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A30    world news
                Diasabra 13 augustus 2022

                          At 75, India’s democracy is under pressure like never before

            (AP) — The Aug. 5 demon-                                                               ister Subrahmanyam Jaishan-  stricken  nation  into  one  of
            strations  by  India’s  main                                                           kar said in April. “There was  the  world’s  fastest-growing
            opposition Congress party                                                              a  time  when,  in  this  part  of  economies,  earning  itself  a
            against soaring food prices                                                            the world, we were the only  seat  at  the  global  high  table
            and unemployment began                                                                 democracy.”                  and  becoming  a  democratic
            like any other recent pro-                                                                                          counterweight to its authori-
            test — an electorally weak                                                             History  is  on  Jaishankar’s  tarian neighbor, China.
            opposition  taking  to  the                                                            side.
            New Delhi streets against                                                                                           Apart  from  a  brief  interrup-
            Prime  Minister  Narendra                                                              At  midnight  on  August  15,  tion  in  1975  when  a  formal
            Modi’s  massively  popular                                                             1947, the red sandstone par-  emergency was declared un-
            government.                                                                            liamentary  building  in  the  der  the  Congress  party  rule
                                                                                                   heart of India’s capital echoed  that saw outright censorship,
            The protests, however, quick-                                                          with  the  high-pitched  voice  India  clung  doggedly  to  its
            ly took a turn when key Con-                                                           of  Jawaharlal  Nehru,  the  democratic  convictions  —
            gress lawmakers led by Rahul                                                           country’s  first  prime  minis-  largely due to free elections,
            Gandhi — Modi’s main op-     democracy  —  the  world’s  struggled  to  put  a  lasting   ter.                      an independent judiciary that
            ponent in the last two general   largest with nearly 1.4 billion  democratic  process  in  place.                   confronted  the  executive,  a
            elections  —  trooped  to  the   people — is in retreat and its  India  was  more  successful   “At the stroke of the midnight  thriving  media,  strong  op-
            Parliament,  leading  to  fierce   democratic  foundations  are  than  most  in  doing  that,”   hour, when the world sleeps,  position and peaceful transi-
            standoffs with police.       floundering.                 said  Booker  Prize-winning   India  will  awake  to  life  and  tions of power.
                                                                      novelist  and  activist  Arund-  freedom,”  Nehru  famously
            “Democracy is a memory (in   Experts  and  critics  say  trust  hati Roy. “And now, 75 years   spoke, words that were heard  But  experts  and  critics  say
            India),”  Gandhi  later  tweet-  in the judiciary as a check on  on,  to  witness  it  being  dis-  over live radio by millions of  the country has been gradu-
            ed,  describing  the  dramatic   executive  power  is  eroding.  mantled  systematically  and   Indians.  Then  he  promised:  ally  departing  from  some
            photographs  that  showed    Assaults on the press and free  in shockingly violent ways is   “To  the  nations  and  peoples  commitments  and  argue  the
            him and his party leaders be-  speech  have  grown  brazen.  traumatic.”               of the world, we send greet-  backsliding  has  accelerated
            ing briefly detained by police.  Religious minorities are fac-                         ings and pledge ourselves to  since  Modi  came  to  power
                                         ing increasing attacks by Hin-  Modi’s  ministers  say  India’s   cooperate  with  them  in  fur-  in  2014.  They  accuse  his
            Gandhi’s    statement   was   du  nationalists.  And  largely  democratic principles are ro-  thering  peace,  freedom  and  populist  government  of  us-
            largely  seen  as  yet  another   peaceful protests, sometimes  bust, even thriving.   democracy.”                  ing unbridled political power
            frantic  effort  by  a  crisis-rid-  against  provocative  policies,                                                to  undermine  democratic
            den opposition party to shore   have  been  stamped  out  by  “If  today  there  is  a  sense  in   It  marked  India’s  transition  freedoms  and  preoccupying
            up its relevance and was dis-  internet clampdowns and the  the  world  that  democracy   from  a  British  colony  to  a  itself with pursuing a Hindu
            missed  by  the  government.   jailing of activists.      is, in some form, the future,   democracy  —  the  first  in  nationalist agenda.
            But it resonated amid grow-                               then a large part of it is due to   South Asia — that has since
            ing  sentiment  that  India’s   “Most  former  colonies  have  India,” External Affairs Min-  transformed from a poverty-

