Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210531
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Dialuna 31 Mei 2021
Vets return to Memorial Day traditions as pandemic eases
(AP) — A pair of military vets in one of America’s deadli-
navigate the hilly, meander- The isolation of the pan- est coronavirus outbreaks
ing paths in a historic ceme- demic has also been particu- last year in a long-term care
tery in Boston, searching out larly hard on veterans, many facility. A memorial service
soldiers’ graves and planting of whom depend on kinship was held at the home earlier
American flags in front of with fellow service members this week, and the names of
them. to cope with wartime trauma, residents who died over the
says Jeremy Butler, a 47-year- past calendar year were read
About 10 miles away, scores old Navy Reserve officer in aloud.
of other vets and volunteers New York who heads the
do the same, placing more advocacy group Iraq and Af- Kenney, who has been a vocal
than 37,000 small flags on ghanistan Veterans of Amer- advocate for reforming the
the downtown Boston Com- ica. troubled home, says there are
mon — a sea of red, white still lingering questions about
and blue meant to symbolize “We’re reuniting now, but who else should be held ac-
all the Massachusetts soldiers it’s been an extremely chal- countable, even as top offi-
killed in battle since the Rev- lenging year,” he said. “To cials at the state-run facility
olutionary War. It’s an annual have those connections cut face criminal negligence and
tradition that returns in full about — remembering our assuage concerns, many of off — the counseling ses- abuse charges and federal and
this year after being signifi- fallen comrades.” which are also shared by cur- sions, the VA appointments, state agencies launch investi-
cantly scaled back in 2020 be- rent service members. social events with other vets gations.
cause of the pandemic. Around the nation, Ameri- — those are so important to
cans will be able to pay trib- “We understand it’s a per- maintaining mental health.” “I’ve been reliving this for a
In Boston and elsewhere, this ute to fallen troops in ways sonal choice, so we try to whole year,” she said. “At ev-
holiday weekend will feel that were impossible last year, meet people where they are,” But for the families of vet- ery milestone. Veterans Day.
something closer to Memori- when virus restrictions were said delaCruz, who is also erans who survived the hor- His birthday. His death anni-
al Days of old, as COVID-19 in effect in many places. It president of Team Rubicon, rors of war, only to be felled versary. Everything is a con-
restrictions are fully lifted in will also be a time to remem- a disaster-response nonprofit by COVID-19, Memorial stant reminder of what hap-
many places. ber the tens of thousands made up of military veterans. Day can reopen barely healed pened. It’s so painful to think
of veterans who died from wounds. about.”
“This Memorial Day almost COVID-19 and recommit There’s no definitive tally for
has a different, better feeling to vaccinating those who re- coronavirus deaths or vac- In western Massachusetts, For other families, Memorial
to it,” said Craig DeOld, a main reluctant. cinations among American Susan Kenney says the death Day will be as it ever was, a
50-year-old retired captain in military vets, but Depart- of her 78-year-old father last day to remember loved ones
the Army Reserve, as he took Art delaCruz, a 53-year-old ment of Veterans Affairs data April from the virus still re- killed in war.
a breather from his flag duties retired Navy commander in shows more than 12,000 have mains raw.
at the Fairview Cemetery ear- Los Angeles leads the Vet- died and more than 2.5 mil- In Virginia, Willie Ransom,
lier this week. “We’re breath- erans Coalition for Vaccina- lion have been inoculated Charles Lowell, an Air Force a 74-year-old Vietnam War
ing a sigh of relief that we’ve tion, said his group has been against COVID-19 out of the veteran who served during vet, said his family will hold a
overcome another struggle, encouraging inoculated vet- roughly 9 million veterans the Vietnam War, was among modest service at the grave of
but we’re also now able to re- erans to volunteer at vaccine enrolled in the agency’s pro- 76 residents of the Holyoke his youngest son.
turn to what this holiday is all sites to dispel myths and help grams. Soldiers’ Home who died
More states ease lingering virus rules as vaccine rates rise
(AP) — Just in time for that reflects increasingly pos- have been incredible. It’s a now.”
Memorial Day weekend, itive health data. On Satur- rainy weekend, but the book- In neighboring Massachu-
more U.S. cities and states day, Illinois’ Department of store is full.” setts, Gov. Charlie Baker According to Massachusetts
are shrugging off linger- Public Health reported 802 lifted a mask mandate effec- officials, 78% of all adult resi-
ing COVID-19 restric- new confirmed and probable Minnesota lifted all statewide tive Saturday, though face dents have had at least one
tions as vaccination rates infections, the second-lowest coronavirus restrictions for coverings are still required in vaccine dose.
rise and the number of in- one-day total in the last six bars and restaurants Friday, certain places, including on
fections falls. months. though local governments public transportation. The “New cases have dropped
can maintain their own social state also still encourages by 94% since they peaked in
Massachusetts lifted a mask For businesses nationwide, distancing and mask rules. unvaccinated people to wear January,” Baker said Friday
requirement Saturday, a day the improving outlook and masks in indoor or public ar- as he announced the end of
after New Jersey dropped long holiday weekend of- About 50% of the U.S. pop- eas. the restrictions. “Hospitaliza-
its mandate. In New York fered a chance to welcome ulation has now received at tions are down by about 90%
City and Chicago, officials customers back to in-person least one dose of COVID-19 CDC Director Dr. Rochelle since their peak. This prog-
reopened public beaches, shopping. vaccine, according to the lat- Walensky threw out the cer- ress has made it possible for
though winds and cool tem- est numbers from the Cen- emonial first pitch at Fen- us to lift all remaining CO-
peratures kept crowds away. Midtown Scholar Bookstore ters for Disease Control and way Park before the Red Sox VID restrictions across the
in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Prevention. About 40% of played the Miami Marlins on commonwealth.”
“Welcome back, Chicago,” opened its doors to custom- the population is fully vacci- the first day that Massachu-
Mayor Lori Lightfoot said in ers for the first time in nearly nated. setts dropped limits on crowd Virginia relaxed its distancing
a video announcement. “The 14 months Friday. Masks are sizes. Red Sox president Sam and capacity restrictions on
lakefront is open.” still required. Vermont boasts the nation’s Kennedy said about 24,000 Friday. President Joe Biden
highest vaccination rate, with tickets were sold. celebrated the progress with
Chicago’s Navy Pier also The business had switched to nearly 70% of its residents a visit to a rock climbing gym
reopened retail stores and internet orders, sidewalk sales having received at least one “It’s such a bright moment in northern Virginia.
restaurants, carnival rides, and virtual author events to dose. The governor is ex- right now,” Walensky told re-
and tour boats and cruises survive the pandemic. pected to drop all pandemic- porters, encouraging people Millions of Americans
after the pandemic forced related restrictions once 80% to get vaccinated. “It’s been planned to travel over the
monthslong closures at the “We had to get creative, we of Vermont’s eligible popula- a really long year, and we’ve long weekend, and airports
busy tourist destination. had to pivot,” store manager tion has received at least one seen some really, really dark reported some of their high-
Alex Brubaker said. “Our dose, a milestone the state ex- times. ... I’m thrilled we’re est traffic since the pandemic
It’s one more sign of progress readers and our customers pects to hit next week. back where we are right began.