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A28    U.s. news
                Diasabra 13 augustus 2022

                        Author Salman Rushdie attacked on lecture stage in New York

            (AP)  —  Salman  Rushdie,  suffered a minor head injury,                                                            ment  protection  program,
            the  author  whose  novel  police said. He and Rushdie                                                              which included a round-the-
            “The Satanic Verses” drew  were due to discuss the Unit-                                                            clock  armed  guard.  Rushdie
            death  threats  from  Iran’s  ed States as a refuge for writ-                                                       emerged  after  nine  years  of
            leader  in  the  1980s,  was  ers and other artists in exile.                                                       seclusion  and  cautiously  re-
            attacked  and  apparently                                                                                           sumed  more  public  appear-
            stabbed in the neck Friday  A state trooper and a county                                                            ances,  maintaining  his  out-
            by a man who rushed the  sheriff’s  deputy  were  as-                                                               spoken criticism of religious
            stage  as  he  was  about  to  signed  to  Rushdie’s  lecture,                                                      extremism overall.
            give  a  lecture  in  western  and  state  police  said  the
            New York.                    trooper made the arrest. But                                                           He said in a 2012 talk in New
                                         after  the  attack,  some  long-                                                       York  that  terrorism  is  really
            A bloodied Rushdie, 75, was  time  visitors  to  the  center                                                        the art of fear.
            flown to a hospital. His con-  questioned why there wasn’t
            dition  was  not  immediately  tighter security for the event,                                                      “The  only  way  you  can  de-
            known.  His  agent,  Andrew  given  the  decades  of  threats                                                       feat it is by deciding not to be
            Wylie, said the writer was un-  against Rushdie and a bounty                                                        afraid,” he said.
            dergoing surgery, but he had  on  his  head  offering  more
            no other details.            than  $3  million  for  anyone                                                         Anti-Rushdie  sentiment  has
                                         who kills him.                                                                         lingered  long  after  Khomei-
            An Associated Press reporter                                                                                        ni’s  decree.  The  Index  on
            witnessed  a  man  confront  Rabbi  Charles  Savenor  was                                                           Censorship,  an  organization
            Rushdie on stage at the Chau-  among  the  roughly  2,500   nent spokesman for free ex-  death  and  an  Italian  transla-  promoting  free  expression,
            tauqua Institution and punch  people in the audience. Amid   pression  and  liberal  causes.  tor  survived  a  knife  attack.   said  money  was  raised  to
            or  stab  him  10  to  15  times  gasps,  spectators  were  ush-  He  is  a  former  president  of  In 1993, the book’s Norwe-  boost the reward for his kill-
            as  he  was  being  introduced.  ered out of the outdoor am-  PEN America, which said it  gian publisher was shot three   ing as recently as 2016.
            The  author  was  pushed  or  phitheater.                 was “reeling from shock and  times and survived.
            fell to the floor, and the man                            horror” at the attack.                                    An  Associated  Press  jour-
            was arrested.                The  assailant  ran  onto  the                            The book was banned in Iran,   nalist who went to the Teh-
                                         platform “and started pound-  “We can think of no compa-  where  the  late  leader  Grand   ran office of the 15 Khordad
            Authorities did not immedi-  ing on Mr. Rushdie. At first   rable incident of a public vio-  Ayatollah  Ruhollah  Kho-  Foundation,  which  put  up
            ately  identify  the attacker  or  you’re  like,  ‘What’s  going   lent attack on a literary writer  meini issued a 1989 fatwa, or   the  millions  for  the  bounty
            offer any information on his  on?’  And  then  it  became   on American soil,” CEO Su-  edict,  calling  for  Rushdie’s   on  Rushdie,  found  it  closed
            motive.                      abundantly  clear  in  a  few   zanne Nossel said in a state-  death.  Khomeini  died  that   Friday  night  on  the  Iranian
                                         seconds  that  he  was  being   ment.                     same year.                   weekend.  No  one  answered
            State police said Rushdie was  beaten,”  Savenor  said.  He                                                         calls  to  its  listed  telephone
            apparently  stabbed  in  the  said the attack lasted about 20   Rushdie’s  1988  novel  was  Iran’s current Supreme Lead-  number.
            neck.  Gov.  Kathy  Hochul  seconds.                      viewed  as  blasphemous  by  er  Ayatollah  Ali  Khamenei
            said later that he was alive and                          many  Muslims,  who  saw  a  has never issued a fatwa of his   In  2012,  Rushdie  published
            “getting the care he needs.”  Another  spectator,  Kathleen   character  as  an  insult  to  the  own  withdrawing  the  edict,   a  memoir,  “Joseph  Anton,”
                                         Jones,  said  the  attacker  was   Prophet Muhammad, among  though  Iran  in  recent  years   about  the  fatwa.  The  title
            Dr. Martin Haskell, a physi-  dressed in black, with a black   other  objections.  Across  the  hasn’t focused on the writer.  came  from  the  pseudonym
            cian  who  was  among  those  mask.                       Muslim  world,  often-vio-                                Rushdie  had  used  while  in
            who  rushed  to  help,  de-                               lent  protests  erupted  against  Iran’s mission to the United   hiding.
            scribed Rushdie’s wounds as  “We  thought  perhaps  it  was   Rushdie,  who  was  born  in  Nations  did  not  immedi-
            “serious but recoverable.”   part  of  a  stunt  to  show  that   India to a Muslim family.  ately respond to a request for   Rushdie rose to prominence
                                         there’s still a lot of controver-                         comment on Friday’s attack,   with  his  Booker  Prize-win-
            Event moderator Henry Re-    sy around this author. But it   At least 45 people were killed  which led a night news bulle-  ning 1981 novel “Midnight’s
            ese, a co-founder of an orga-  became evident in a few sec-  in  riots  over  the  book,  in-  tin on Iranian state television.  Children,”  but  his  name
            nization  that  offers  residen-  onds” that it wasn’t, she said.  cluding  12  people  in  Rush-                   became  known  around  the
            cies  to  writers  facing  perse-                         die’s hometown of Mumbai.  The death threats and bounty   world  after  “The  Satanic
            cution, was also attacked and  Rushdie  has  been  a  promi-  In 1991, a Japanese translator  led  Rushdie  to  go  into  hid-  Verses.”
                                                                      of  the  book  was  stabbed  to  ing  under  a  British  govern-

