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P. 26

A26     u.s. news
                     Diamars 15 maart 2022

                         More Russians find ways around sweeping US asylum limits

            (AP) — Maksim Derzhko                                                                                               lina, told a judge earlier this
            calls  it  one  of  the  most                                                                                       month.  Eleven  other  Rus-
            terrifying  experiences  of                                                                                         sians,  including  the  man’s
            his life. A longtime oppo-                                                                                          wife,  5-year-old  daughter
            nent of Russian President                                                                                           and year-old son were in the
            Vladimir  Putin,  he  flew                                                                                          SUV. Passengers raised their
            from  Vladivostok  to  the                                                                                          hands and yelled, “Asylum!”
            Mexican  border  city  of
            Tijuana  with  his  14-year-                                                                                        “All  that  he  saw  were  the
            daughter and was in a car                                                                                           bright  lights  of  San  Ysidro,”
            with seven other Russians.                                                                                          Molina  said.  “He  wanted  to
            All  that  separated  them                                                                                          get there.”
            from  claiming  asylum  in
            the  United  States  was  a                                                                                         The judge ordered the driver
            U.S.  officer  standing  in                                                                                         released  after  nearly  three
            traffic  as  vehicles  inched                                                                                       months  in  jail.  The  Associ-
            toward inspection booths.                                                                                           ated  Press  is  not  identifying
                                                                                                                                him at the request of Molina,
            The  emotions  are  “hard  to                                                                                       who  said  his  client  feared
            put into words,” he says. “It’s                                                                                     exposure may jeopardize his
            fear. The unknown. It’s really                                                                                      safety.  The  man,  who  op-
            hard. We had no choice.”                                                                                            posed  Russian  intervention
                                                                                                                                in  the  Chechnya  region,
            The  gamble  worked.  After                                                                                         planned to seek asylum with
            spending  a  day  in  custody,                                                                                      his family in Brooklyn, New
            Derzkho was released to seek   zone  separates  the  bumps  nerves after buying a used car  arrange  travel,  said  Chad  York.
            asylum  with  his  daughter,   from the inspection booths.  in  Tijuana,  but  he  says  later  Plantz, special agent in charge
            joining  thousands  of  Rus-                              in San Diego that everything  of Homeland Security Inves-  Other  incidents  have  raised
            sians who have recently taken   Migrants  just  have  to  reach  went  smoothly  —  despite  tigations in San Diego.  security  concerns,  Plantz
            the same route to America.   that buffer zone to claim asy-  two  days  in  U.S.  custody                           said.  Also  on  Dec.  12,  the
                                         lum  on  U.S.  soil.  But  U.S.  — and that others consider-  While  Moscow  to  Cancun  driver of a car with migrants
            Even  before  Russia’s  inva-  officers  stationed  on  the  ing the journey shouldn’t be  is  the  most  common  route,  from Ukraine and Tajikistan
            sion of Ukraine led to pun-  Mexican  side  of  the  border  afraid.                   some Russians fly from Am-   ignored  an  officer’s  orders
            ishing  sanctions  from  the   first try to block them, peer-                          sterdam  or  Paris  to  Mexico  to  show  identification  and
            U.S. and its allies, the United   ing  into  vehicles,  motion-  Russians are virtually guaran-  City and then go to Tijuana,  struck the officer’s hand with
            States  was  already  seeing  an   ing  motorists  to  flash  travel  teed a shot at asylum if they  Plantz said.   a car door mirror when accel-
            increase  in  Russian  asylum-  documents and stopping cars  touch U.S. soil, even though                           erating past him, according to
            seekers.  More  than  8,600   they deem suspicious.       President Joe Biden has kept  It  has  produced  some  tense  court documents.
            Russians  sought  refuge  on                              sweeping, Trump-era asylum  confrontations.
