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A26     u.s. news
                        Dialuna 31 Mei 2021

                      Conservatives aim at Census’ method for uncounted households

            (AP) - When U.S. Census                                                                are  as  accurate  as  possible,’  didn’t know how the group-
            Bureau  workers  couldn’t                                                              you  could  be  signaling  to  housing count records would
            find  out  any  information                                                            your  own  constituents  and  be used, but he added, “I am
            about  some  households                                                                followers that they ought not  concerned this is a backdoor
            after   repeatedly   mail-                                                             to bother participating in the  way of slowly using sampling
            ing  them  questionnaire                                                               future,”  said  Lowenthal,  a  in the count.”
            reminders  and  sending                                                                former  congressional  staffer
            census  takers  to  knock                                                              who specializes in census is-  The initial batch of Fair Lines
            on  their  doors,  the  stat-                                                          sues.                        documents included a slide-
            isticians turned to an ob-                                                                                          show that indicated the Cen-
            scure,  last-resort  statisti-                                                         The  Census  Bureau  has  sus  used  the  statistical  tech-
            cal  technique  known  as                                                              been using the technique on  nique to get a head count in
            “imputation.”                                                                          households  since  the  1960  43,000  separate  group  hous-
                                         blog  post  earlier  this  year.  expense  of  states  like  Ari-  census, and it was challenged  ing  facilities.  That  included
            Less  than  1%  of  households  “By using imputation, we fill  zona,  Florida  and  Texas,  he  and  upheld  in  courts  after  5,500  college  housing  units,
            were counted using the tech-  in what we don’t know, using  said in an essay for The Cla-  censuses  in  1980  and  2000.  which  Torchinsky  said  were
            nique  during  the  2020  cen-  information we do know.”  remont Institute, a conserva-  The  Supreme  Court  has  a  special  concern  given  the
            sus.  But  some  conservative                             tive think tank.             ruled  that  the  Census  Bu-  number of students who re-
            political  groups  are  ques-  The  focus  for  conservatives                          reau can’t use sampling — a  located last year. They could
            tioning  it,  potentially  laying  is on how this technique was  Korzeniewski called the tech-  method of using a subset of  have  been  double-counted
            a  foundation  for  legal  chal-  applied  to  college  dorms,  nique “the most grievous” is-  people to estimate character-  at  their  parents’  homes  and
            lenges to the data that will ul-  nursing  homes,  prisons  and  sue  involving  the  2020  cen-  istics of the whole population  in the dorms through impu-
            timately be used for drawing  other  places  where  people  sus,  which  determines  how  — but the justices have said  tation,  he  said,  though  the
            congressional  and  legislative  live  in  groups.  These  resi-  many  congressional  seats  that  imputation  is  different  Census Bureau says it elimi-
            districts.                   dents were particularly diffi-  and  Electoral  College  votes  from sampling.         nates  duplicate  responses
                                         cult to count during the 2020  each state gets, as well as the  Now that the Supreme Court  during the numbers-crunch-
            Imputation  involves  using  census because the pandemic  distribution  of  $1.5  trillion  has a solid conservative  ma-  ing phase of the 2020 census.
            information about neighbors  sent  college  students  fleeing  in federal funding each year.  jority,  Korzeniewski  said  it’s
            with  similar  characteristics  campuses  and  put  nursing  He  urged  states  and  courts  possible  the  court  could  re-  Still,  Torchinsky  said  he
            to fill in head counts or de-  homes  in  lockdown.  In  re-  to take action on it “immedi-  verse itself.          wasn’t sure if the use of the
            mographic characteristics for  sponse,  the  Census  Bureau  ately.”                                                technique  skewed  to  favor
            households lacking data. For  unexpectedly   decided   to  Saying  Korzeniewski’s  essay  “Given the change in the Su-  some areas more than others.
            instance, a rowhouse with no  use  the  technique  for  group  cherry-picked facts and mis-  preme  Court  balance,  it  is
            information  may  be  count-  housing, where about 3% of  represented  the  technique,  possible for the court to limit  ”We don’t know exactly what
            ed as having two people if a  the U.S. population lives.  demographer  Bill  O’Hare  imputation precisely because  they did yet, because they’re
            neighboring rowhouse is oc-                               said  he  doubted  any  chal-  of its disparate impact,” Ko-  being  less  than  transparent
            cupied  by  two  people.  The  In a recent essay, Adam Ko-  lenge would succeed.       rzeniewski said.             about  it,  but  I’m  not  ready
            technique  tends  to  be  uti-  rzeniewski,  a  controversial                                                       to conclude it helps or hurts
            lized in hard-to-count places,  former  political  appointee  Census  expert  Terri  Ann  Separately,  a  Republican-  one set of states because we
            often  with  racial  and  ethnic  assigned to a top position at  Lowenthal said there’s a risk  oriented  redistricting  advo-  just  don’t  know  what  they
            minorities,  where  people  the  Census  Bureau  during  of  undermining  confidence  cacy group sued the Census  did,” he said.
            haven’t answered the census  the  Trump  administration,  in  the  census  by  planting  Bureau two weeks ago under
            questionnaire and could oth-  speculated that the technique  seeds  of  doubt  without  any  the  Freedom  of  Informa-  During  their  brief  tenure  at
            erwise go uncounted.         favors liberal states over con-  proof  of  inaccuracies  caused  tion Act to get records deal-  the  Census  Bureau,  the  sta-
                                         servative states.            by  the  method,  which  has  ing  with  the  group-housing  tistical technique was on the
                                                                      been  scrutinized  by  nonpar-  count,  saying  it  had  “sig-  minds  of  Nathaniel  Cogley,
            “It makes the overall dataset  As applied to group housing,  tisan experts for decades.  nificant implications  for our  whom  the  Trump  adminis-
            —  or  census  in  this  case  —  it favored the Northeast with                        nation’s  redistricting  and  tration named as the agency’s
            more  accurate  than  leaving  its  density  of  college  cam-  “If  you  say,  ‘We  don’t  trust  electoral process.” Fair Lines  deputy  director  for  policy,
            the gaps blank,” Pat Cantwell,  puses and stricter lockdowns  the  Census  Bureau  to  pro-  America  Foundation  attor-  and  Korzeniewski,  Cogley’s
            a  bureau  official,  said  in  a  during  the  pandemic,  at  the  duce objective numbers that  ney Jason Torchinsky said he  senior advisor.

