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                                                                                                       sports Diasabra 18 Juni 2022
                         F1 puts brakes on porpoising as it bounces back into Canada

            (AP)  —  Lewis  Hamilton  so hopefully I don’t have any
            joked  that  he  felt  shorter  concussions,” Hamilton said
            from the abuse to his spine  Friday.
            last week as the seven-time
            Formula  One  champion  He rejected the idea his suf-
            bounced around the street  fering  is  worse  than  others
            circuit in Azerbaijan.       because  he’s  37  —  “there’s
                                         a lot more to recovery and I
            It took all week for his body  don’t think that journey has
            to  recover  because  his  new  anything  to  do  with  age,  I
            Mercedes  is  suffering  from  think  it’s  generally  just  be-
            the “porpoising” effect plagu-  cause  the  bruising  can  be
            ing  several  teams  after  F1  quite  severe”  —  and  Ham-
            cleared the way for different  ilton  insisted  the  porpoising
            techniques  for  downforce  needed  to  be  addressed  by
            aerodynamics  this  season.  F1’s governing body for safe-
            The  FIA  stepped  in  ahead  ty reasons.
            of  the  Canadian  Grand  Prix
            with  technical  directives  de-  “Putting  the  technical  stuff
            signed to counter the bounc-  aside...  I  cannot  stress  more
            ing  of  the  cars  that’s  been  a  how  important  health  is  for
            byproduct  of  ground  effect  us,” he said. “Safety has to be
            changes,  a  move  welcomed  paramount and has, has to be   think  it  is.  On  our  side,  we  so  I  don’t  think  we  have  to  Mercedes  teammate  George
            by  Hamilton  for  his  own  the most important thing.”   found  solutions  to  make  it  overdramatize  what  is  hap-  Russell  added the FIA tech-
            health.                      But  reactions  to  the  change   better.”                pening.”                     nical directive ahead of Sun-
                                         differed  amongst  the  10   Max  Verstappen,  the  reign-                             day’s race isn’t the perfect fix.
            He’s  not  seen  a  physician  teams.                     ing F1 champion, was against  The  theory  throughout  the  “I  think  it’s  probably  more
            about  many  of  his  ailments  Ferrari   driver   Charles   a  technical  directive  for  the  paddock  is  that  raising  the  of  sticking  plaster  than  the
            —  Hamilton  uses  Angela  Leclerc, for example, did not   same  reasoning:  Red  Bull  right height will hurt perfor-  solution and we need to wait
            Cullen, his personal physio-  think  the  FIA  should  have   isn’t struggling the same way  mance, something Mercedes  and see,” Russell said. “Even
            therapist, for recovery — but  stepped  in  nine  races  into   rival  Mercedes  is,  and  Mer-  is not willing to sacrifice even  for  the  teams  suffering  the
            couldn’t dismiss the possibil-  the season. Some teams have   cedes  and  the  teams  bogged  at the expense of its drivers’  least,  it’s  still  an  incredibly
            ity  he  and  other  drivers  are  better managed the issue, he   down by the porpoising need  aching bodies.       aggressive  and  bumpy  ride.
            being  subjected  to  potential  said.                    to raise the ride height on the  Hamilton said Mercedes has  The  FIA  have  access  to  all
            micro-concussions each time  “I feel it is the team’s respon-  cars to stop the bumping.  tried  raising  its  ride  height  the (data) of what we’re go-
            they are on track.           sibility to give me a car that is                         but  the  issue  is  caused  by  ing  through  and  it’s  far  be-
            “I’ve  definitely  been  having  OK to drive, and I don’t have   “The  porpoising  we  have  at  aerodynamics  and  the  way  yond  what  you’d  expect  is
            a  lot  more  headaches  in  the  any particular problems with   the moment is not nice and  air  is  flowing  under  the  car.  safe. Bigger conversations are
            past  months,  but  I’ve  not  it,” Leclerc said. “Yes, it is dif-  I don’t think it’s correct, but  He said Mercedes has experi-  definitely  needed  going  for-
            seen  a  specialist  about  it,  so  ferent  from  last  year’s  car,   some teams are able to han-  mented  with  various  setups  ward.”
            I’m not taking it too serious-  whether  it  is  undrivable,  or   dle  these  things  a  lot  better  “but even when we raised the
            ly. I’ve just taken painkillers,  very hard on myself, I don’t   than others,” Verstappen said.  car,  the  thing  still  bounces,
                                                                      “It is possible to get rid of it,  and we can’t go any higher.”

                          UEFA clears al-Khelaifi, bans Leonardo in PSG investigation

            (AP) — UEFA cleared its                                                                                             However,  the  only  sanction
            own executive committee                                                                                             was  a  one-match  ban  from
            member  Nasser  al-Khe-                                                                                             a  UEFA  competition  match
            laifi  of  any  punishment                                                                                          for  Leonardo.  The  former
            on  Friday  despite  finding                                                                                        PSG player and Brazil inter-
            his  club  Paris  Saint-Ger-                                                                                        national was fired by the club
            main  guilty  of  miscon-                                                                                           last month.
            duct  for  confrontations                                                                                           UEFA  did  not  provide  rea-
            with  match  officials  after                                                                                       sons why al-Khelaifi was not
            losing  in  the  Champions                                                                                          cited in the disciplinary state-
            League.                                                                                                             ment.
                                                                                                                                Al-Khelaifi  joined  UEFA’s
            PSG  president  al-Khelaifi                                                                                         executive committee in 2019
            and  sporting  director  Leon-                                                                                      representing  clubs  and  was
            ardo  were  linked  to  heated                                                                                      promoted  to  lead  the  influ-
            scenes while seeking to ques-                                                                                       ential European Club Associ-
            tion match officials about de-                                                                                      ation last year after the failed
            cisions in Real Madrid’s 3-1                                                                                        launch of the Super League.
            win in March.
            A  second-half  hat  trick  by                                                                                      That project challenging the
            Karim  Benzema  lifted  Ma-                                                                                         authority  of  UEFA  and  the
            drid to a stunning comeback                                                                                         Champions  League  was  led
            at  Santiago  Bernabéu  Stadi-                                                                                      by Madrid and other storied
            um, eliminating PSG 3-2 on                                                                                          clubs  but  PSG  refused  to
            aggregate in the round of 16.  Messi to a superstar forward  enter  the  locker  room  of  UEFA  published  its  disci-  join.
                                         line with Kylian Mbappé and  referee  Danny  Makkelie  of  plinary  committee  verdict   Al-Khelaifi  also  leads  Qa-
            The  defeat  left  PSG  still   Neymar.                   the  Netherlands,  who  has  late Friday, confirming charg-  tari broadcaster beIN Sports
            seeking a first European title   Media  reports  from  the  sta-  since  been  selected  by  FIFA  es of “violating the basic rules   which  is  a  leading  UEFA
            in a season when the Qatar-  dium  said  al-Khelaifi  had  to work at the World Cup in  of decent conduct” and “un-  broadcast  partner  and  buyer
            owned  club  added  Lionel   to  be  calmed  after  trying  to  Qatar.                 sporting conduct.”           of Champions League rights.
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