            the U.S. border with Mexico   “It was a very scary moment  restrictions.  Border  agents                            “They’re  probably  a  little
            from August through January   for  all  of  us  to  experience,”  can deny migrants a chance to  In  one,  a  29-year-old  Rus-  disoriented  themselves,  not
            — 35 times the 249 who did   Derzhko,  who  crossed  in  seek asylum on the grounds  sian  man  accelerated  after  sure exactly what they’re do-
            so during the same period a   August,  said  in  an  interview  that  it  risks  spreading  CO-  passing  the  reflector  bumps  ing,  but  they  are  failing  to
            year earlier. Nine in 10 used   at his home in Los Angeles.  VID-19.  But  cost,  logistics  at San Ysidro on Dec. 12 and  yield, hitting the gas, blowing
            official  border  crossings  in   “The children with us, every-  and strained diplomatic rela-  slammed the brakes, causing  through,” Plantz said.
            San Diego.                   one  was  very  worried,  very  tions make it difficult to send  a sedan with six Russian asy-
                                         much.”                       people  of  some  nationalities  lum-seekers to hit him from  A federal judge in San Diego
            Migrants from other former                                home.                        behind. An officer fired four  has ruled it is illegal to block
            Soviet  republics  follow  the   Russians swap travel tips on                          shots but no one was injured  asylum-seekers  but  has  not
            same  route  in  lower  num-  social  media  and  messaging  Russians  and  others  from  by gunfire, according to CBP,  given  specific  instructions,
            bers,  though  some  authori-  services.  One  unidentified  former  Soviet  republics  fa-  which says the incident is un-  allowing  authorities  to  con-
            ties  are  now  anticipating   man  narrated  his  trip  from  vor  driving  through  official  der investigation.  tinue  their  practices.  Erika
            more  Ukrainians.  The  U.S.   Moscow’s  Red  Square  to  a  crossings,  rather  than  trying                       Pinheiro, litigation and poli-
            admitted  a  Ukrainian  fam-  San Diego hotel room, with  to  cross  illegally  in  deserts  The  SUV  driver  hit  the  gas  cy director for Al Otro Lado,
            ily  of  four  on  humanitarian   layovers in Cancun and Mex-  and mountains. They gener-  in a state of excitement when  an advocacy group that sued
            grounds Thursday after twice   ico City. His YouTube video  ally  do  not  hire  smugglers,  he  saw  an  opening  between  over asylum limits at border
            blocking her.                shows  him  confessing  to  but  “a  facilitator”  may  help  lanes, his lawyer, Martin Mo-  crossings, said U.S. authori-
                                                                                                                                ties  coordinate  with  Mexi-
            Russians do not need visas to                                                                                       can officials to keep migrants
            visit Mexico, unlike the U.S.                                                                                       from  reaching  the  buffer
            Many  fly  from  Moscow  to                                                                                         zone.
            Cancun,  entering  Mexico  as
            tourists,  and  go  to  Tijuana,                                                                                    Yuliya Pashkova, a San Diego
            where  they  pool  money  to                                                                                        attorney who represents Rus-
            squeeze  into  cars  they  buy                                                                                      sian  asylum-seekers,  traces
            or rent. Adrenaline rushes as                                                                                       the  spike  in  arrivals  to  the
            they  approach  San  Diego’s                                                                                        imprisonment of Russian op-
            San  Ysidro  border  crossing,                                                                                      position leader Alexei Naval-
            where about 30,000 cars en-                                                                                         ny  last  year.  Asylum-seekers
            ter the United States daily.                                                                                        include Putin opponents, gay
                                                                                                                                people,  Muslims  and  busi-
            Concrete  barriers  funnel  24                                                                                      ness  owners  who  have  been
            lanes  of  traffic  to  a  border                                                                                   extorted by authorities.
            marked by a few rows of yel-
            low  reflector  bumps  —  like                                                                                      “When they think of Ameri-
            the ones that divide highway                                                                                        ca, they think of freedom, de-
            lanes — before vehicles reach                                                                                       mocracy and, frankly, a good
            inspection  booths.  A  buffer                                                                                      economic situation,” she said.
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