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A32    sports
                     Diamars 15 maart 2022

                        A bigger bracket? NCAA transformation could lead to changes

            (AP)  -  College  sports                                                               most  of  the  NCAA’s  more  keep  their  access,”  Bowlsby
            leaders  are  working  to                                                              than  $1  billion  in  revenue,  said.
            transform  the  top  tier  of                                                          with  the  payout  projected
            NCAA  athletics,  from                                                                 to  be  about  $870  million  in  While those mid-major con-
            how  Division  I  should  be                                                           2022.  That  revenue  funds  ference  schools  are  mostly
            governed  to  what  should                                                             NCAA operations and cham-    one-and-done  in  the  tour-
            be  required  of  schools  to                                                          pionship events in dozens of  nament,  the  occasional  up-
            compete  at  the  highest                                                              other sports and about $670  sets  fuel  the  excitement  of
            level.                                                                                 million  is  set  to  be  distrib-  the  opening  weekend.  The
                                                                                                   uted  to  the  schools  through  teams that pull them off such
            Changing  the  NCAA  could                                                             conferences.                 as UMBC, Oral Roberts and
            lead to changes in its crown                                                                                        Florida  Gulf  Coast  get  to
            jewel  event  —  the  Division                                                         How  that  pie  should  be  di-  bask in the national spotlight
            I  men’s  college  basketball                                                          vided  in  the  future  will  no  for a few days and carve out
            tournament,  the  lucrative                                                            doubt be a point of conten-  a  place  in  college  basketball
            three-week,  68-team  joyride                                                          tion. For basketball fans, the  history.
            that has become an American                                                            most obvious changes would
            sports institution.          satisfactory.”                                            be how the size of the bracket  And regardless of the results,
                                                                      “At this point, I think it’s more  and who gets in.       simply  getting  the  opportu-
            What’s that mean?            The  men’s  field  of  68  for  likely  the  committee  would                          nity  to  compete  against  the
            How  about  an  expanded  March Madness was set Sun-      identify a minimum standard  Currently,  each  of  32  Divi-  teams that play most of their
            bracket?  Or  more  play-in  day  night.  The  games  begin  to be in Division I and within  sion I conferences receives an  games on TV is a reward for
            games — just don’t call them  with  a  First  Four  appetizer  that, a minimum standard, to  automatic  bid  for  its  cham-  the athletes who don’t.
            play-in  games  —  and  fewer  on  Tuesday  and  Wednesday  have full access to Division I  pion.  The  majority  of  those
            opportunities  for  the  small  before the basketball bonanza  benefits,” Cromer said. “And  conferences, from the Amer-  “They wanted that opportu-
            schools  to  upset  the  tradi-  commences Thursday across  from  there,  the  sport-by-  ican East to Western Athletic,  nity. They wanted that stage,”
            tional powers?               the country.                 sport review could emanate.”  usually  get  just  their  auto-  said Stony Brook athletic di-
                                                                                                   matic qualifier into the field,  rector Shawn Heilbron, who
            “Well, it used to be a 32-team  To  be  clear:  The  NCAA’s  Buried  beneath  the  bureau-  access  that  also  comes  with  was with the school in 2016
            tournament, and it was a 48-  Division  I  transformation  cracy  are  a  few  essential  several  million  in  revenue.  when  the  Seawolves  won
            team tournament, and it was  committee,  a  group  of  21  questions that will determine  Last  year,  one  unit  earned  the America East and played
            64. And then it was 65. And  administrators  and  univer-  the  not-so-distant  future  for making the NCAA men’s  Kentucky in the first round.
            now  it’s  68,”  Atlantic  Sun  sity  presidents  co-chaired  of  March  Madness:  What  tournament was worth $2.02  The Wildcats won 85-57.
            Commissioner Ted Gumbart  by  Southeastern  Conference  schools should be in Division  million  paid  out  over  six
            said. “So I don’t think there’s  commissioner  Greg  San-  I? Can schools with massive  years.                      The power conferences, and
            any magic number to say, hey,  key and Ohio athletic direc-  disparities in athletic budgets                        in  basketball  that  includes
            you can’t be 72 or 80. I think  tor  Julie  Cromer,  has  not  and  resources  continue  to  That’s not a much for a Pow-  the  Big  East,  typically  earn
            it’s healthy.”               been tasked with remodeling  compete  against  each  other  er Five league such as Bowls-  the bulk of the at-large bids
                                         March Madness.               for  national  championships?  by’s Big 12, the SEC or Big  determined  by  the  NCAA
            How does an NCAA Tour-                                    If so, what type of access to  Ten, which have media rights  selection  committee.  In  this
            nament  with  all  351  D-I  The  committee’s  charge  is  championship events should  deals  worth  billions  based  year’s field, those six leagues
            schools sound?               far  broader,  tackling  issues  schools  from  conferences  mostly on their strong foot-  received  29  of  36  at-large
            “You could have an all-com-  such as membership require-  that have no realistic chance  ball  programs.  For  smaller  bids.
            ers  tournament  with  just  ments, governance and what  to win them receive?          conferences,  that  money  is
            one  more  weekend,”  Big  12  the NCAA calls the “student-                            significant.                 Gumbart  said  if  those  con-
            Commissioner Bob Bowlsby  athlete experience.” They are  And,  of  course,  there  is  a                            ferences  want  more  of  their
            said. “I think it’s an idea that  expected to return a report to  question of money. The Di-  “There  are  a  lot  of  leagues  teams in the tournament the
            might  have  the  nuggets  of  the  Division  I  Board  of  Di-  vision  I  men’s  basketball  and a lot of schools that are  simplest  solution  is  to  add
            compromise  that  could  be  rectors in August.           tournament  accounts  for  going to fight to the death to  more at-large bids.

                            Padres star Tatis has broken wrist, could be out 3 months

                                                                                                   (AP)  —  All-Star  short-    late-season  collapse  that  left
                                                                                                   stop  Fernando  Tatis  Jr.  them with yet another losing
                                                                                                   of  the  San  Diego  Padres  record.
                                                                                                   likely  will  need  surgery
                                                                                                   for a broken left wrist and  Tatis, 23, had a series of in-
                                                                                                   could  miss  up  to  three  juries to his left shoulder last
                                                                                                   months, general manager  year, when he still led the NL
                                                                                                   A.J.  Preller  said  on  Mon-  with  42  home  runs  in  130
                                                                                                   day.                         games  and  finished  third  in
                                                                                                                                balloting for the NL MVP.
                                                                                                   Tatis apparently suffered the
                                                                                                   injury early in the offseason  The  electrifying  Tatis  batted
                                                                                                   and  felt  it  when  he  began  .282 with 97 RBIs and 25 sto-
                                                                                                   preparing for spring training,  len bases last year. His season
                                                                                                   Preller said.                also included two trips to the
                                                                                                                                injured list with left shoulder
                                                                                                   Reports surfaced in Decem-   issues and a trip to the CO-
                                                                                                   ber that Tatis suffered scrapes  VID-19 injury list.
                                                                                                   on  his  hand  and  knee  in  a
                                                                                                   motorcycle  accident  in  his  He signed a $330 million, 14-
                                                                                                   native Dominican Republic.   year contract with the Padres
                                                                                                                                during  spring  training  last
                                                                                                   The  injury  is  a  blow  to  a  year.
                                                                                                   team  that  was  looking  for  a
                                                                                                   fresh start following a brutal
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