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u.s. news Diasabra 13 augustus 2022
California governor proposes extending nuclear plant’s life
(AP) — California Gov. director of the Alliance for energy, as the state aims to
Gavin Newsom on Fri- Nuclear Responsibility ad- cut emissions by 40% below
day proposed extending vocacy group said Newsom’s 1990 levels by 2030. Nuclear
the life of the state’s last blueprint would “give PG&E power doesn’t produce car-
operating nuclear power over $1 billion in loans at bon pollution like fossil fu-
plant by five to 10 years to below the interest rate even els, but leaves behind waste
maintain reliable power state agencies charge among that can remain dangerously
supplies in the climate themselves, and it’s com- radioactive for centuries.
change era. pletely forgivable.”
The California Legislature
The proposal to keep the energy system reliability” as Gov. Jerry Brown. PG&E’s service area is con- has less than three weeks to
Diablo Canyon Nuclear climate change stresses the centrated in Northern Cali- determine if it will endorse
Power Plant running be- energy system. Environmental groups de- fornia and Weisman asked: the plan and attempt to ex-
yond a scheduled closing by picted the move as a “dan- “What are taxpayers in tend the life of the plant — a
2025 gave new urgency to a “The governor has been clear gerous” betrayal of the 2016 Southern California getting decision that would be made
decades-long fight over the for months about the poten- pact. out of this?” amid looming questions over
seismic safety of the site. tial need to extend the life of the costs and earthquake
And critics depicted New- Diablo Canyon,” Newsom “Legislators should reject The draft proposal was re- safety risks.
som’s plan as a huge financial spokesman Anthony York it out of hand,” said a joint leased ahead of a California
giveaway for plant operator said. statement from Friends of Energy Commission meeting The legislative session shuts
Pacific Gas & Electric, while the Earth, the Natural Re- on the state’s energy needs down Aug. 31 — when all
warning it would gut state He added that Newsom has sources Defense Council and and the role that the nuclear business is suspended — and
environmental safeguards. stressed the need to keep all Environment California. plant could play in maintain- only a rare special session
options on the table to main- ing reliable service. called by Newsom could
Newsom’s draft proposal in- tain reliable power and that Ralph Cavanagh of the Natu- provide a longer period to
cludes a potential forgivable “this proposal reflects the ral Resources Defense Coun- Newsom clearly wants to consider the move.
loan for PG&E for up to $1.4 continued need to keep that cil said the plan would pro- avoid a repeat of August
billion and would require flexibility.” vide sweeping exemptions 2020, when a record heat The Democratic governor,
state agencies to act quickly from environmental rules, wave caused a surge in power who is seen as a possible fu-
to clear the way for the reac- Newsom’s proposal amounts including the California En- use for air conditioning that ture White House candidate,
tors to continue running. to an attempt to unspool a vironmental Quality Act. overtaxed California’s elec- has urged PG&E for months
complex 2016 agreement trical grid. That caused two to pursue a longer run be-
The seaside plant located among environmentalists, “This draft was prepared by consecutive nights of rolling yond a scheduled closing by
midway between Los Angeles plant worker unions and the someone with little under- blackouts for the state, affect- 2025, warning that the plant’s
and San Francisco produces utility to close the plant by standing of California energy ing hundreds of thousands of power is needed as the state
9% of the state’s electricity. 2025. The joint decision also policy or history,” Cavanagh residential and business cus- transitions to solar, wind and
The proposal says its contin- was endorsed by California said. tomers. other renewable sources of
ued operation beyond 2025 is utility regulators, the Legis- The Newsom administration energy.
“critical to ensure statewide lature and then-Democratic David Weisman, legislative is pushing to expand clean
Over $2B announced for roads, bridges, bike lanes across US
In Tucson, the money will re- program also provide fund- Though still substantial, the
vamp a prominent street and ing for bicycle and pedestrian funding doesn’t have quite
replace a 1960s-era vehicle paths. the buying power as antici-
bridge that’s in poor condi- pated when the infrastructure
tion. It also will add a separate Texas and Kansas are each legislation passed Congress
bicycle and pedestrian bridge receiving about $25 million last year. That’s because infla-
as part of what Mayor Regina for hiking and biking trails. tion has driven up the cost of
Romero called “a transfor- Huntsville, Alabama, is get- key transportation construc-
mative investment in Tuc- ting $20 million to improve tion materials, such as steel
son’s infrastructure.” a pedestrian corridor linking plates for bridges and asphalt
downtown to isolated neigh- for paving roads.
While the Tucson project will borhoods. Another $20 mil-
(AP) — U.S. transporta- America’s transportation sys- expand the number lanes for lion is helping finance a new This year’s projects range
tion officials announced tems. motorists, some projects else- bike and pedestrian bridge from a new seawall and port
$2.2 billion for local in- where will reduce them. For over the Potomac River be- improvements in Sitka, Alas-
frastructure projects on “This is a program that rec- example, a $17 million grant tween Arlington, Virginia, ka, to the construction of a
Thursday, paving the way ognizes many of the most will help narrow a five-lane and Washington, D.C. four-lane parkway in the Vir-
for new bridges, roads, interesting and compelling road to three lanes in the Chi- gin Islands.
bike lanes, railways and ideas and designs and plans cago suburb of Munster, In- Buttigieg said the U.S. De-
ports in scores of commu- aren’t going to come from diana, in an effort to decrease partment of Transportation Among other projects, New
nities across the country. Washington, but more of the traffic crashes. The money received about $13 billion in Jersey is getting $20 mil-
funding should,” Buttigieg also will fund a 10-foot-wide grant applications. lion to elevate a roadway that
The competitive grants said. “That’s what we’re de- multi-purpose path along the serves as a main evacuation
are more than double the livering here.” street and plant more than A total of 166 projects across route for Atlantic City and its
amount awarded the previ- 250 trees. the country are getting a slice casino industry. In Louisiana,
ous year under the same pro- Buttigieg traveled to Arizona of the $2.2 billion. The fund- $20 million will go toward
gram. The influx comes from to highlight projects in Phoe- For many road improve- ing marks a significant in- the design and construction
a $1 trillion infrastructure nix and Tucson, each of which ment grants, “we’re doing it crease from the $983 million of two train stations along a
law backed by President Joe are receiving the maximum in mind of also benefitting distributed among 90 projects planned route between Ba-
Biden, which provided an ad- $25 million. In Phoenix, the the bike and pedestrian side,” in 2021. The allotment is the ton Rouge and New Orleans.
ditional $7.5 billion over five money will help build a new Buttigieg said. largest dating to 2009 for a Whatcom County, Washing-
years for the grants. bike and pedestrian bridge program that has undergone ton, will get $25 million to
over the Rio Salado, connect- Other newly announced multiple name and emphasis replace a 60-year-old ferry
Transportation Secretary ing the city’s southern area projects in the Rebuilding changes during the presiden- serving rural Lummi Island
Pete Buttigieg said the proj- with downtown. American Infrastructure with tial administrations of Barack with an electric hybrid mod-
ects would help modernize Sustainability and Equity Obama and Donald Trump. el.