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P. 27

obituArio                  Diasabra 18 Juni 2022

                                                                                                               Campus sex assault rules

                                                                                                                   fall short, prompting
                                                                                                                         overhaul call

              Señor ta mi wardador, mi n’tin falta di nada;   “Lo jega e ora cu tur esnan cu ta den graf lo
              Den cunucu di yerba berde, e ta ponemi         tende su stem y lo sali afo.
              sosega.  E ta hibami na awa tranquil, pa mi    Huan 5:28-29
              bolbe haña forsa.  Ps. 23:1,2,3
                                                             Cu profundo tristeza na nos curazon nos
              Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon nos ta      ta anuncia cu a fayece inesperadamente nos
              participa   fayecimento inesperadamente di nos   jui,ruman,tata y welo:
              ruman, tanta:

                                                                                                             (AP) — What Karla Arango says started as a
                                                                                                             dorm-room sexual assault got even worse as
               Stigmata Catharina Koolman                                                                    word spread around campus. Her attacker’s
                       Mihor conoci como Esther                                                              fraternity  brothers  snubbed  her,  she  says,
                     *01 april 1957 - † 15 juni 2022                                                         whispering about her in the cafeteria, block-
                                                                                                             ing her phone number and unfriending her
              Na nomber di su rumannan:                                                                      on social media. Soon her grades were slip-
              †Everaldo (Efe) Vrolijk                             Edgar George Schönherr                     ping.
              †Carmen Vrolijk y famia                                 Cariñosamente Yama “Etty”
              Ildo Vrolijk y famia                                    *29-08-1962 – †16-06-2022              Arango’s experience in her first year at Northern
              †Florencio (Foyen) Vrolijk y famia                                                             Kentucky University highlights what experts see
              Emilia (Mimi) Vrolijk y famia                  Na nomber di su:                                as deep-seated problems with Title IX, the 1972
              †Petra Vrolijk y famia                         Tata:          Innocencio Schönherr             federal civil rights law that prohibits sexual dis-
              Ignacio (Nacho) Vrolijk y famia                                                                crimination in education. It turns 50 this month.
              Silvio Vrolijk y Ludwina Tromp                 Mama:          †Alicia Schönherr-Franken
                                                                                                             Heralded  as  a  gamechanger  for  female  college
              Sobrino(a)nan, swa y cuñanan, primo y          Yui:                                            athletes, the law also is supposed to protect sexual
              primanan, amigo y amiganan, tur bisiña y       Merelin y esposo Vernon Lake y yiunan           assault and harassment accusers like Arango, giv-
              demas famia ta invita pa e acto di condolencia                                                 ing them options like moving dormitories or even
              y despedida na Aurora Funeral Home, diarason   Nietonan:      Shavon y Shakila Lake            getting their attackers removed from the school.
              22 di juni 2022, di 9’or pa 11’or di mainta.                                                   In practice, the law’s protections fall short, accus-
                                                             Rumanan:                                        ers and advocates say.
              Sigui pa acto di cremacion den seno familiar.  Geldegarde (Gelchy) y Roland  Perez-
                                                             Schönherr y yiunan                              Polarizing  regulations  finalized  under  former
                                                             Suzy y Michael Perez-Schönherr y yiunan         President  Donald  Trump  have  discouraged  stu-
              Nos ta lamenta cu lo no por ricibi bishita di   Jacqueline (Lientji) Flanegin-Schönherr y yiu  dents  from  coming  forward  with  abuse  allega-
              condolencia na cas                             †Charles y Estela Schönherr-Cuerro Rojas y      tions. Those who do face a live hearing and cross-
                                                             yiunan                                          examination by a person of their alleged attacker’s
                                                                                                             choosing. The rules also narrowed the definition
                                                             Sobrino(a)nan:                                  of sexual harassment and allowed colleges to ig-
                                                             Ronaly, Roald, Hezron, Hayley, Suyenne,         nore most cases arising off campus.
                                                             Michella, Jaymar, Chase y Chester
                                                             Tur su bisa subrino y subrinanan                President Joe Biden and other critics say the rules,
                                                             Su tanta, omonan, primo y primanan              finalized  in  2020  by  then-Education  Secretary
                                                                                                             Betsy DeVos, fail to adequately protect sexual as-
                                                             Famia:                                          sault victims, deter them from reporting miscon-
              “Señor ta mi wardador,                         Schönherr, Franken, Perez, Flanegin, Lake,      duct and go too far in shielding the accused. Biden
              mi’n tin falta di nada                         Maduro, Cuerro Rojas, Thielman, Gomez,          is expected to announce new rules as soon as this
              Den cunucu di yerba                            De Vries, Cornelia, Martijn, Gomes, Loefstop,   month.
              berde e ta ponemi sosega.                      Larez, Donato, Zapata, Croes, Ramstein,
              E ta hibami na awa                             Werleman, Henriquez.                            In the meantime, many students have opted out
              trankil,                                                                                       entirely,  never  reporting  the  abuse.  Or  they’ve
              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                       Acto di entierro lo worde anuncia despues.      chosen to go an informal route, in which the ac-
              Salmo: 23                                                                                      cused might be asked not to take classes with the
                                                             Nos ta pidi nos disculpa si den nos tristeza nos   accuser,  or  to  switch  schools  —  often  with  no
              Nos ta anuncia                                 por a lubida un of otro persona.                mark on their record.
              inesperadamente na                                                                             Arango ultimately decided not to pursue her case,
              Colombia di:                                                                                   and nothing happened to the other student.

                                                                                                             “I  felt  like  my  identity  was  beginning  to  form,
                 Martin Reimiro Briesen                                                                      and  then  it  was  completely  stripped  away,”  said
                       *05-11-1959 - †15-06-2022                                                             Arango, now 21 and heading into her senior year.
                                                                                                             “Everyone just saw me as this girl that was lying
                Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.                                                    about being sexually assaulted. And I was spiraling
                                                                                                             really bad.”
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