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A30    world news
                        Dialuna 31 Mei 2021

                          Judge: Blame in Italy cable car deaths rests with technician

                                                                                    disable it because it kept locking on  Leitner to keep the funicular safe and
                                                                                    its own while the car was in service,  operational.
                                                                                    said his lawyer, Marcello Perillo.
                                                                                                                        Perocchio  similarly  denied  any
                                                                                    Speaking to reporters outside Verba-  knowledge of Tadini’s maneuver, ac-
                                                                                    nia  prison,  Perillo  said  Tadini  never  cording to his lawyer Andrea Da Pra-
                                                                                    would have left the bracket in place if  to, who suggested his client had been
                                                                                    he thought doing so might endanger  arrested  because  the  prosecutor  felt
                                                                                    passengers.                         pressure to produce quick results in
                                                                                                                        the investigation into the tragedy.
                                                                                    “He is not a criminal and would never
                                                                                    have let people go up with the brak-  As he left the prison, Perocchio said
                                                                                    ing  system  blocked  had  he  known  he was “desperately sad” for the vic-
                                                                                    that there was even a possibility that  tims  and  never  would  have  autho-
                                                                                    the cable would have broken,” Perillo  rized disabling the emergency brake.
                                                                                    said. “He can’t even begin to get his
                                                                                    head  around  the  fact  that  the  cable  “I’ve been working in cable cars for
                                                                                    broke.”                             21 years and I know there’s no rea-
                                                                                                                        son in the world to do that,” he told
                                                                                    Based on Tadini’s testimony, prosecu-  reporters.
            (AP) — The three suspects in It-    overlooking Lake Maggiore in north-  tors had hypothesized that the man-
            aly’s cable car disaster that killed  ern Italy snapped and the emergency  agers  knew  about  the  jerry-rigged  The judge’s ruling noted that Tadini
            14  people  were  allowed  to  leave  brake failed to prevent the cable car  brake  and  had  an  economic  reason  had called Perocchio twice to send in
            prison Sunday after a judge indi-   from reeling at high speed backward  in using it to keep the funicular run-  repair  crews  since  the  lift  reopened
            cated that for now blame fell on  down the support line. The cable car  ning. Prosecutor Olimpia Bossi said  because  of  the  brake  problem,  but
            just one: a service technician who  pulled off the line entirely after pass-  the  owner  would  have  had  to  have  that  the  problem  persisted  after  the
            intentionally  disabled  the  car’s  ing the support pylon, crashed to the  taken the whole lift out of service for  crews left. Even though Tadini insist-
            emergency brake because it kept  ground  and  then  rolled  down  the  the more extensive, “radical” repairs  ed  that  Perocchio  and  Nerini  knew
            locking spontaneously.              mountain  until  it  was  stopped  by  a  that were necessary.          about his patchwork repair, the judge
                                                stand of trees.                                                         said he likely was trying to share the
            Judge  Donatella  Banci  Buonamici                                      The  lift,  which  features  four  large  blame  on  the  people  who  could  af-
            said there wasn’t sufficient evidence  The  lone  survivor,  5-year-old  Eitan  tram cars bringing passengers up and  ford  to  pay  damages,  and  wasn’t  a
            suggesting  the  owner  of  the  Mot-  Biran, remains hospitalized but con-  down  the  mountain,  only  reopened  credible  enough  witness  to  warrant
            tarone cable car company, Luigi Neri-  scious,  with  his  aunt  looking  after  on  April  26  after  a  lengthy  COV-  their continued detention.
            ni, or the maintenance chief, Enrico  him. Eitan’s Israeli-born parents, his  ID-19 shutdown and was gearing up
            Perocchio,  knew  that  the  technician  younger brother and his great-grand-  for  the  summer  tourist  season  in  a  Leitner, the maintenance company of
            had deactivated the brake on several  parents were killed in the disaster and  picturesque part of northern Italy.  which Perocchio is an employee, has
            occasions even before the May 23 di-  their remains were sent back to Israel.                               said that using the fork-shaped brack-
            saster.                                                                 But lawyers for Nerini and Perocchio  ets  was  “expressly  forbidden”  when
                                                It isn’t known why the pulling cable  said  the  two  denied  knowing  any-  passengers  were  in  the  cabin.  The
            After evaluating prosecutors’ request  snapped.                         thing  about  Tadini’s  maneuver  and  brackets are meant to be used when
            for continued detention of the three,                                   said they had no reason to let a cable  the cabin — part of a transport system
            Buonamici  determined  there  was  The  Vipiteno,  Italy-based  company  car  without  a  brake  system  operate.  known as an aerial tram — is parked
            no flight risk, ordered the managers  that  maintains  the  lift,  Leitner  SpA,  The  judge  concurred,  noting  that  in the station for the night or to do
            freed  while  allowing  the  technician,  has  said  “no  irregularities  were  de-  neither they nor Leitner, the mainte-  repair work.
            Gabriele Tadini, to leave under house  tected”  during  the  November  2020  nance  company,  would  have  had  an
            arrest.  The  three  men,  who  remain  magnetic testing of the lead cable, and  interest in doing so.      Leitner  has  provided  investigators
            under  investigation,  left  Verbania  that every other annual check hadn’t                                 with  documentation  of  the  lift’s
            prison early Sunday, accompanied by  turned up problems either.         Nerini’s  attorney,  Pasquale  Patano,  maintenance record and declared it-
            their lawyers.                                                          said the owner “had no interest in not  self an injured party in the case, saying
                                                Tadini  admitted  during  questioning  repairing the cable car” since he paid a  it plans to donate any awarded dam-
            Fourteen people were killed when the  that he had left a fork-shaped bracket  flat fee of 150,000 euros ($183,000) a  ages to the families of the victims.
            lead cable of the Mottarone funicular  on the cable car’s emergency brake to  year for unlimited maintenance from

