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A30    world news
                     Diamars 15 maart 2022

                           Peru’s ‘worst ecological disaster’ slams small-scale fishing

            (AP) — Walter de la Cruz                                                               ise was still valid.         hopes,  have  not  borne  fruit.
            scrambled  down  a  large                                                                                           More than a month after that
            sand  dune  in  the  fog  to                                                           Many  fishermen  here  don’t  visit, state aid does not exist.
            reach  a  rock  overlooking                                                            have  a  certificate  or  papers
            the  Pacific  Ocean,  where                                                            to prove it is their livelihood.  The  fishermen  have  pro-
            he has fished for three de-                                                            De  la  Cruz  doesn’t.  But  he  tested with their empty nets
            cades. He cast a hook into                                                             knows that he has been com-  in front of the Repsol refin-
            the waters off Peru’s coast                                                            ing here with a basket to be  ery  and  blocked  roads,  but
            several  times,  with  no                                                              filled on his back for 30 years.  they still have no answers to
            luck. One attempt yielded                                                              He  normally  sells  or  trades  key  questions  such  as:  Who
            a  piece  of  plastic  stained                                                         the  fish  with  the  owners  of  caused the oil spill? And how
            with oil.                                                                              restaurants  or  local  home-  long  before  they  can  return
                                                                                                   makers, and take some home  to fishing?
            De  la  Cruz,  60,  is  one  of                                                        to his wife to prepare in dish-
            more  than  2,500  fishermen                                                           es that can be sold to neigh-  Repsol,  a  Spanish  company,
            whose livelihoods have been                                                            bors.                        has  said  huge  waves  created
            cast into doubt as a result of                                                                                      by  a  volcanic  eruption  in
            a  large  crude-oil  spill  at  the  tain told the South American  De la Cruz said he knew im-  De la Cruz said he felt “bro-  Tonga  caused  the  spill  and
            Spanish-owned  Repsol  oil  country’s  Congress  that  oil  mediately that the oil spread-  ken” when he saw his work  that  the  fault  lies  with  the
            refinery on Jan. 15.         spilled  into  the  ocean  for  at  ing  over  more  than  106  space  swarmed  by  journal-  Mare Doricum oil tanker. In
                                         least eight minutes.         square kilometers (41 square  ists reporting on the oil spill.  response,  the  company  that
            Peru  has  characterized  the                             miles) — an area larger than  He wanted to tell them and  owns  the  tanker  has  asked
            spill of 11,900 barrels in front  Peru — which has a vast in-  the city of Paris — would halt  the  authorities  what  he  felt,  that  Repsol  not  disseminate
            of  a  Repsol  refinery  as  its  formal economy — does not  for the first time the activity  so he took a blue ink marker  “incorrect  or  misleading”
            “worst  ecological  disaster.”  have exact data on the num-  carried  out  for  centuries  on  and wrote on a piece of card-  information as the investiga-
            A report by United Nations  ber of fishermen affected, or  Peru’s Pacific coast.       board,  “Fishermen  we  need  tion continues.
            experts  estimates  it  involved  of  the  people  on  the  docks                      help please.”
            about  2,100  tons  of  crude,  and ports who depend on the  Shortly  after  the  spill,  the                       Edward  Málaga,  a  microbi-
            well  above  the  700  tons  the  fishing  industry,  including  government  announced  that  Peruvian  President  Pedro  ologist  and  legislator  from
            International Tanker Owners  restaurants,  food  vendors,  it was looking into giving fi-  Castillo  visited  the  area,  the  centrist  Morado  party
            Pollution Federation Limited  and those who rent sun um-  nancial aid to those affected.  passed  by  De  la  Cruz,  and  who has toured the polluted
            considers the threshold for a  brellas or boats.          Authorities took three weeks  promised to help. After look-  area and spoken with Peru’s
            large spill — and an unprec-                              to come up with a list of 2,500  ing at the puddles of oil, he’d  government and Repsol offi-
            edented amount for the type  One thing is for sure: The af-  fishermen whom they would  shaken  his  head  and  said:  cials, said political instability
            of crude that leaked. The oil  fected artisanal fishermen are  help.  Two  weeks  after  that,  “This can’t be.”    is causing paralysis and disor-
            was  extracted  from  Buzios,  among  the  most  economi-  the government said it would                             der in Castillo’s government
            the world’s largest deep wa-  cally vulnerable in Peru, har-  now  be  Repsol  who  would  On  another  beach,  Castillo  and hindering a response.
            ter oil field and the most pro-  vesting small amounts of fish  give as much as $799 to each  had  picked  up  oil-soaked
            ductive in Brazil.           very close to the coast, some-  of  the  5,600  people  affected  sand  and  acknowledged  the  Since  the  ecological  disaster
                                         times  from  small  boats  and  to  compensate  them  for  the  impact of the spill. “What is  in  mid-January,  there  have
            The spill happened when the  sometimes  from  the  shore,  income  they’ve  lost  because  the use of giving nets if they  been  three  Cabinet  shuffles
            Mare  Doricum,  an  Italian-  said  Juan  Carlos  Sueiro,  an  of  the  spill.  The  Presidency  no  longer  have  a  place  to  and  three  different  environ-
            flagged tanker, was unloading  expert  on  the  economics  of  of  the  Council  of  Ministers  fish?” he said.     ment ministers. One of them
            oil at the La Pampilla refinery,  fishing with the international  did not respond to a question                     was an inexperienced school-
            just off Peru’s coast north of  conservation group Oceana.  from  The  Associated  Press  But those presidential words,  teacher from the ruling party
            the  capital.  The  ship’s  cap-                          about whether the aid prom-  which  ignited  De  la  Cruz’s  who barely lasted a week.

