Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210531
P. 29
world news Dialuna 31 Mei 2021
Netanyahu could lose PM job as rivals attempt to join forces
(AP) — The head of a small hard- ernment.”
line party on Sunday said he
would try to form a unity govern- “A government like this is a danger
ment with Prime Minister Ben- to the security of Israel, and is also a
jamin Netanyahu’s opponents, danger to the future of the state,” he
taking a major step toward end- said.
ing the 12-year rule of the Israeli
leader. Bennett, a former Netanyahu aide
turned rival, said he was taking the
In a nationwide address, Yamina par- dramatic step to prevent yet another
ty leader Naftali Bennett said he had election. While sharing Netanyahu’s
decided to join forces with the coun- nationalist ideology, Bennett said
try’s opposition leader, Yair Lapid. there was no feasible way for the
hard-line right wing to form a gov-
“It’s my intention to do my utmost erning majority in parliament.
in order to form a national unity gov-
ernment along with my friend Yair “A government like this will succeed
Lapid, so that, God willing, together only if we work together as a group,”
we can save the country from a tail- he said.
spin and return Israel to its course,”
Bennett said. He said everyone “will need to post- leader and potentially find himself party with a racist anti-Arab agenda.
pone fulfilling all their dreams. We facing unrest in his Likud party. Although Arabs make up some 20%
The pair have until Wednesday to will focus on what can be done, in- of Israel’s population, an Arab party
complete a deal in which they are stead of fighting all day on what’s im- Netanyahu, who has accused Bennett has never before sat in an Israeli coali-
expected to each serve two years as possible.” of betraying the Israeli right wing, tion government.
prime minister in a rotation deal. La- planned a televised statement later
pid’s Yesh Atid party said negotiating Each of the past four elections was Sunday. After Netanyahu’s failure to form a
teams were to meet later Sunday. seen as a referendum on Netanyahu government, Lapid was then given
-- who has become a polarizing figure In order to form a government, a par- four weeks to cobble together a co-
A unity government would end the as he stands trial on corruption charg- ty leader must secure the support of alition. He has until Wednesday to
cycle of deadlock that has plunged es — with each ending in deadlock. a 61-seat majority in parliament. Be- complete the task.
the country into four inconclusive cause no single party controls a ma-
elections over the past two years. It Netanyahu is desperate to stay in jority on its own, coalitions are usu- Lapid already faced a difficult chal-
also would end, at least for the time power while he is on trial. He has ally built with smaller partners. lenge, given the broad range of parties
being, the record-setting tenure of used his office as a stage to rally sup- in the anti-Netanyahu bloc that have
Netanyahu, the most dominant fig- port and lash out against police, pros- As leader of the largest party, Netan- little in common. They include dov-
ure in Israeli politics over the past ecutors and the media. yahu was given the first opportunity ish left-wing parties, a pair of right-
three decades. by the country’s figurehead presi- wing nationalist parties, including
If his opponents fail to form a govern- dent to form a coalition. But he was Bennett’s Yamina, and most likely the
In his own televised statement, Ne- ment and new elections are triggered, unable to secure a majority with his Islamist United Arab List.
tanyahu accused Bennett of betraying it would give him another chance at traditional religious and nationalist
the Israeli right wing. seeing the election of a parliament allies. Lapid’s task was made even more dif-
that is in favor of granting him im- ficult after war broke out with Hamas
He urged nationalist politicians who munity from prosecution. But if they Netanyahu even attempted to court militants in the Gaza Strip on May
have joined the coalition talks not to succeed, he would find himself in the a small Islamist Arab party but was 10. His coalition talks were put on
establish what he called a “leftist gov- much weaker position of opposition thwarted by a small ultranationalist hold during the 11 days of fighting.
Pope invites Lebanese Christians to Vatican for peace prayer
(AP) — Pope Francis has noon blessing, saying the aim tians in the Middle East and In recent weeks, with foreign
invited representatives of was to “pray together for the is the only Arab country with currency reserves dwindling During his meeting with
Lebanon’s Christian com- gift of peace and stability.” He a Christian head of state. at the central bank, Lebanon Hariri, Francis reaffirmed
munity to the Vatican on asked for prayers ahead of the Christians make up a third of has been witnessing severe his desire to visit Lebanon as
July 1 for a day of prayer meeting and for Lebanon it- the population. shortage in medicines as well soon as conditions permit.
and reflection “about the self so the country can enjoy as fuel, with people having to The July 1 meeting, presum-
worrisome situation in the “a more serene future.” Lebanon has been endur- wait in line at gas stations to ably, will be an opportunity
country.” ing an unparalleled financial, fill their cars. Electricity cuts for the pope to express his
Lebanon, a Mediterranean economic and political crisis last more than 12 hours a day. solidarity now, given that a
Francis announced the en- nation of 5 million, has the for months, which has been visit in the near future isn’t
counter during his Sunday largest percentage of Chris- worsened by the coronavi- Cardinal Bechara Rai, head possible.
rus pandemic. Francis met of the Maronite Catholic
in April at the Vatican with church that is the largest in According to Lebanon’s pow-
Prime Minister-designate Lebanon, has criticized the er-sharing system, the presi-
Saad Hariri and urged all country’s political class and dent has to be a Maronite
Lebanese political leaders to urged them to quickly form Christian and the parliamen-
“urgently commit themselves a Cabinet to bring Lebanon tary speaker a Shiite Muslim,
to the benefit of the nation.” out of its crisis. while the prime minister has
to be a Sunni. Parliament and
Because of political deadlock, “Excuses are not convincing Cabinet seats are equally split
the country has been without anyone regarding delays in between Muslims and Chris-
a government since the Cabi- the formation of a govern- tians.
net resigned days after a mas- ment,” Rai said last week.
sive blast at Beirut’s port on “It looks like Cabinet for- It wasn’t immediately clear
Aug. 4, killing 211, wounding mation is in a long vacation. which representatives of Leb-
more than 6,000 and damag- The stalemate is a killing to anon’s Christian community
ing entire neighborhoods. the country and the people. It would be coming to Rome.
must stop.”