                         Minnesota’s Finstad sworn in as newest member of Congress

                                                                      which  means  Democrats  dren, what we do is all about  morning  and  don’t  wonder
                                                                      can’t  afford  to  lose  more  them, all about the future.”  if  something  will  be  broken
                                                                      than  four  votes  on  close                              during  the  day;  we  know
                                                                      issues  like  their  flagship  Finstad,  a  former  state  rep-  something will be, so instead,
                                                                      climate change and health  resentative  from  New  Ulm  we wonder how we will fix it.
                                                                      care bill.                   who  served  as  state  director  I will come to work every day
                                                                                                   for  USDA  Rural  Develop-   in  Congress  with  the  inten-
                                                                      Democratic  Speaker  Nancy  ment  during  the  Trump  ad-  tion to do everything I can to
                                                                      Pelosi held a ceremonial pho-  ministration,  won  a  special  fix things.”
                                                                      to op afterward with a smiling  election  Tuesday  to  fill  out
                                                                      Finstad, who was surrounded  the remaining months of the  Finstad will face a quick re-
                                                                      by members of his large fam-  term  of  the  late  Republican  match in November for a full
                                                                      ily, including his wife, Jackie,  U.S.  Rep.  Jim  Hagedorn,  term  against  his  Democratic
                                                                      and their seven children.    who died of cancer in Febru-  opponent,  former  Hormel
                                                                                                   ary.                         Foods  CEO  Jeff  Ettinger,
                                                                      “It’s  a  special  day  for  us  to                       who came within 4 percent-
            (AP)  —  Minnesota  Re-      the  newest  member  of      welcome  a  new  member  of  “People  in  my  district  sent  age  points  of  winning  Tues-
            publican  Brad  Finstad  the  U.S.  House,  giving        Congress,  Mr.  Finstad,  and  a  farmer  to  Congress,”  Fin-  day  in  their  Republican-
            was  sworn  in  Friday  as  the  GOP  one  more  seat,    his  beautiful  family,”  Pelosi  stad  said  in  a  statement.  “As  leaning  southern  Minnesota
                                                                      said.  “As  I  said  to  the  chil-  a farmer, we wake up in the  district.
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