                          Beirut bank standoff exposes desperation of economic crisis

            (AP) — A judge ordered a                                                                                            worse than that of the unof-
            gunman who took up to 10  Like most people in Lebanon,                                                              ficial market.
            hostages at a Beirut bank  Hussein had no access to his
            to force the release of his  money because of banks’ in-                                                            The situation started deterio-
            trapped  savings  to  stay  formal  controls  on  flows  of                                                         rating  dramatically  last  year
            behind  bars  Friday,  ap-   money.  He  had  $210,000  at                                                          after the state lifted fuel sub-
            parently  a  bid  to  prevent  Federal  Bank  in  Beirut  and                                                       sidies,  leading  to  a  surge  in
            copycats  as  desperation  struggled  to  withdraw  some                                                            prices of almost all commod-
            deepens  over  Lebanon’s  to  pay  his  father’s  medical                                                           ities. It came at a time when
            economic meltdown.           bills and other expenses.                                                              blackouts lasted for 22 hours
                                                                                                                                a day, putting private genera-
            A  few  dozen  relatives  of  Because   taking   hostages                                                           tors out of reach for many as
            Bassam  al-Sheikh  Hussein  worked  to  free  up  some  of                                                          people now must pay for fuel
            briefly  closed  a  major  road  Hussein’s  savings,  releasing                                                     in U.S. dollars.
            in  Beirut,  saying  that  keep-  him  without  charges  could   life sentence if it was for the  Many of those in power are
            ing  him  in  jail  breaches  an  inspire  others  to  follow  suit   purpose  of  getting  money,  former  warlords  and  militia   Judicial  officials  said  the
            agreement  reached  Thurs-   as  people  face  skyrocketing   Morcos said. But he expects  commanders from the 1975-  judge  decided  to  keep  Hus-
            day.  The  42-year-old  food-  inflation and a lack of job op-  Hussein to be released with-  90 civil war. The ruling fac-  sein under arrest because he
            delivery  driver  surrendered  portunities. Many celebrated   in days or weeks once people  tions  use  public  institutions   committed  crimes  such  as
            after a seven-hour standoff in  him as a hero, but it was not   forget about what happened.  to  accumulate  wealth  and   taking  hostages  and  threat-
            return for getting $35,000 of  clear  if  his  actions  would                          distribute  aid  to  supporters.   ening  people  with  weapons.
            his money and promises that  lead to wider protests against   The  international  commu-  Corruption is often ignored,   The  officials,  who  spoke  on
            he would only be questioned  banks.                       nity  has  demanded  reforms  and institutions are undevel-  condition  of  anonymity  in
            then set free. No one was in-                             to  ease  Lebanon’s  economic  oped. As a result, power out-  line  with  regulations,  said  it
            jured.                       “They  want  to  send  a  mes-  crisis, but entrenched politi-  ages are frequent, trash is of-  was not clear how long Hus-
                                         sage  to  people  that  this  will   cal elites, blamed for decades  ten uncollected and tap water   sein will be kept in custody.
            It was the latest reminder of  not pass easily,” Paul Morcos,   of  corruption  and  misman-  is largely undrinkable.
            the pain created by Lebanon’s  founder and owner of Justi-  agement, have resisted. Talks                           Hussein’s   lawyer,   Rafik
            nearly  three-year  economic  cia  Consulting  Law  firm  in   with the International Mone-  Poverty  is  rising  as  prices   Ghraizi,  who  attended  the
            and financial crisis, described  Beirut,  said  about  Hussein’s   tary Fund have moved slowly  skyrocket  and  the  Lebanese   interrogation,  told  the  local
            by the World Bank as one of  arrest.                      as parliament prepares legis-  pound loses more than 90%   Al-Jadeed  TV  that  his  cli-
            the  world’s  worst  since  the                           lation demanded by the IMF  of  its  value  since  October   ent  didn’t  point  his  weapon
            1850s. Three-quarters of the  The  punishment  for  tak-  for  a  bailout,  including  laws  2019.  Most  people  can  only   at anyone and had no inten-
            population  are  in  poverty,  ing hostages and threatening   on capital controls and those  withdraw  small  amounts   tion of harming the employ-
            corruption  is  endemic  and  people with weapons is usu-  targeting money laundering.  of  money  from  banks  each   ees. He said all that Hussein
            many  are  losing  hope  for  ally three months to two years                           month at an exchange rate far   needed was his money back.
            quick solutions.             in  prison  but  could  reach  a
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