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A28     u.s. news
              Diaranson 25 november 2020

                          New York City's first Black mayor, David Dinkins, dies at 93

             (AP)  —  David  Dinkins,                                                                                           party registration was 5-to-1
             who  broke  barriers  as                                                                                           Democratic,  Dinkins  barely
             New  York  City’s  first  Af-                                                                                      scraped  by  the  Republican
             rican American mayor but                                                                                           Giuliani in the general elec-
             was  doomed  to  a  single                                                                                         tion,  capturing  only  30%  of
             term by a soaring murder                                                                                           the white vote.
             rate, stubborn unemploy-                                                                                           His  administration  had  one
             ment and his mishandling                                                                                           early high note: Newly freed
             of a riot in Brooklyn, has                                                                                         Nelson Mandela made New
             died. He was 93.                                                                                                   York City his first stop in the
                                                                                                                                U.S.  in  1990.  Dinkins  had
             Dinkins'  death  Monday  was                                                                                       been  a  longtime,  outspoken
             confirmed by his assistant at                                                                                      critic  of  apartheid  in  South
             Columbia University, where                                                                                         Africa.
             he taught after leaving office,                                                                                    In  that  same  year,  though,
             and by Mayor Bill de Blasio,                                                                                       Dinkins was criticized for his
             his onetime staffer. The for-                                                                                      handling of a Black-led boy-
             mer mayor's death came just                                                                                        cott of Korean-operated gro-
             weeks  after  the  death  of  his                                                                                  cery stores in Brooklyn. Crit-
             wife, Joyce, who died in Oc-                                                                                       ics contended Dinkins wait-
             tober at the age of 89.                                                                                            ed too long to intervene. He
             Dinkins,  a  calm  and  courtly                                                                                    ultimately ended up crossing
             figure  with  a  penchant  for                                                                                     the boycott line to shop at the
             tennis and formal wear, was a                                                                                      stores — but only after Koch
             dramatic shift from both his                                                                                       did.
             predecessor,  Ed  Koch,  and                                                                                       During Dinkins’ tenure, the
             his successor, Rudy Giuliani                                                                                       city’s finances were in rough
             — two combative and often  we could be better, believed  was  fatally  stabbed.  Nearly  allowed  to  use  the  school  shape because of a recession
             abrasive  politicians  in  a  city  we  could  overcome  our  di-  190 people were hurt.  swimming pool.           that  cost  New  York  357,000
             with a world-class reputation  visions,”  de  Blasio  said  at  a  A state report issued in 1993  During  a  stint  in  the  Ma-  private-sector jobs in his first
             for impatience and rudeness.  news  briefing  Tuesday.  “He  — an election year — cleared  rine Corps as a young man,  three years in office.
             In  his  inaugural  address,  he  showed us what it was like to  Dinkins  of  the  persistently  a Southern bus driver barred  Meanwhile,  the  city’s  mur-
             spoke lovingly of New York  be a gentleman, to be a kind  repeated  charge  that  he  in-  him  from  boarding  a  segre-  der toll soared to an all-time
             as a “gorgeous mosaic of race  person  no  matter  what  was  tentionally  held  back  police  gated bus because the section  high, with a record 2,245 ho-
             and religious faith, of national  thrown at him. And a lot was  in  the  first  days  of  the  vio-  for Black people was filled.  micides during his first year
             origin and sexual orientation,  thrown at him."          lence, but criticized him for  “And  I  was  in  my  country’s  as  mayor.  There  were  8,340
             of individuals whose families  The Rev. Al Sharpton noted  not stepping up as a leader.  uniform!”  Dinkins  recount-  New  Yorkers  killed  during
             arrived  yesterday  and  gen-  that Dinkins took office dur-  In  a  2013  memoir,  Dinkins  ed years later.       the  Dinkins  administration
             erations ago, coming through  ing  a  time  of  racial  discord  accused  the  police  depart-  While  attending  Howard  —  the  bloodiest  four-year
             Ellis Island or Kennedy Air-  following  the  1989  shooting  ment  of  letting  the  dis-  University,  the  historically  stretch  since  the  New  York
             port  or  on  buses  bound  for  death  of  Yusuf  Hawkins,  a  turbance  get  out  of  hand,  Black university in Washing-  City  Police  Department  be-
             the Port Authority.”        Black  teenager  who  was  at-  and also took a share of the  ton,  D.C.,  Dinkins  said  he  gan keeping statistics in 1963.
