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                                                                                         world news Diamars 15 maart 2022

                             Russian missile strike near NATO’s Poland stirs anxiety

            (AP)  —  A  Russian  mis-    said “Everybody is a little bit  15  miles  (25  kilometers)
            sile  attack  that  killed  at  afraid today.”            from  the  border  with  Po-
            least 35 people in western                                land, shook the confidence of
            Ukraine,  some  15  miles  “We  all  believe  that  the  fact  Poles  living  near  the  border
            from NATO member Po-         that  we  are  in  NATO  will  and  created  anxiety  among
            land,  has  stirred  anxiety  protect  us  in  some  way,  but  others all too aware of Rus-
            and spurred Poles to rush  each  of  us  also  remembers  sia’s  and  the  Soviet  Union’s
            to  passport  offices  and  the  history  of  World  War  II  past control of Poland’s terri-
            stockpile  essentials  amid  and  the  (failed)  alliances  of  tory. On Monday, nine peo-
            fears the war could cut off  those times,” Winnicka said.  ple were killed in a morning
            supplies, or even spill over                              rocket  attack  on  a  television
            into Poland.                 “Things can turn out in dif-  tower in Antopol, about 100
                                         ferent ways. In Poland people  miles  (160  kilometers)  from
            A  long  line  of  applicants,  are a bit afraid,” she said.  the Polish border.
            unseen  for  decades,  formed
            Monday  outside  Warsaw’s  On  Sunday,  Anna  Kwiat-      Prime  Minister  Mateusz
            main  passport  office  on  kowska, 42, a mother of two,  Morawiecki  said  the  attack,
            Krucza Street. Canned food,  said  a  friend  working  for  a  close  to  a  refugee  route  to  ister,  Marcin  Przydacz,  said  war  just  across  our  border,”
            bottled water, flashlights and  foreign firm had advised the  Poland, was also intended to  he does not believe that Rus-  said 61-year-old retiree Emil-
            batteries filled shoppers’ bas-  family to have their passports  “provoke panic among civil-  sia, which he asserted “visibly  ia Gancarz.
            kets. People in the street talk-  ready and some dollars, too.  ians” fleeing the “horrors of  is  not  coping  in  Ukraine,”
            ed of the latest news and their                           the war.”                    would  try  an  attack  on  a  “I  don’t  want  to  experience
            worries for the future.      “So I will apply for passports                            NATO country.                war, it’s the worst thing in the
                                         to be done for my children,”  Poland  has  taken  in  more                             world,” she said, adding that
            In the street, outside the pass-  said  Kwiatkowska,  whose  than  1.8  million  refugees  Nevertheless,  he  stressed  she is stocking up on candles,
            port office, Justyna Winnicka,  children, aged 10 and 8, have  from  Ukraine  —  nearly  all  “one should be cautious and  dried food, nuts and canned
            44,  was  filling  out  the  pass-  not traveled abroad yet.  women and children — since  we are being cautious.”   goods, just in case.
            port form for her 16-year-old                             Feb. 24, when Russian troops
            daughter, Michalina.         All  this  despite  the  fact  that  invaded  Ukraine  and  then  People in the capital, Warsaw,  She said some of her friends
                                         NATO,  to  which  former  unleashed  attacks  on  hospi-  in  central  Poland,  were  all  are buying small solar panels,
            “We want to have a passport  Eastern  bloc  nation  Poland  tals,  schools  and  residential  too cognizant of the potential  in case of power cuts.
            because  the  last  one  expired  has  belonged  since  1999,  is  areas.              threat to Eastern bloc nations
            and we want to be able to go  strengthening  its  military                             that,  like  Poland,  were  once  Warsaw  Mayor  Rafal  Trzas-
            on  vacation,  but  also  want  presence  in  eastern  Poland,  Morawiecki  said  that  the  under the control of the So-  kowski urged calm.
            to be able to travel abroad in  close to the Ukraine border,  Yavoriv  attack  and  those  on  viet  Union,  for  more  than
            case something happens here  and stresses that the alliance  civilians  are  aimed  at  “de-  four decades after World War  “We  all  watch  President
            in  Poland,”  Winnicka  told  is fulfilling its task of ensur-  stroying  this  humanitarian  II.                   (Volodymyr) Zelenskyy. If he
            The Associated Press.        ing Poland’s safety.         effort ... of help being offered                          doesn’t panic, we don’t panic.
                                                                      to  innocent  people,  women,  “We  have  lived  in  safety  so  Come on. There is no panic,”
            Asked  if  she  was  afraid  be-  But Russia’s strike Sunday on  children.”            far;  I  had  thought  the  pan-  Trzaskowski told a news con-
            cause  of  the  fighting  just  a Ukrainian military training                          demic was the worst I would  ference.
            across  Poland’s  border,  she  center  in  Yavoriv,  less  than  Poland’s deputy foreign min-  experience, but now there is

                           Dutch, Australians launch case against Moscow over MH17

            (AP)  —  The  Dutch  and  Austra-   Foreign  Affairs  Minister  Wopke  sought life sentences for the suspects.  responsibility  for  the  flight’s  down-
            lian governments have launched  Hoekstra  stressed  that  the  Dutch  Three  of  the  suspects  have  boycot-  ing.
            a legal case against Russia at the  government would continue to do all  ted the trial, one is represented by a
            International  Civil  Aviation  Or-  it can to hold Russia responsible.  Dutch legal team, which insists he is  Dutch Infrastructure Minister Mark
            ganization seeking to hold Mos-                                         innocent.                           Harbers said the latest legal action is
            cow  accountable  for  its  alleged  “The deaths of 298 civilians, includ-                                  aimed  at  securing  international  rec-
            role  in  the  downing  of  Malaysia  ing  196  Dutch  citizens,  cannot  re-  The  new  ICAO  case  follows  Rus-  ognition  “that  Russia  is  responsible
            Airlines Flight MH17.               main  without  consequences,”  he  sia’s decision to walk away in Octo-  for  the  MH17  disaster.  Next  of  kin
                                                said. “The current events in Ukraine  ber 2020 from negotiations with the  have a right to that.”
            The case announced Monday in The  underscore the crucial importance of  Netherlands and Australia over state
            Hague and Canberra is the latest bid  that.”
            to  hold  Russia  legally  responsible
            for  the  missile  strike  that  brought  The Australian government said in a
            down the passenger jet over eastern  statement that “Russia’s unprovoked
            Ukraine on July 17, 2014, killing all  and  unjustified  invasion  of  Ukraine
            298 people on board.                and  the  escalation  of  its  aggression
                                                underscores the need to continue our
            An  international  investigation  con-  enduring efforts to hold Russia to ac-
            cluded that the Amsterdam-to-Kuala  count for its blatant violation of inter-
            Lumpur  flight was  shot  down  from  national  law  and  the  U.N.  Charter,
            territory held by separatist rebels us-  including threats to Ukraine’s sover-
            ing  a  Buk  missile  system  that  was  eignty and airspace.”
            driven into Ukraine from a Russian
            military base and then returned to the  Among the victims were 38 residents
            base. Moscow denies involvement.    of Australia.

            The Dutch government said the tim-  The  latest  legal  action  comes  as  the
            ing of the case isn’t connected to Rus-  Dutch  murder  trial  in  absentia  of
            sia’s invasion of Ukraine, but alluded  three  Russians  and  a  Ukrainian  for
            to the devastating conflict in its an-  their  alleged  roles  in  the  downing
            nouncement.                         of MH17 continues. Verdicts are ex-
                                                pected late this year. Prosecutors have
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