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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 15 maart 2022

                        With Freeman a free agent, Braves get star 1B Olson from A’s

            (AP)  —  Freddie  Freeman’s  “One  of  the  best  first  base-  “Obviously, I know Atlanta,”
            name  wasn’t  in  the  Atlanta  man  in  the  game,”  Antho-  Olson said. “It’s an amazing
            Braves’  megadeal  Monday.  poulos  said  of  his  new  first  place,  World  Series  champs,
            Standing  in  front  of  micro-  baseman.                 my  hometown.  If  there  was
            phones,  general  manager                                 one  place  to  go  and  leave
            Alex  Anthopoulos  refused  He  declined  repeatedly  to  here, that’s the place to do it.
            even to say it.              discuss his old one. Still, he  I’m excited about it.”
                                         admitted  he’s  never  had  a
            The tears welling in Antho-  tougher  time  emotionally  Freeman  has  been  revered
            poulos’ eyes explained it all.  pulling the trigger on a trade.  by  fans  and  teammates  in
                                                                      Georgia. On Sunday, Braves
            Freeman’s  tenure  with  the  “You get attached,” he said.  pitcher  Charlie  Morton  said
            Braves  appears  to  be  over                             that  if  Freeman  returned,
            after the World Series cham-  Atlanta  manager  Brian  Snit-  he  expected  the  left-handed
            pions  acquired  All-Star  first  ker was speaking to reporters  slugger  would  one  day  have
            baseman  Matt  Olson  from  when ESPN broke the news.  his photo plastered across the
            the Oakland Athletics, a fran-  He said it was the first he was  team’s  spring  training  com-  with the team.     friend of Atlanta star Ronald
            chise-altering deal that cost a  hearing of the trade.    plex,  just  like  franchise  he-                         Acuña Jr., another loss likely
            prize package of four players,                            roes Chipper Jones and Hank  “He’s  going  to  be  a  good  to  shake  the  Braves’  club-
            including  young  outfielder  “He’s  been  our  guy  for  a  Aaron.                    friend  the  rest  of  my  life,”  house.  A  stellar  defensive
            Cristian Pache.              number  of  years,”  Snitker                              Snitker said Sunday. “Regard-  center  fielder,  the  23-year-
                                         said of Freeman. “Personally,  “He’s going to be one of the  less of what happens profes-  old  Pache  has  struggled  to
            Freeman  was  the  2020  NL  he’s meant a lot to me.”     guys with his number retired  sionally, I love the guy.”  hit in the majors, batting .111
            MVP and a five-time All-Star                              and  a  Braves  legend,  not  to                          in  22  games  last  season.  He
            over 12 seasons with Atlanta,  The  66-year-old  Snitker  al-  say he’s not already, because I  Freeman  batted  .304  with  and Acuña pulled into Braves
            including as a veteran leader  ready  knows  Olson,  who  think he is,” Morton said.   five homers, 11 RBIs, and a  camp  Sunday  in  matching,
            on  last  year’s  championship  grew  up  about  40  minutes                           1.045  OPS  last  postseason,  glitzy-gold SUVs.
            team. He became a free agent  east  of  Atlanta’s  Truist  Park  A career .295 hitter, Freeman  when  Atlanta  won  its  first
            after  the  season,  but  even  in  Lilburn,  Georgia.  Snitker  surpassed  20  homers  eight  title since 1995. As the Braves  “My heart is broken,” Pache
            then,  it  was  hard  to  imag-  said  they  have  worked  sev-  times  with  a  career-high  38  celebrated  their  champion-  tweeted.  “I  just  found  out
            ine  the  career-long  Brave  eral youth baseball camps to-  in  2019.  Freeman  has  a  pair  ship  at  Minute  Maid  Park,  that I was traded to the A’s. I
            wouldn’t return.             gether.                      of  100-RBI  seasons  on  his  Freeman  made  it  clear  he  know that’s the way this busi-
                                                                      resume, and three other years  wanted to stay in Atlanta.  ness works, but I want Braves
            He didn’t sign before rosters  Olson  is  a  two-time  Gold  where he drove in more than                            fans  to  know  that  I  will  be
            froze Dec. 2 as part of a labor  Glove winner with a .252 ca-  90  runs.  He  won  the  NL  “This is a crazy game, a crazy  eternally  grateful  to  him
            lockout  that  stretched  99-  reer average, 142 homers and  MVP award in 2020, finished  business,”  he  said.  “But  ev-  wherever he goes. Thank you
            days. When rosters unlocked  an .859 OPS over six seasons.  in the top 10 of the balloting  eryone knows this where my  for  so  much  support,  for  so
            Thursday,  reports  indicated  The 27-year-old hit 39 hom-  five  other  times,  in  addition  heart is.”           much  love  and  for  being  so
            the  big-money  Los  Angeles  ers and drove in 111 runs last  to claiming three Silver Slug-                        special to me.”
            Dodgers  or  New  York  Yan-  season,  finishing  eighth  in  ger awards and a Gold Glove  The  National  League  is
            kees were hotly pursuing the  AL MVP voting. He’s under  for his defensive work.       adopting the designated hitter  Oakland also receives minor
            left-handed slugger.         team control through 2023.                                beginning in 2022, so there’s  league  catcher  Shea  Lange-
                                                                      But Freeman’s importance to  a chance Freeman might still  liers and right-handers Ryan
            Anthoploulos said it became  Amid  rumors  of  a  coming  the organization goes beyond  come  back,  but  it’s  unlikely  Cusick and Joey Estes. Lan-
            clear  to  him  Sunday  night  teardown in Oakland, Olson  his  impressive  stats.  He  was  given the investment in Ol-  geliers  was  ranked  as  Atlan-
            that Freeman wasn’t coming  said he thought a trade might  the  unquestioned  leader  in  son  and  the  pride  Freeman  ta’s No. 2 prospect by Base-
            back. At that point, he went  happen.  He’s  happy  to  land  the clubhouse and the face of  takes in his glovework.  ball America, one spot ahead
            full-steam after Olson.      close to home.               the franchise to Braves fans,                             of Pache, with Cusick ninth
                                                                      who  implored  him  to  stay  Pache  has  become  a  close  and Estes 14th.

