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                                                                                                       sports Dialuna 31 Mei 2021

                        Osaka fined $15K for skipping French Open media; Thiem out

            (AP)  —  Naomi  Osaka  was                                statement noted that "tough-
            fined  $15,000  at  the  French  That's because Osaka vowed  er  sanctions"  from  "repeat
            Open  for  skipping  a  post-  in a Twitter post Wednesday,  violations"  could  include
            match  news  conference  af-  and  then  kept  that  promise  default — being disqualified
            ter  her  first-round  victory  Sunday,  to  stay  away  from  from the tournament — and
            Sunday — and threatened by  the  standard  back-and-forth  "the trigger of a major offense
            all four Grand Slam tourna-  with the media in Paris, the  investigation  that  could  lead
            ments  with  stiffer  penalties,  sort of thing athletes in vari-  to more substantial fines and
            including being defaulted, if  ous sports do as a matter of  future  Grand  Slam  suspen-
            she continues to avoid meet-  course.  She  framed  it  as  a  sions."
            ing with the media.          mental  health  issue,  saying  Osaka's agent did not imme-
                                         that  it  creates  self-doubt  to  diately reply to a request for
            The  fine  will  come  out  of  have to answer questions af-  comment  from  the  AP  on
            Osaka's prize money and was  ter a loss.                  Sunday.
            announced  in  a  joint  state-                           The whole thing didn't mean
            ment  from  the  president  of  Players at Grand Slam tour-  Osaka  was  able  to  entirely
            the French tennis federation,  naments  are  required  to  at-  elude  any  question  about
            Gilles  Moretton,  and  the  tend  news  conferences  if  her  problems  playing  on
            heads of the other majors.   requested  to  do  so;  refusing  red  clay,  however.  She  did
            Osaka  returned  to  Roland  is  punishable  by  fines  of  up  go  ahead  with  the  perfunc-
            Garros after skipping the trip  to  $20,000.  That,  of  course,  tory exchange of pleasantries
            last  time,  turning  in  a  mis-  is  not  a  big  deal  to  Osaka,  with on-court "interviewers"
            take-filled 6-4, 7-6 (4) victo-  the  world's  highest-earning  who  lob  softball  questions
            ry  over  63rd-ranked  Patricia  female  athlete  thanks  to  en-  so spectators can hear some-
            Maria Tig at Court Philippe  dorsement  contracts  worth  thing from match winners.
            Chatrier on Day 1 in Paris.  tens of millions of dollars an-
            After the 2020 French Open  nually.                       In that chat with former play-                            2019.
            was  pushed  to  a  September                             er  Fabrice  Santoro,  who  is  As for her impression of Osa-  Andujar, who beat Roger Fe-
            start  with  a  limit  of  1,000  "It's her own choice. I think  hardly a journalist and kindly  ka's  on-court  ability  on  clay,  derer on clay in Geneva this
            spectators  per  day  because  she's  capable  of  making  her  offered to help Osaka by car-  Tig  offered  this  assessment:  month,  had  never  before
            of the coronavirus outbreak,  own  choices  and  obviously  rying  the  flowers  she  was  "If  she  wins,  she'll  get  used  won  a  match  after  dropping
            things were closer to normal  she will do always what's best  given by the tournament, the  to  it.  She  can  play  as  good  the initial two sets.
            Sunday:  It  was  a  sun-kissed  for  her,"  Tig  said.  "I  think  topic  of  the  event's  surface  on clay as she plays on hard
            May day and more than 5,000  that's what's happening now.  actually did arise.         courts."                     Another  past  Grand  Slam
            fans were allowed in.        It's her choice of doing what                                                          champion,  three-time  title
                                         she feels is best for her."  Osaka's  Grand  Slam  titles  Osaka showed how Sunday:  winner  and  former  No.  1
            Other  results  perhaps  were                             only  have  come  on  hard  controlling  points  with  her  Angelique Kerber, was beaten
            more  newsworthy  than  a  The  Grand  Slam  tourna-      courts. She has won the Aus-  attacking game. She won 31  6-2, 6-4 by Anhelina Kalini-
            straight-set  win  by  the  No.  ments'  statement  said  Osa-  tralian Open twice, including  of  35  points  when  her  first  na, a qualifier from Ukraine
            2-ranked Osaka — that's cer-  ka  has  been  "advised"  that  this year, and the U.S. Open  serve  landed  in  and  accu-  ranked 139th and making her
            tainly the case for U.S. Open  "should  she  continue  to  ig-  twice, including last year, but  mulated 39 winners — more  tournament debut.
            champion    and   two-time  nore  her  media  obligations  she  never  has  been  past  the  than  twice  as  many  as  Tig's
            French  Open  runner-up  during  the  tournament,  she  third  round  at  the  French  18.                          Roland Garros thus remains
            Dominic  Thiem's  4-6,  5-7,  would  be  exposing  herself  Open.                      Thiem had never lost in the  the  only  Grand  Slam  title
            6-3,  6-4,  6-4  loss  to  68th-  to  possible  further  Code  of  "I  would  say  it's  a  work  in  first  round  in  eight  Roland  that  Kerber  hasn't  won:  She
            ranked Pablo Andujar — but  Conduct  infringement  con-   progress,"  Osaka  said  about  Garros appearances and made  was the champion at the Aus-
            the  events  that  unfolded  af-  sequences."             her game on clay. "Hopefully  it as far as the final twice be-  tralian Open and U.S. Open
            ter  the  Japanese  superstar's                           the more I play, the better it  fore  losing  to  Rafael  Nadal  in  2016  and  Wimbledon  in
            match were of high interest.  Citing  the  rule  book,  the  will get."                — who else? — in 2018 and  2018.