                        Julian Assange denied permission to appeal by UK’s top court

            (AP)  —  Britain’s  top  arguable point of law.”          The case is now expected to  Monday’s news narrows As-    Assange’s  British  lawyers,
            court  on  Monday  refused                                be  formally  sent  to  British  sange’s  options,  but  his  de-  Birnberg  Peirce  Solicitors,
            WikiLeaks  founder  Julian  Assange,  50,  has  sought  for  Home  Secretary  Priti  Patel,  fense  team  may  still  seek  to  said  they  can  make  submis-
            Assange permission to ap-    years  to  avoid  a  trial  in  the  who  will  decide  whether  to  take his case to the Europe-  sions to the Home Secretary
            peal against a decision to  U.S.  on  a  series  of  charges  grant the extradition.   an Court of Human Rights.  within  the  next  four  weeks,
            extradite  him  to  the  U.S.  related  to  WikiLeaks’  publi-                         Nick Vamos, the former head  ahead of her making any de-
            to face spying charges.      cation of a huge trove of clas-  A British district court judge  of  extradition  at  the  Crown  cision.
                                         sified documents more than a  had  initially  rejected  a  U.S.  Prosecution Service, said As-
            The court said it refused be-  decade ago.                extradition  request  on  the  sange’s lawyers can also seek  American prosecutors say As-
            cause the case “didn’t raise an                           grounds  that  Assange  was  to challenge other points that  sange unlawfully helped U.S.
                                                                      likely  to  kill  himself  if  held  he had lost in the original dis-  Army  intelligence  analyst
                                                                      under harsh U.S. prison con-  trict court decision.       Chelsea  Manning  steal  clas-
                                                                      ditions. U.S. authorities later                           sified  diplomatic  cables  and
                                                                      provided assurances that the  Barry   Pollack,   Assange’s  military  files  that  WikiLeaks
                                                                      WikiLeaks founder wouldn’t  U.S.-based lawyer, said Mon-  later published, putting lives
                                                                      face the severe treatment that  day  that  it  was  “extremely  at risk.
                                                                      his lawyers said would put his  disappointing”  that  Britain’s
                                                                      physical and mental health at  Supreme Court is unwilling  But  supporters  and  lawyers
                                                                      risk.                        to hear the appeal.          for Assange argue that he was
                                                                                                                                acting  as  a  journalist  and  is
                                                                      In  December,  the  High  “Mr.  Assange  will  continue  entitled to First Amendment
                                                                      Court  overturned  the  low-  the legal process fighting his  protections  of  freedom  of
                                                                      er  court’s  decision,  saying  extradition  to  the  United  speech  for  publishing  docu-
                                                                      that the U.S. promises were  States to face criminal charg-  ments  that  exposed  U.S.
                                                                      enough to guarantee that As-  es for publishing truthful and  military  wrongdoing  in  Iraq
                                                                      sange  would  be  treated  hu-  newsworthy   information,”  and Afghanistan. They argue
                                                                      manely.                      he said.                     that his case is politically mo-
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