                            Ozuna addresses Braves after domestic violence ban ends

            (AP)  —  Atlanta  Braves  out-                                                                                      es dropped. The program in-
            fielder  Marcell  Ozuna  says  “Yeah, I talked to my team,”                                                         cluded 3-6 months of super-
            he  has  addressed  teammates  Ozuna  said  Monday,  the                                                            vision.  Ozuna  also  was  or-
            and is sorry to fans for an ar-  first day of full-squad spring                                                     dered to complete a 24-week
            rest last year on charges of ag-  training  workouts.  “I  spoke                                                    family  violence  intervention
            gravated assault by strangula-  to  my  team  and  said,  ‘I’m                                                      program,  at  least  200  hours
            tion  and  battery  after  police  sorry, I made a mistake.’”                                                       of community service and an
            officers  said  they  witnessed                                                                                     anger management course.
            him attacking his wife.      Ozuna  was  welcomed  by
                                         teammates  in  the  clubhouse                                                          “I  learned  everything,”  he
            Ozuna returned to the team  Monday,  and  several  Latino                                                           said of counseling. “I learned
            this  week  for  the  first  time  players  gathered  around  his                                                   how you treat a person, how
            since  his  May  29  arrest.  He  locker before practice began,                                                     you be a better person, how
            was placed on administrative  just like old times.                                                                  you  be  the  best  daddy,  how
            leave  during  Major  League                              happen to anyone.”           in May that it also observed  you  be  a  human  being.  You
            Baseball’s  investigation  and  “It’s good to have him back,”                          Ozuna throwing her against a  learn everything from that.”
            missed Atlanta’s World Series  teammate  Ronald  Acuña  Police body cam footage ob-    wall and striking her with the
            championship run last fall.  Jr.  said  via  interpreter.  “You  tained  by  TMZ  Sports  two  cast on his injured left hand.  Ozuna  said  he  is  now  “on
                                         know, he’s a such a good ball-  days  after  MLB  announced                            the same page” with his fam-
            MLB suspended the 31-year-   player. You know, on and off  its  suspension  appeared  to  Ozuna said he has completed  ily.  He  said  he  didn’t  think
            old retroactively for 20 games  the field and, you know, the  show  Ozuna  grabbing  his  the requirements of a pretrial  he had ever spent alone time
            under  its  domestic  violence  things that happened off the  wife’s neck as officers arrived  diversion  program,  a  condi-  with his three children prior
            policy  in  November,  allow-  field, those are challenges for  at  their  Georiga  home.  The  tion  provided  by  the  Fulton  to last summer and has been
            ing him to return for the start  everyone. Certain things that  Sandy  Springs  Police  De-  County  District  Attorney’s  taking  them  to  the  play-
            of the 2022 season.          happen off the field, they can  partment said in a statement  office in order to have charg-  ground and toy stores.
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