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A26    OBITUARIO/ U.s. news
                Diasabra 13 augustus 2022

                                                                   Congress OKs Dems’ climate, health bill, a

                                                                                              Biden triumph

              “Bou di alanan di Dios mi ta sigur”
              Abo ku ta biba bou di amparo di Altisimo, ta
              hospedá den sombra di Dios Omnipotente,
              bisa Señor:
               “Mi refugio, mi forti, mi Dios, den kende mi
              ta pone mi konfiansa”
              Salmo 91:1-2

              Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta participa
              fayecimento di nos ser stima:

                       Casimiro Kelly
                      Cariñosamente yama “Chin”               (AP)  —  A  divided  Congress  Harris’  tiebreaking  vote  t  o  years for privately bought health
                      *04-03-1951 - †12-08-2022               gave final approval Friday to  power the measure through that  insurance. Medicare would gain
                                                              Democrats’  flagship  climate  50-50 chamber.                  the power to negotiate its costs
                                                              and health care bill, handing                                  for  pharmaceuticals,  initially
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
                                                              President Joe Biden a back-     “Democrats,  more  than  any  in  2026  for  only  10  drugs.
                                                              from-the-dead        triumph  other  majority  in  history,  are  Medicare  beneficiaries’  out-of-
                                                              on  coveted  priorities  that  addicted  to  spending  other  pocket prescription costs would
                                                              the  party  hopes  will  bolster  people’s  money,  regardless  of  be limited to $2,000 starting in
                                                              their  prospects  for  keeping  what we as a country can afford,”  2025,  and  beginning  next  year
                                                              their  hold  on  Congress  in  said  House  Minority  Leader  would  pay  no  more  than  $35
                                                              November’s elections.           Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. “I can  monthly  for  insulin,  the  costly
                                                                                              almost see glee in their eyes.”  diabetes drug.
                                                              The House used a party-line 220-
                                                              207 vote to pass the legislation,  Biden’s  initial  10-year,  $3.5  The  bill  would  raise  around
                                                              which  is  but  a  shadow  of  the  trillion proposal also envisioned  $740  billion  in  revenue  over
                                                              larger,  more  ambitious  plan  to  free   prekindergarten,   paid  the  decade,  over  a  third  from
               Na een werelds leven ben ik begonnen met       supercharge  environment  and  family  and  medical  leave,  government savings from lower
               mijn reis naar wolk 1665.                      social programs that Biden and  expanded Medicare benefits and  drug  prices.  More  would  flow
               Treur niet om mij ik heb een prima leven       his  party  envisioned  early  last  eased  immigration  restrictions.  from  higher  taxes  on  some  $1
               gehad met een lieve                            year. Even so, Democrats happily  That  crashed  after  centrist  billion  corporations,  levies  on
               vrouw die 47 jaar aan mijn zijde heeft gestaan.  declared victory on top-tier goals  Sen.  Joe  Manchin,  D-W.Va.,  companies that repurchase their
               We zeiden bij het ja woord; tot de dood ons    like providing Congress’ largest  said it was too costly, using the  own stock and stronger IRS tax
               scheidt.                                       ever  investment  in  curbing  leverage every Democrat has in  collections.  About  $300  billion
                                                              carbon  emissions,  reining  in  the evenly-divided Senate.    would remain to defray budget
               Die dag is nu voor mij gekomen.                pharmaceutical costs and taxing                                deficits,  a  sliver  of  the  period’s
                                                              large  companies,  a  vote  they  Still,   the   final   legislation  projected $16 trillion total.
                                                              believe  will  show  they  can  remained  substantive.  Its  pillar
                                                              wring accomplishments from a  is  about  $375  billion  over  10
                                                              routinely gridlocked Washington  years to encourage industry and
                                                              that often disillusions voters.  consumers to shift from carbon-
                                                                                              emitting  to  cleaner  forms
                                                              “Today is a day of celebration, a  of  energy.  That  includes  $4
                                                              day we take another giant step in  billion  to  cope  with  the  West’s
                                                              our  momentous  agenda,”  said  catastrophic drought.
                                                              House  Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi,
                                                              D-Calif.  She  said  the  measure  Spending, tax credits and loans
                 Wilhelmus J. Van der Steen                   “meets  the  moment,  ensuring  would  bolster  technology  like
                *Nederland 14 Februari 1947 - † Aruba 10      that our families thrive and that  solar panels, consumer efforts to
                             Augustus 2022                    our planet survives.”           improve home energy efficiency,
                                                                                              emission-reducing  equipment
               Crematie plechtigheid zal plaatsvinden op      Republicans  solidly  opposed  for coal- and gas-powered power
               zaterdag 13 Augustus 2022 tussen 2 uur en      the  legislation,  calling  it  a  plants and air pollution controls
               4 uur ‘s middags te Aurora Funeral Home,       cornucopia  of  wasteful  liberal  for farms, ports and low-income
               Oranjestad.                                    daydreams that would raise taxes  communities.
                                                              and families’ living costs. They
               s.v.p. gekleurde kleding.                      did the same Sunday but Senate  Another  $64  billion  would
               Geen bloemen.                                  Democrats  banded  together  help  13  million  people  pay
               Geen bezoek aan huis.                          and used Vice President Kamala  premiums  over  the  next  three
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