving  a   planning the unrest, she said.                        fuel,  food  and  other  goods  prevent  impunity,  because
            15-month sentence for con-                                Police discovered more than   to  all  parts  of  the  country  if  people  can  get  away  with
            tempt  of  court  for  refusing   The  armed  patrols  have  10,000  rounds  of  ammuni-  and  their  prolonged  closure  looting  without  being  pros-
            to comply with a court order   brought stability to Gauteng,  tion  in  Durban  on  Wednes-  threatens  to  cause  shortages  ecuted, they will do it again.
            to  testify  at  a  state-backed   authorities said. Army troops  day night, which Minister of   of essential goods.  ... So it’s going to be very im-
            inquiry  investigating  allega-  stood guard at the large Ma-  Police  Bheki  Cele  said  be-                       portant. I think we may have
            tions of corruption while he   ponya mall in Soweto, which  longed  to  people  who  were   The rail line to the strategic  to set up special courts.”
            was  president  from  2009  to   was one of the few retail cen-  instigating the violent riots in   Indian  Ocean  ports  of  Dur-
            2018.                        ters not badly hit by the ram-  the province.             ban  and  Richard’s  Bay  was  In  neighboring  Zimbabwe,
                                         page but remained closed.                                 also closed by the unrest, the  the  police  issued  a  warning
            Protests  in  Gauteng  and                                The  continued  violence  in   state-owned  transportation  Thursday against people get-
            KwaZulu-Natal  quickly  es-  Volunteer groups cleaned up  KwaZulu-Natal       appears   company, Transnet said. The  ting goods stolen from South
            calated  into  a  spree  of  theft   shattered  glass  and  debris  well-planned,  said  South   688-kilometer (427-mile) rail  Africa.
            in  township  areas,  although   from  shops  that  had  been  African  analyst  William  Gu-  line ferries hundreds of tons
            it has not spread to South Af-  stormed and looted in Johan-  mede.                    of goods weekly to the ports,  “With  sad  events  happening
            rica’s  seven  other  provinces,   nesburg’s Soweto, Alexandra                         including  vehicles,  gold  ore,  in  South  Africa,  the  Zim-
            where police are on alert.   and Vosloorus areas.         “In   KwaZulu-Natal,    it’s   aviation  fuel,  petrol,  wheat  babwe  Republic  Police  will
                                                                      well-coordinated, well-fund-  and  citrus  fruit.  The  goods  not hesitate to arrest anyone
            More than 2,200 people have   “I spoke to some of the guys  ed.  If  you  look  at  it,  strate-  are  then  shipped  to  mar-  who  has  received  or  is  in
            been  arrested  for  theft  and   who  are  unemployed  in  my  gic  commercial  hubs  were   kets in Asia, Europe, and the  possession  of  stolen  goods
            vandalism  and  117  people   area  to  come  and  help.  The  blocked, strategic roads were   United States.       from  South  Africa,”  the  po-
            have  died,  Khumbudzo  Nt-  mayor  supported  us  with  blocked  at  really  key  points.                          lice  statement  said,  advising
            shavheni,  acting  minister  in   transport  to  get  here.  We  It  was  very  organized,”  said   Security  forces  increased  people  to  have  receipts  for
            the presidency said Thursday.   came  here  with  two  buses,”  Gumede,  chairman  of  the   their presence in the Durban  verification  that  goods  were
            Many were trampled to death   said George Moswetsa, a res-  Democracy  Works  Founda-  suburb of Phoenix, where the  purchased legally. “A criminal
            in  chaotic  stampedes  when   ident of Vosloorus in eastern  tion, a group supporting gov-  riots  caused  racial  tensions  in South Africa is a criminal
            shops were being looted, ac-  Johannesburg who was help-  ernance in Africa.           to  flare.  The  predominantly  in Zimbabwe.”
            cording to police.           ing to clean up a mall that had                           Indian  residents  of  Phoenix
                                         been trashed.                Zuma,  throughout  his  po-  had been patrolling their area  The  largest  deployment  of
            “These  are  not  demonstra-                              litical  career,  including  his   against the unrest and are ac-  soldiers  since  South  Africa
            tions. This is economic sabo-  The unrest, however, contin-  nine  years  as  president,  ac-  cused of shooting Black peo-  won democracy in 1994 was
            tage and we are investigating   ued  Thursday  in  KwaZulu-  quired  many  allies  in  South   ple suspected of being rioters.  in March 2020, when 70,000
            with a view to apprehending   Natal,  Zuma’s  home  prov-  Africa’s military and security                           army troops were sent out to
            the  instigators,”  Ntshavheni   ince.  There  were  renewed  services  who  were  reluctant   “Lives  have  been  lost.  The  enforce  the  country’s  strict
            said  at  a  briefing  Thursday.   attacks  on  shopping  centers  to respond to the violence in   communities have a standoff  lockdown  to  combat  the
            One person has been arrest-  and  several  factories  and  his home province, Gumede   and are in a bad way because  spread of COVID-19.
                                         warehouses  were  smolder-   said.
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