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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 15 maart 2022

                       Trump accused of breaking campaign laws by teasing 2024 run

            (AP)  -  As  former  Presi-  then obligated to file a candi-  disaster because of the Dem-
            dent  Donald  Trump  con-    dacy intent statement within  ocrats’ failures, and instead of
            tinues  to  tease  a  future  15  days  of  receiving  contri-  reversing  course  to  provide
            White  House  bid,  a  pro-  butions  or  making  any  ex-  needed  relief  to  American
            Democratic  super  PAC  penditure over $5,000.            families,  they  are  busy  fil-
            has accused him of violat-                                ing frivolous complaints that
            ing federal campaign laws  “Trump  has  played  footsie  have zero merit,” he said.
            by  raising  and  spending  with  the  Federal  Election
            money  for  a  run  without  Campaign  Act  for  months,”  It’s  unclear  how  the  com-
            officially  filing  his  candi-  the group said Monday, not-  mission would proceed with
            dacy.                        ing that the former president,  the case, which joins a back-
                                         through  his  Save  America  logged  docket.  In  February,
            In  its  complaint  filed  Mon-  PAC,  has  spent  more  than  the  FEC  opted  not  to  hold
            day  with  the  Federal  Elec-  $100,000 per week on Face-  Trump accountable for “soft
            tion Commission, American  book ads “and has consistent-  money”  violations  that  his
            Bridge accused Trump of “il-  ly  raised  more  than  $1  mil-  campaign had previously ac-
            legally using his multicandi-  lion per week — a clear viola-  knowledged.
            date leadership PAC to raise  tion of campaign finance law                             announcement until after the  it  again,”  he  told  a  gather-
            and  spend  funds  in  excess  and precedent established by  Trump  has  been  teasing  the  midterms  because  it  would  ing last month. “We’re going
            of  Commission  limits  for  the  Federal  Election  Com-  prospect of another run since  trigger  campaign  finance  to  be  doing  it  again,  a  third
            the  purpose  of  advancing  a  mission.”                 before  he  left  office.  At  a  laws.                   time.”
            2024 presidential campaign.”                              White House Christmas par-
            The super PAC says that in-  American  Bridge  wants  the  ty in December 2020, Trump  “I  know  what  I’m  going  to  “We may have to run again,”
            cludes  “payments  for  events  FEC  to  compel  disclosure  told guests that it had “been  do,  but  we’re  not  supposed  Trump  said  in  South  Caro-
            at  Trump  properties,  rallies  of  Trump’s  expenditures  an amazing four years.”    to be talking about it yet from  lina on Saturday, as he cam-
            featuring  Mr.  Trump,  con-  and fine him “the maximum                                the  standpoint  of  campaign  paigned  for  two  Republican
            sulting  payments  to  former  amount permitted by law.”  “We are trying to do another  finance  laws,  which  frankly  candidates  mounting  pri-
            Trump  campaign  staff,  and                              four years. Otherwise, I’ll see  are  ridiculous,  OK?”  Trump  mary  challenges  to  House
            digital advertising about Mr.  Taylor  Budowich,  a  Trump  you in four years,” he said.  said during a September visit  members  he  said  have  been
            Trump’s events and his pre-  spokesperson, said the com-                               with  first  responders  when  disloyal to him.
            sumptive 2024 opponent.”     plaint  by  American  Bridge  Since then, he has alluded to  asked if he would run again.
                                         was without merit and he ac-  his plans in nearly every ap-  “But we have to live with it.  “In 2024, we are going to take
            Alleging  that  Trump  has  al-  cused Democrats of resorting  pearance  and  interview,  tell-  But I think you’re going to be  back that beautiful, beautiful
            ready  privately  decided  to  to “cheap gimmicks.”       ing  conservative  hosts  and  happy.”                    White House. I wonder who
            mount  a  2024  campaign,                                 Trump-friendly    audiences                               will do that. I wonder. I won-
            American Bridge says he was  “Our country is spiraling into  that he is waiting to make an  “We did it twice and we’ll do  der.”

