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sport Diasabra 13 augustus 2022
Unvaccinated Djokovic out of US Open tuneup in Cincinnati
(AP) — Novak Djokovic in certain tournaments. He
pulled out of next week’s missed the Australian Open
hard-court tournament in January after being de-
in Cincinnati on Friday ported from that country and
because he has not gotten needed to sit out two events
any COVID-19 vaccine in the United States earlier
shots and so is not allowed this year, along with a tourna-
to travel to the United ment in Montreal this week.
States. Unvaccinated foreign citi-
zens can’t go to Canada or
That is also why Djokovic is the U.S. currently; the Cin-
not expected to be able to en- cinnati tournament’s news
ter the U.S. Open, the year’s release announcing Djokov-
last Grand Slam tournament, ic’s withdrawal cited “travel
which begins in New York restrictions.”
on Aug. 29. Djokovic has said he was stil
holding out hope of being
Djokovic is a 35-year-old able to enter the U.S. Open, year to Daniil Medvedev. June — and injured players scheduling change and opted
from Serbia who owns 21 but that would require a Gael Monfils, Reilly Opel- not to compete in Cincinnati.
major championships, one change of government policy, Other men who have with- ka, Oscar Otte and Dominic
behind Rafael Nadal for the which the U.S. Tennis Asso- drawn from the field in Cin- Thiem. Australian Open fi- Serena Williams is entered in
men’s record. Djokovic has ciation says it will adhere to. cinnati include defending nalist Danielle Collins pulled the field for what is expected
said he won’t get vaccinated champion Alexander Zverev out of the women’s draw be- to be one of her last appear-
against the illness caused by Djokovic is a three-time — the 2020 U.S. Open cause of a neck injury, while ances on tour.
the coronavirus, even if that champion at the U.S. Open runner-up tore ankle liga- three-time major champion
prevents him from playing and was the runner-up last ments at the French Open in Angelique Kerber made a
Equal pay deal for US women’s soccer approved by judge
(AP) — The proposed $24 million to be split into indi- collective bargaining agree-
million settlement be- vidual amounts proposed by ments to pay its men’s and
tween U.S. women soc- the players. In addition, the women’s teams equally. The
cer players and the sport’s settlement calls for the U.S. federation in May announced
American governing body Soccer Federation to estab- separate labor contracts
was given preliminary ap- lish a fund with $2 million through December 2028
proval Thursday by a fed- to benefit the players in their with the unions for both na-
eral judge, who scheduled post-soccer careers and char- tional teams.
a Dec. 5 hearing for final itable efforts aimed at grow-
approval. ing the sport for women. Klausner told the USSF to
send the players’ lawyers a
U.S. District Judge R. Gary lution.” Rights Act. Klausner wrote the parties list of eligible players within
Klausner granted the motion Players, including Megan agreed that settlement funds 14 days and then gave the
for approval filed by the play- Rapinoe, Becky Sauerbrunn The sides settled the work- will be distributed to players players’ lawyers 21 days after
ers. and Alex Morgan, filed a ing conditions portion in based on playing time and that to notify eligible players
“Most significantly, the un- complaint with the federal December 2020, dealing with their lawyers anticipated re- of the settlement.
opposed settlement agree- Equal Employment Oppor- issues such as charter flights, questing “no more than ap-
ment accomplishes the plain- tunity Commission in April accommodations and playing proximately 30% of the com- Klausner set a Dec. 1 dead-
tiffs’ goal for litigation: equal 2016. The players sued three surfaces. mon fund.” line for the filing of motions
pay,” he wrote. “The court is years later, seeking damages for attorneys’ fees and for fi-
satisified that the settlement under the federal Equal Pay They agreed in February to The settlement was contin- nal approval.
is a fair and reasonable reso- Act and Title VII of the Civil settle the remainder for $22 gent on the USSF reaching
Rights group urges FIFA, Qatar to compensate WCup workers
(AP) — With 100 days to ture since being picked by abuses … is significant.” ed to “significant improve-
go until the World Cup FIFA as host in 2010, and FIFA and tournament or- ments … across accommo-
starts in Qatar, Human faced intense scrutiny of its In Qatar, a Workers’ Support
Rights Watch on Friday labor laws and treatment of Fund has since 2020 paid out
again urged FIFA and the hundreds of thousands of $164 million in compensa-
host nation to improve workers, many from south tion to 36,373 workers from
compensation for migrant Asia, who were needed to 17 different countries, HRW
workers and their fami- come to the tiny emirate and said citing data from Qatar’s
lies. build the projects. Ministry of Labor.
The rights group called for “Qatar has compensated The organization did not
a “comprehensive remedy some migrant workers who specify a figure for how
program for workers who have faced serious abuses in much compensation is still
suffered serious harms, in- recent years, but for many, needed, though Amnesty
cluding deaths, injuries, and these programs were created International has suggested
wage theft” while working too late and are still a major FIFA should pay $440 mil- ganizers have long cited the dation standards, health and
on World Cup-related proj- work in progress,” said Mi- lion in reparations to workers World Cup as a catalyst to safety regulations, grievance
ects like stadiums, transport chael Page, HRW’s deputy — matching the sum soccer’s modernize laws and society mechanisms, healthcare pro-
and hotels. director for the Middle East. world body will pay in prize in Qatar. vision, and reimbursements
Since 2010, the agency money to the 32 national of illegal recruitment fees to
Qatar has spent tens of bil- claimed, the level of “un- federations whose teams are Responding to Amnesty in workers.”
lions of dollars on infrastruc- compensated human rights playing in Qatar. May, Qatari organizers point-