             But the city he inherited had  tacked  by  a  gang  of  youths  blame,  on  the  grounds  that  gained admission to segregat-  In the last years of his admin-
             an ugly side, too.          in  a  predominantly  white  “the buck stopped with me.”  ed movie theaters by wearing  istration,  record-high  ho-
             AIDS,  guns  and  crack  co-  Brooklyn neighborhood.     But  he  bitterly  blamed  his  a turban and faking a foreign  micides began a decline that
             caine  killed  thousands  of  “In that climate he preached a  election defeat on prejudice:  accent.               continued  for  decades.  In
             people each year. Unemploy-  gorgeous mosaic and proved  “I  think  it  was  just  racism,  Back  in  New  York  with  the first year of the Giuliani
             ment  soared.  Homelessness  that  we  could  achieve  the  pure and simple.”         a  degree  in  mathematics,  administration,  murders  fell
             was rampant. The city faced  highest  levels  of  municipal  Giuliani,   now   President  Dinkins  married  his  college  from 1,946 to 1,561.
             a $1.5 billion budget deficit.  power in the nation's largest  Donald  Trump’s  personal  sweetheart,  Joyce  Burrows,  One  of  Dinkins’  last  acts  in
             Dinkins’ low-key, considered  city, and he did it when the  lawyer,  tweeted  his  condo-  in 1953. His father-in-law, a  1993  was  to  sign  an  agree-
             approach quickly came to be  city  was  torn  apart,”  Sharp-  lences to Dinkins’ family.  power  in  local  Democratic  ment with the United States
             perceived  as  a  flaw.  Critics  ton  told  The  Associated  “He gave a great deal of his  politics,   channeled   Din-  Tennis  Association  that  gave
             said he was too soft and too  Press. “He did it by having a  life  in  service  to  our  great  kins  into  a  Harlem  political  the  organization  a  99-year
             slow.                       balance of understanding the  City,”  the  former  mayor  club.  Dinkins  paid  his  dues  lease on city land in Queens
             “Dave,   Do   Something!”  community's  needs  and  the  wrote.  “That  service  is  re-  as  a  Democratic  functionary  in return for building a ten-
             screamed one New York Post  needs of the city.”          spected and honored by all.”  while  earning  a  law  degree  nis complex. That deal guar-
             headline  in  1990,  Dinkins’  Dinkins  didn't  get  fast  New  York  Attorney  Gen-  from  Brooklyn  Law  School,  anteed  that  the  U.S.  Open
             first year in office.       enough  results  from  his  ef-  eral  Letitia  James,  who  her-  and  then  went  into  private  would  remain  in  New  York
             Dinkins did a lot at City Hall.  forts,  though,  to  earn  a  sec-  self  shattered  barriers  as  the  practice.  City for decades.
             He raised taxes to hire thou-  ond term.                 state’s  first  Black  woman  He  was  elected  to  the  state  After leaving office, Dinkins
             sands  of  police  officers.  He  After  beating  Giuliani  by  elected  to  statewide  office,  Assembly  in  1965,  became  was a professor at Columbia
             spent  billions  of  dollars  re-  only 47,000 votes out of 1.75  said the example Dinkins set  the  first  Black  president  of  University’s School of Inter-
             vitalizing  neglected housing.  million cast in 1989, Dinkins  inspired  her  throughout  her  the city’s Board of Elections  national and Public Affairs.
             His  administration  got  the  lost a rematch by roughly the  own political career.   in 1972 and went on to serve  He had a pacemaker inserted
             Walt  Disney  Corp.  to  invest  same margin in 1993.    “I was honored to have him  as Manhattan borough presi-   in  August  2008,  and  under-
             in the cleanup of then-seedy  Political historians often trace  hold the bible at my inaugu-  dent.                went  an  emergency  appen-
             Times Square.               the  defeat  to  Dinkins’  han-  rations because I, and others,  Dinkins’ election as mayor in  dectomy  in  October  2007.
             In  recent  years,  he’s  gotten  dling of the Crown Heights  stand on his shoulders,” she  1989 came after two cases un-  He  also  was  hospitalized  in
             more credit for those accom-  riot in Brooklyn in 1991.  said in a statement.         der  Koch  exacerbated  racial  March  1992  for  a  bacterial
             plishments,  credit  that  de  The  violence  began  after  a  Born  in  Trenton,  New  Jer-  tensions in the city: the rape  infection that stemmed from
             Blasio  said  Dinkins  should  car  in  the  motorcade  of  an  sey,  on  July  10,  1927,  Din-  of a white jogger in Central  an abscess on the wall of his
             have  always  had.  De  Blasio,  Orthodox  Jewish  religious  kins moved with his mother  Park — for which five Black  large intestine. He was treat-
             who worked in Dinkins’ ad-  leader  struck  and  killed  to Harlem when his parents  teenagers  were  convicted  ed with antibiotics and recov-
             ministration,  named  Man-  7-year-old  Gavin  Cato,  who  divorced, but returned to his  and  later  exonerated  —  and  ered in a week.
             hattan’s  Municipal  Building  was Black. During the three  hometown  to  attend  high  Hawkins’ killing.          Dinkins  is  survived  by  his
             after  his  mentor  in  October  days  of  anti-Jewish  rioting  school. There, he learned an  Dinkins defeated Koch, 50%  son,  David  Jr.,  daughter,
             2015.                       by young Black men that fol-  early  lesson  in  discrimina-  to  42%,  in  the  Democratic  Donna,  and  two  grandchil-
             “David Dinkins believed that  lowed,  a  rabbinical  student  tion:  Black  people  were  not  primary. But in a city where  dren.
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