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world news Diasabra 18 Juni 2022
German leader says it’s necessary to keep talking to Putin
(AP) — German Chancel- gitimize the Russian leader. for instance, the same things
lor Olaf Scholz said Fri- I said to you,” he added.
day that it’s “absolutely “It is absolutely necessary “Please understand that there
necessary” for some lead- to speak to Putin, and I will will be no dictate(d) peace,
ers to talk directly to Rus- continue to do so — as the and if you really believe that
sian President Vladimir French president will also,” you will rob some land and
Putin amid efforts to end Scholz told German news then hope that the times will
the war in Ukraine, and agency dpa in an English- change and all the things will
he and France’s president language video interview a become normal again, this is
will continue to do so. day after he, Macron and the a mistake.”
leaders of Italy and Romania
Scholz and French President held talks with Ukrainian He said his message is that
Emmanuel Macron have held President Volodymyr Zelen- “you have to withdraw your
several telephone conversa- skyy in Kyiv. troops and you have to find
tions with Putin, separately an agreement with Ukraine
and together, since Russia’s “There are some countries which is acceptable and right
invasion began on Feb. 24. needed, and some leaders for the people of Ukraine.” Union. On Friday, the EU’s to approve.
Those contacts have drawn needed, that speak to him — During Thursday’s visit to executive Commission rec-
some criticism — including and it is necessary that they Kyiv, Scholz and his fellow ommended making Ukraine “We will have to find a com-
from Poland’s president, who are clear,” Scholz told dpa. leaders pledged support for a membership candidate, mon approach, but I’m quite
said recently that they achieve Ukraine’s candidacy even- something all the bloc’s 27 optimistic that we will be able
nothing and serve only to le- “When I speak to Putin I say, tually to join the European existing members will have to manage this,” Scholz said.
UK govt orders Julian Assange’s extradition; appeal planned
(AP) — The British gov- U.S. Army intelligence ana- Barry Pollack, Assange’s U.S. treatment and be unable to human rights groups had
ernment on Friday or- lyst Chelsea Manning steal lawyer, said it was “disap- get a fair trial in the U.S. called on Britain to refuse the
dered the extradition classified diplomatic cables pointing news that should extradition request. Assange’s
of WikiLeaks founder and military files that WikiLe- concern anyone who cares Silkie Carlo, director of civil lawyers say he could face up
Julian Assange to the aks later published, putting about the First Amendment liberties group Big Brother to 175 years in jail if he is
United States to face spy- lives at risk. and the right to publish.” Watch, said the British gov- convicted in the U.S., though
ing charges, a milestone ernment’s “complicity in American authorities have
— but not the end — of To his supporters, Assange, Assange’s lawyers said they the political persecution of a said any sentence is likely to
a decade-long legal saga 50, is a secrecy-busting jour- would mount a new le- journalist simply for reveal- be much lower than that.
sparked by his website’s nalist who exposed U.S. mil- gal challenge, and legal ex- ing uncomfortable truths to
publication of classified itary wrongdoing in Iraq and perts say the case could take the public is appalling, wrong Amnesty International Sec-
U.S. documents. Afghanistan. months or even years more and shames our country.” retary General Agnes Calla-
to conclude. mard said Friday that extra-
WikiLeaks said it would A British court ruled in April Stella Assange, a lawyer who diting Assange “would put
challenge the order, and As- that Assange could be sent to “We will appeal this all the married her husband in a him at great risk and sends a
sange’s lawyers have 14 days face trial in the U.S., sending way, if necessary to the Eu- prison ceremony in March, chilling message to journal-
to lodge an appeal. the case to the U.K. govern- ropean Court of Human said the U.K. decision ists the world over.”
ment for a decision. Britain’s Rights,” Assange attorney marked “a dark day for press
“We’re not at the end of the interior minister, Home Sec- Jennifer Robinson said. freedom and for British de- Assange remains in London’s
road here,” said Assange’s retary Priti Patel, signed an mocracy.” high-security Belmarsh Pris-
wife, Stella Assange. “We’re order on Friday authorizing Robinson asked U.S. Presi- on, where he has been since
going to fight this.” Assange’s extradition. dent Joe Biden to drop the “Julian did nothing wrong,” he was arrested in 2019 for
charges brought against she said. “He has committed skipping bail during a sepa-
Julian Assange has battled The Home Office said in a Assange during Donald no crime and is not a crimi- rate legal battle. Before that,
in British courts for years to statement that the govern- Trump’s presidency, arguing nal. He is a journalist and a he spent seven years inside
avoid being sent to the U.S., ment had to approve his move they posed a “grave threat” to publisher, and he is being the Ecuadorian Embassy in
where he faces 17 charges of to the U.S. because “the U.K. free speech. punished for doing his job.” London to avoid extradition
espionage and one charge of courts have not found that it to Sweden to face allegations
computer misuse. would be oppressive, unjust During a press conference Friday’s decision came after of rape and sexual assault.
or an abuse of process to ex- outside the British Consulate a legal battle that went all the
American prosecutors say tradite Mr. Assange.” in New York City, Assange’s way to the U.K. Supreme Sweden dropped the sex
the Australian citizen helped father, John Shipton, also Court. crimes investigations in No-
urged the U.S. to drop the vember 2019 because so
prosecution. A British district court judge much time had elapsed, but
initially rejected the extradi- British judges have kept As-
“All it will take is a simple tion request on the grounds sange in prison pending the
telephone call from Attorney that Assange was likely to kill outcome of the extradition
General Merrick Garland himself if held under harsh case.
to the home secretary in the U.S. prison conditions. U.S.
United Kingdom to drop authorities later provided as- Assange’s supporters say his
these charges. That’s all it surances that the WikiLeaks physical and mental health
will take. It’s not complex,” founder wouldn’t face the are both under strain. Stella
he said. severe treatment that his law- Assange told a news confer-
yers said would put his physi- ence that her husband’s con-
Assange’s supporters and cal and mental health at risk. dition was “deteriorating by
lawyers maintain he was act- the day.”
ing as a journalist and is en- Those assurances led Brit-
titled to First Amendment ain’s High Court and Su- “I spoke to him last night as
protections of freedom of preme Court to overturn the well and he had a lot of anxi-
speech. They argue that the lower court’s ruling. ety. He couldn’t sleep,” she
case is politically motivated, said. “But Julian is a fighter.”
that he would face inhumane Journalism organizations and