                            In Mexico, cartels are hunting down police at their homes

            (AP)  —  The  notoriously  poses  the  most  direct  chal-  Guanajuato in May.         najuato.”                    have been killed, or an aver-
            violent  Jalisco  cartel  has  lenge yet to President Andrés                                                        age of about 75 officers each
            responded  to  Mexico’s  Manuel  López  Obrador’s  “For  each  member  of  our  Numbers of victims are hard  year — more than are killed
            “hugs,  not  bullets”  policy  policy  of  avoiding  violence  firm (CJNG) that you arrest,  to  come  by,  but  Poplab,  a  by  gunfire  or  other  assaults
            with  a  policy  of  its  own:  and rejecting any war on the  we  are  going  to  kill  two  of  news  cooperative  in  Gua-  on  average  each  year  in  the
            The cartel kidnapped sev-    cartels.                     your Tacticals, wherever they  najuato,  said  at  least  seven  entire  United  States,  which
            eral  members  of  an  elite                              are,  at  their  homes,  in  their  police  officers  have  been  has  50  times  Guanajuato’s
            police  force  in  the  state  But  the  cartel  has  already  patrol  vehicles,”  the  banner  killed on their days off so far  population.
            of  Guanajuato,  tortured  declared war on the govern-    read,  referring  to  the  cartel  this year. In January, gunmen  The  problem  in  Guanajuato
            them to obtain names and  ment,  aiming  to  eradicate  by its Spanish initials.       went to the home of a female  has  gotten  so  bad  that  the
            addresses  of  fellow  offi-  an elite state force known as                            state police officer, killed her  state  government  published
            cers  and  is  now  hunting  the Tactical Group which the  Guanajuato-based   security  husband,  dragged  her  away,  a  special  decree  on  May  17
            down and killing police at  gang  accuses  of  treating  its  analyst  David  Saucedo  said  tortured her and dumped her  to  provide  an  unspecified
            their homes, on their days  members unfairly.             there have been many cases.  bullet-ridden body.          amount  of  funding  for  pro-
            off, in front of their fami-  “If you want war, you’ll get a  “A lot of them (officers) have                        tection  mechanisms  for  po-
            lies.                        war. We have already shown  decided to desert. They took  Guanajuato has had the high-  lice and prison officials.
                                         that we know where you are.  their  families,  abandoned  est  number  of  police  killed  “They  have  been  forced  to
            It is a type of direct attack on  We are coming for all of you,”  their homes and they are flee-  of  any  Mexican  state  since  quickly  leave  their  homes
            officers seldom seen outside  reads a professionally printed  ing  and  in  hiding,”  Saucedo  at  least  2018,  according  to  and move, so that organized
            of the most gang-plagued na-  banner  signed  by  the  cartel  said. “The CJNG is hunting  Poplab.  Between  2018  and  crimes  groups  cannot  find
            tions of Central America and  and  hung  on  a  building  in  the elite police force of Gua-  May 12, a total of 262 police  them,” it reads.
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