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A28    u.s. news
                      Diasabra 18 Juni 2022

                         Alaska kids served sealant instead of milk at school program

                                                                                                   to eat.                      large  pouches  of  milk  that
                                                                                                                                were  also  in  cardboard  box-
                                                                                                   Shortly  after,  children  be-  es.”
                                                                                                   gan  complaining  that  the
                                                                                                   milk  tasted  bad  and  caused  “We  don’t  know  how  that
                                                                                                   burning  sensations  in  their  happened,  but  they  were  all
                                                                                                   mouths and throats.          put on the same pallet,” she
                                                                                                                                said.  “That  pallet  was  deliv-
                                                                                                   After school district and con-  ered, and the assumption was
                                                                                                   tract personnel looked at the  that it was milk because that’s
                                                                                                   container  label,  it  was  dis-  what  we  thought  was  being
                                                                                                   covered the clear plastic  bag  delivered.”
                                                                                                   of milk that had been placed
                                                                                                   in the dispenser was actually  Part of the investigation will
                                                                                                   a floor sealant that resembles  be  to  determine  why  food
                                                                                                   the milk.                    items were stored in the same
                                                                                                                                building as chemicals.
                                                                                                   Poison control officials were
                                                                                                   contacted as well as parents.  There was no odor or chemi-
                                                                                                   Two  of  the  children  who  cal  smell  to  the  sealant,  but
                                                                                                   were picked up by their par-  school  standards  dictate  that
                                                                                                   ents may have sought medi-   any chemical used must have
                                                                                                   cal advice, the district said.  a low ingestion risk.

                                                                                                   Weiss  said  the  milk  and  the  “That  was  true  of  the  seal-
                                                                                                   floor sealant, which is also a  ant,  so  our  students  are  do-
                                                                                                   milky, white substance, both  ing fine,” she said. A couple
                                                                                                   come  in  large  plastic  bags  of  children  still  had  upset
                                                                                                   that  are  stored  inside  card-  stomachs  Tuesday  evening,
            (AP)  —  A  dozen  chil-     a  hospital  after  the  Tuesday                          board  boxes.  For  the  milk,  but many others were feeling
            dren and two adults were  morning incident in Juneau,  The incident happened while  the  pouch  is  removed  from  well, she said.
            served  floor  sealant  in-  Superintendent      Bridget  students in the day care pro-  the box and placed inside the
            stead of milk at a day care  Weiss said.                  gram at Sitʼ Eeti Shaanáxʼ-  dispenser to serve with meals  The sealant was removed and
            summer  program  at  an                                   Glacier  Valley  Elementary  instead of in cartons.       placed  in  chemical  storage,
            Alaska  elementary  school  Juneau police are leading the  in  Alaska’s  capital  city  were                        and the school district had a
            after  containers  were  ap-  investigation of how the mix-  served  breakfast.  The  pro-  Both  the  milk  and  sealant  state  food  inspector  on  site
            parently  mixed  up,  the  up  occurred,  “not  really  be-  gram is for kids ages 5 to 12.  were stored at a district com-  Wednesday morning to verify
            school district superinten-  cause we believe there’s any-                             modity storage site off cam-  all  proper  protocols  were  in
            dent said Wednesday.         thing criminal or mal-intent  All food items including milk  pus.                      place.
                                         at this point, but we do want  from  a  dispenser  were  pro-
            Several  students  complained  a  thorough  investigation  of  vided  by  a  contractor  and  Weiss  said  that  somehow,  “We are up and running to-
            of burning sensations in their  what happened, how it hap-  served  by  staff.  The  break-  boxes  with  sealant  in  large  day,” she said.
            mouth  and  throats,  and  at  pened,  and  they’re  trained  fast items were put on trays,  pouches  were  “stored  or
            least one child was treated at  investigators,” Weiss said.  which students took to tables  moved on the same pallet as

                          Michigan cop charged with murder in Lyoya’s death is fired

            (AP) — A Michigan police                                  family buried their son in the  traffic  stops  and  foot  chases  bond Friday.
            officer charged with mur-    Lyoya, a Black man, was killed  middle of the rain.”      that led to arrests and the sei-
            der after shooting Patrick  at the end of a traffic stop on                            zure of guns and drugs.      Grand  Rapids,  population
            Lyoya  in  the  back  of  the  April 4. He ran and physically  Schurr’s personnel file shows                        about  200,000,  is  160  miles
            head  has  been  fired,  offi-  resisted Schurr after failing to  no  complaints  of  excessive  He spent a night in jail before  (260 kilometers) west of De-
            cials said Wednesday.        produce a driver’s license.  force  but  much  praise  for  being  released  on  $100,000  troit.
            Christopher Schurr, a Grand  Schurr, who is white, claimed
            Rapids officer for seven years,  Lyoya had control of his Taser
            waived his right to a hearing  when  he  shot  him.  Defense
            and  was  dismissed,  effective  lawyers said the officer feared
            last Friday, said City Manager  for his safety.
            Mark Washington.
                                         The confrontation and shoot-
            Schurr’s  dismissal  was  rec-  ing were recorded on video.
            ommended  by  police  Chief  Schurr, 31, had been on leave
            Eric  Winstrom  after  a  sec-  while  state  police  investi-
            ond-degree  murder  charge  gated the shooting and pros-
            was filed Thursday.          ecutor Chris Becker decided
                                         whether to pursue charges.
            Washington declined further
            comment,  noting  the  crimi-  Lyoya’s  parents  had  long
            nal  case  and  a  likely  lawsuit  called for Schurr to be fired.
            over Lyoya’s death.
                                         “Two  words:  about  time.
            Schurr’s attorney, Matt Bor-  What took so long?” the fam-
            gula,  said  he  wasn’t  repre-  ily’s  attorney,  Ven  Johnson,
            senting the officer in the la-  said.  “They  knew  this  was
            bor matter and had no com-   excessive force and they put
            ment.                        him on paid leave while the
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