                        Buttigieg urges travelers to respect mask mandates on planes

            (AP)  —  Transportation  “And  of  course,  there’s  very  has to do with the conditions  penalties  as  high  as  $15,000  Southwest  and  American
            Secretary  Pete  Buttigieg  serious  fines  and  enforce-  of it being a workplace, and  against  five  passengers  for  Airlines said they would hold
            on  Sunday  urged  travel-   ment around that,” Buttigieg  folks who really don’t have a  violations  that  included  al-  off  on  resuming  alcoholic
            ers  to  respect  flight  at-  added.                     choice about being there, the  legedly assaulting and yelling  beverage  services  because  of
            tendants  and  other  crew                                way it is in some other cases.”  at flight attendants.    recent incidents of passenger
            members  who  enforce  Buttigieg  said  the  federal                                                                disruption.
            federal mask mandates on  mask  mandate,  which  re-      Centers  for  Disease  Con-  Southwest Airlines last week  The FAA says reports of un-
            planes, pledging strict fed-  mains  in  effect  on  planes,  trol  and  Prevention  guide-  also  banned  a  woman  ac-  ruly  passenger  behavior  has
            eral  enforcement  against  buses  and  trains  until  Sept.  lines say that fully vaccinated  cused of punching a flight at-  been on the rise this year as
            such abuse at a time of in-  13, continues to be driven by  people  can  go  without  face  tendant shortly after a plane  more  travelers  return  to  the
            creasingly  unruly  behav-   public health considerations.  coverings inside and outside  from Sacramento, California,  skies. According to the agen-
            ior by passengers.           He  stressed  that  travelers  various public areas.      landed in San Diego on May  cy, from Jan. 1 through May
                                         should abide by it as both a                              23. The airline said the pas-  24, there were roughly 2,500
            “The  flight  crews  and  oth-  matter  of  safety  and  respect  “These rules and regulations  senger  ignored  instructions  reports of unruly behavior by
            er  workers  you  encounter,  to transportation workers.  and these bodies of guidance  from the flight attendant be-  passengers,  including  about
            they’re  doing  their  job,”  he                          always  evolve  with  the  sci-  fore  assaulting  her.  San  Di-  1,900 reports of people refus-
            said. “They’re following reg-  “Part of it has to do with the  ence,” Buttigieg said.  ego  Harbor  Police  arrested  ing to comply with the fed-
            ulations and they’re there to  unique  conditions  of  the                             Vyvianna Quinonez, 28, and  eral mask mandate.
            keep you safe. It is absolutely  physical  space,”  Buttigieg  His  admonition  comes  af-  charged her with felony bat-
            unacceptable to ever mistreat  said,  explaining  the  extra  ter  the  Federal  Aviation  Ad-  tery.               Buttigieg  spoke  on  ABC’s
            a transportation worker.     COVID-19  precautions  for  ministration  announced  last                              “This  Week”  and  CNN’s
                                         crowded  spaces.  “Part  of  it  week  it  was  proposing  civil  Over  the  weekend,  both  “State of the Union.”
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