Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20220618
P. 32

A32    sports
                      Diasabra 18 Juni 2022

                        Swimming worlds packs star power, intrigue despite absences

            (AP)  —  When  the  world
            swimming championships
            start  in  Budapest  on  Sat-
            urday,  a  host  of  top  stars
            won’t be there.
            Scheduling     irregularities
            caused  by  the  coronavirus
            pandemic,  infections,  Rus-
            sia’s  invasion  of  Ukraine,
            fitness concerns and injuries   competition for appearing at  not quite what FINA, world
            are  forcing  many  Olympic   a pro-war rally in Moscow.  swimming’s governing body,
            champions  to  skip  the  re-                             meant  in  February  when  it
            scheduled event.             English   breaststroke   star  announced  the  “extraordi-
                                         Adam Peaty is out after break-  nary” event in Budapest.
            Ariarne  Titmus  will  not  be   ing his right foot in May.  Rather, it was referring to the
            there  to  continue  her  ri-  Scottish  Olympic  champ  fact that the original 19th ver-  now  they’re  scheduled  for  50, 100 free and 100 butterfly.
            valry  with  American  Katie   Duncan Scott withdrew due  sion of the event due to take  four consecutive years.
            Ledecky,  nor  will  compatri-  to training problems follow-  place in Fukuoka, Japan, was  Despite  the  absences,  there  Sarah  Sjöström  and  Lilly
            ots Kyle Chalmers or Emma    ing his COVID-19 infection,  twice put back. The first time  will  still  be  plenty  of  star  King also bring star pedigree,
            McKeon  compete  as  all     and several others – including  was last year to avoid clashing  power on show.        while  Hungarians  Katinka
            three are among the Austra-  Venezuela’s  Alfonso  Mestre,  with  the  postponed  Tokyo                             Hosszú  and  Kristóf  Milák
            lian  swimmers  focusing  in-  Italy’s Leonardo Deplano and  Olympics,  then  it  was  post-  Ledecky will hope to reclaim  will  raise  the  decibel  level
            stead on the Commonwealth    South Africa’s Pieter Coetze  poned  again  in  May  due  to  her world record in the 400  at  the  5,000-capacity  Duna
            Games, which begin on July   –  are  out  after  late  positive  the impact of the pandemic,  freestyle  from  Titmus  on  Arena. There are no corona-
            28 in Birmingham, England.   tests.                       which would have left a four-  Saturday  after  the  Austra-  virus  restrictions  for  specta-
                                         Olympic  champions  Ahmed  year gap since the last worlds.  lian  shaved  0.06  seconds  off  tors, though FINA says they
            Russian  and  Belarusian  ath-  Hafnaoui of Tunisia and Tat-                           Ledecky’s  mark  from  the  will be “encouraged to show
            letes will be absent as they are   jana  Schoenmaker  of  South  But  Hungary  Prime  Minis-  2016 Olympics.        support  by  clapping  instead
            banned from all international   Africa are also missing from  ter  Viktor  Orbán  offered  to  Ledecky can also win a fifth  of cheering or chanting.”
            events  following  the  inva-  the  list  of  swimmers  con-  hold it again in the 2017 host  consecutive world title in the
            sion  of  Ukraine.  Olympic   firmed  at  the  worlds  from  city.  Budapest  is  also  slated  1500 on Monday.     Three-time  Olympic  cham-
            backstroke  champion  Evg-   Saturday through July 3.     to  host  the  worlds  in  2027.  U.S. teammate Caeleb Dres-  pion Hosszú will be compet-
            eny  Rylov  was  also  handed                             The championships are usu-   sel is going for his third con-  ing in her eighth worlds and
            a  nine-month  ban  from  all   The list of absent athletes was  ally held every two years, but  secutive  world  titles  in  the  it could be her last.
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