                             US warns Chinese on support for Russia in Ukraine war

            (AP) — Face to face, President Joe  Chinese  anew  that  assistance  for  Meanwhile,  White  House  officials  The Biden administration is also ac-
            Biden’s  national  security  adviser  Russia  —  including  helping  it  avert  are discussing the possibility of Biden  cusing  China  of  spreading  Russian
            warned a top Chinese official on  sanctions  imposed  by  the  U.S.  and  traveling to Europe to meet with al-  disinformation that could be a pretext
            Monday  about  China’s  support  Western allies — would be costly for  lies for in-person talks about the crisis  for  Putin’s  forces  to  attack  Ukraine
            for Russia in the Ukrainian inva-   them.                               in Ukraine, according to three U.S.  with chemical or biological weapons.
            sion, even as the Kremlin denied                                        officials. The officials, who were not
            reports it had requested Chinese  Meanwhile,  two  administration  of-  authorized to comment publicly and  Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has put
            military equipment to use in the  ficials said the U.S. had determined  spoke on  the  condition of anonym-  China in a delicate spot with two of
            war.                                that China had signaled to Russia that  ity, said the trip hasn’t been finalized.  its biggest trading partners: the U.S.
                                                it  would  be  willing  to  provide  both  One  possibility  is  a  visit  to  NATO  and  European  Union.  China  needs
            U.S.  adviser  Jake  Sullivan  and  se-  military support for the campaign in  headquarters  in  Brussels  on  March  access to those markets, yet it also has
            nior  Chinese  foreign  policy  adviser  Ukraine and financial backing to help  24 with other potential stops in Eu-  shown support for Moscow, joining
            Yang  Jiechi  met  in  Rome,  with  the  stave  off  the  impact  of  severe  sanc-  rope, according to one of the officials.  with Russia in declaring a friendship
            Biden  administration  increasingly  tions imposed by the West. The of-                                     with “no limits.”
            concerned  that  China  is  using  the  ficials said that assessment had been  The prospect of China offering Rus-
            Ukraine  war  to  advance  Beijing’s  relayed  to  Western  and  Asian  allies  sia  financial  help  is  one  of  several  Asked  at  a  daily  briefing  about  the
            long-term interest in its competition  and partners earlier Monday.     concerns  for  Biden.  A  U.S.  official  reported  Russian  request  for  as-
            with the United States.                                                 said  that  in  recent  days,  Russia  has  sistance,  Chinese  Foreign  Ministry
                                                Sullivan  made  clear  during  an  “in-  requested  support  from  China,  in-  spokesperson Zhao Lijian said: “The
            Sullivan  was  seeking  clarity  on  Bei-  tense”  seven-hour  meeting  that  the  cluding military equipment, to press  U.S. has been spreading disinforma-
            jing’s  posture  and  was  warning  the  Biden  administration  has  deep  con-  forward  in  its  ongoing  war  with  tion targeting China recently over the
                                                cerns  about  China’s  alignment  with  Ukraine. The official, who spoke on  Ukraine issue. It is malicious.”
                                                Russia  at  this  time,  White  House  condition  of  anonymity  to  discuss
                                                press secretary Jen Psaki said.     sensitive matters, did not provide de-  The  White  House  said  Monday’s
                                                                                    tails on the scope of the request.  Sullivan-Yang  talks  focused  on  the
                                                Psaki declined to comment on wheth-                                     direct impact of Russia’s war against
                                                er the U.S. believes China has already  The  Russians  have  seen  significant  Ukraine  and  on  regional  and  global
                                                provided the Russians with military,  losses of tanks, helicopters and oth-  security.
                                                economic or other assistance.       er materiel since the start of the war
                                                                                    more than two weeks ago. Ukraine,  Biden  administration  officials  say
                                                In  advance  of  the  talks,  Sullivan  while overmatched by Russian forces,  Beijing  is  spreading  false  Russian
                                                bluntly warned China to avoid help-  is  well-equipped  with  anti-tank  and  claims  that  Ukraine  was  running
                                                ing  Russia  evade  punishment  from  anti-aircraft  missiles.  Even,  Russia’s  chemical and biological weapons labs
                                                global sanctions that have hammered  and  China’s  weapons  systems  have  with  U.S.  support.  They  say  China
                                                the  Russian  economy.  “We  will  not  limited  interoperability,  and  it’s  not  is effectively providing cover if Rus-
                                                allow  that  to  go  forward,”  he  said.  clear  what  weapons  China  has  that  sia moves ahead with a biological or
                                                Russia, however, on Monday denied  Russia would be in short supply of.  chemical weapons attack on Ukraini-
                                                it needed China’s help.                                                 ans.
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