                           Swiss motorcyclist Dupasquier dies following Moto3 crash

            (AP) — Swiss motorcycle                                   a statement.                 out of the Moto2 contest.    cult to stay focused," said the
            rider  Jason  Dupasquier  "Despite  the  best  efforts  of                                                          22-year-old  Quartararo.  "We
            has died following a crash  circuit  medical  staff  and  all  Dupasquier  was  involved  in  Dupasquier  was  in  his  sec-  got the win and that one was
            during  Moto3  qualifying  those subsequently attending  an accident with Ayumu Sa-    ond  season  in  MotoGP's  for Jason and his family."
            for the Italian Grand Prix,  to the Swiss rider, the hospital  saki  and  Jeremy  Alcoba  to-  lightweight  class  and  was
            the  Careggi  Hospital  in  has  announced  that  Dupas-  ward  the  end  of  Saturday's  in  the  top  10  in  the  overall  Tributes  flooded  in  from
            Florence announced Sun-      quier has sadly succumbed to  session,  which was immedi-  standings  heading  into  the  other riders, as well as from
            day. He was 19.              his injuries," MotoGP said in  ately red-flagged.         weekend.                     across  the  world  of  motors-
                                                                      Dupasquier  appeared  to  fall  The  MotoGP  grid  staged  a  port.
                                                                      and was then hit by his own  one-minute silence ahead of
                                                                      motorbike and that of Sasaki,  Sunday's  23-lap  race,  which  Formula  One  tweeted:  "No
                                                                      while a visibly shocked Alco-  was won by world champion-  words  can  ever  describe
                                                                      ba later said on television that  ship leader Fabio Quartararo.  the pain of such a loss. Our
                                                                      he thought he had also gone                               thoughts  are  with  Jason's
                                                                      over the Swiss rider's legs.  Following  his  victory,  the  family, friends and the entire
                                                                                                   French  rider  stopped  at  the  MotoGP community."
                                                                      He  was  treated  on  the  track  scene  of  Dupasquier's  acci-
                                                                      for approximately 30 minutes  dent  before  pointing  to  the  Many  F1  teams  and  drivers
                                                                      before  a  helicopter  landed  sky.  He  then  waved  a  Swiss  also  took  to  social  media  to
                                                                      and airlifted him to a hospital  flag on the podium in Dupas-  express their condolences.
                                                                      in Florence.                 quier's honour.              Ferrari's  Charles  Leclerc,
                                                                      Dupasquier's  team,  Prustel  "It  was  tough  because  when  who  secured  pole  position
                                                                      GP, did not take part in Sun-  you  do  the  one-minute  si-  at  last  weekend's  Monaco
                                                                      day's  race,  while  his  fellow  lence, the emotion is coming  Grand Prix, tweeted: "Rest in
                                                                      Swiss rider Tom Luthi pulled  really  quick  and  it  is  diffi-  peace, Jason."
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