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A30     world news
              Diaranson 25 november 2020

                      China criticizes pope over comment on Uighur Muslim minority

            (AP)  —  China  criticized                                                                                          cluding  Catholics,  much  to
            Pope  Francis  on  Tuesday                                                                                          the  dismay  of  the  Trump
            over a passage in his new                                                                                           administration  and  human
            book  in  which  he  men-                                                                                           rights  groups.  The  Vatican
            tions suffering by China’s                                                                                          last month renewed its con-
            Uighur  Muslim  minority                                                                                            troversial  agreement  with
            group.  Foreign  ministry                                                                                           Beijing on nominating Cath-
            spokesperson Zhao Lijian                                                                                            olic bishops, and Francis has
            said Francis’ remarks had                                                                                           been careful to not say or do
            “no factual basis at all.”                                                                                          anything  to  offend  the  Chi-
                                                                                                                                nese government on the sub-
            “People  of  all  ethnic  groups                                                                                    ject.
            enjoy  the  full  rights  of  sur-
            vival,   development,   and                                                                                         On Tuesday the Vatican con-
            freedom  of  religious  belief,"                                                                                    firmed that Qingdao Bishop
            Zhao said at a daily briefing.                                                                                      Thomas  Chen  Tianhao  had
            Zhao made no mention of the                                                                                         been  recently  consecrated
            camps in which more than 1                                                                                          bishop  with  papal  consent
            million  Uighurs  and  mem-                                                                                         as  a  result  of  the  2018  deal,
            bers  of  other  Chinese  Mus-                                                                                      the  third  such  ordination.
            lim  minority  groups  have                                                                                         In  a  statement,  the  Vatican
            been held. The U.S. and oth-                                                                                        spokesman  Matteo  Bruni
            er  governments,  along  with                                                                                       said  the  Holy  See  expected
            human  rights  groups,  say                                                                                         more bishops to be named as
            the  prison-like  facilities  are  now says they are centers in-  Francis wrote about the need  poor  Uighurs,  the  Yazidi  —  a result of the deal “because
            intended  to  divide  Muslims  tended  to  provide  job  train-  to  see  the  world  from  the  what  ISIS  did  to  them  was  several procedures are under
            from their religious and cul-  ing  and  prevent  terrorism  peripheries  and  the  margins  truly  cruel  —  or  Christians  way for new episcopal nomi-
            tural  heritage,  forcing  them  and religious extremism on a  of  society,  “to  places  of  sin  in  Egypt  and  Pakistan  killed  nations."
            to  declare  loyalty  to  China's  voluntary basis.       and misery, of exclusion and  by bombs that went off while  China  and  the  Vatican  have
            ruling Communist Party and  In  his  new  book  “Let  Us  suffering, of illness and soli-  they prayed in church,” Fran-  had no formal relations since
            its leader, Xi Jinping.      Dream,”  due  Dec.  1,  Fran-  tude.”                     cis wrote.                   the Communist Party cut ties
                                         cis listed the “poor Uighurs”  In  such  places  of  suffering,  Francis  has  declined  to  call  and arrested Catholic clerics
            China, which initially denied  among  examples  of  groups  “I  think  often  of  persecuted  out China for its crackdown  soon  after  seizing  power  in
            the existence of the facilities,  persecuted for their faith.  peoples:  the  Rohingya,  the  on  religious  minorities,  in-  1949.

                          Russian virus vaccine to cost less than $10 per dose abroad

            (AP)  —  Russia  released  dose  respectively,  based  on  but the vaccine is already be-  In a new statement on Tues-  Moderna  said  last  week  its
            new results Tuesday claim-   agreements  the  companies  ing offered to people in risk  day, developers of the vaccine  vaccine  appears  to  be  94.5%
            ing  its  experimental  CO-  have  struck  to  supply  their  groups  —  such  as  medical  put its effectiveness at 91.4%,  effective  after  having  regis-
            VID-19 vaccine was highly  vaccines to the U.S. govern-   workers and teachers — de-   after  the  second  interim  tered  95  cases  of  the  virus
            effective, and promised it  ment.                         spite  multiple  expert  warn-  analysis of the trial data was  among  study  participants.
            would cost less on interna-  Kirill  Dmitriev,  head  of  the  ings against its wider use be-  carried  out  based  on  39  in-  Pfizer’s 95% efficacy rate was
            tional  markets  than  vac-  fund, told reporters Tuesday  fore it completes all the nec-  fections among 18,794 study  announced  after  170  infec-
            cines by some of its West-   that  over  1  billion  doses  of  essary  testing.  Several  high-  participants  that  received  tions were accumulated. On
            ern competitors.             the vaccine are expected to be  profile officials have said they  both doses of either the vac-  Monday, another drugmaker,
                                         produced next year outside of  have already taken it, too.  cine or the placebo.       Britain’s  AstraZeneca,  said
            According to the Russian Di-  Russia.                     President  Vladimir  Putin,                               late-stage  trials  showed  its
            rect Investment Fund, which                               who announced Sputnik V’s  The statement said that eight  COVID-19 vaccine is highly
            bankrolled  the  development  Russia  drew  international  approval  with  much  fanfare  cases  of  the  virus  were  reg-  effective, in a statement that
            of the jab, Sputnik V will cost  criticism  for  giving  Sput-  in August, saying one of his  istered among 14,095 recipi-  came after registering 131 in-
            less than $10 per dose — or  nik V regulatory approval in  daughters had been vaccinat-  ents  of  the  vaccine,  and  31  fections.
            less than $20 for the two dos-  early August, even though it  ed, has touted the jab as ef-  among 4,699 volunteers who
            es  needed  to  vaccinate  one  was yet to complete advanced  fective and safe, but appeared  got the dummy shots in the  Developers  of  the  Russian
            person  —  on  international  testing  among  tens  of  thou-  in no rush to take it himself.  trial of Sputnik V. It remained  shots  said  “no  unexpected
            markets.  The  vaccination  sands  of  people,  required  to  Asked whether the president  unclear  from  the  statement  adverse  events  were  identi-
            will be free for Russians, the  ensure  the  safety  and  effec-  has  been  vaccinated,  Krem-  how  coronavirus  was  diag-  fied as part of the research.”
            Fund said.                   tiveness of the vaccine before  lin  spokesman  Dmitry  Pes-  nosed among the participants  Some  of  those  vaccinated
            The  two-shot  jab,  the  fund  it is given widely.       kov  said  Tuesday  that  Putin  of the trial and whether all of  experienced pain at the injec-
            promised  in  a  statement,  An  advanced  study  among  “can’t use an uncertified vac-  them, including those show-  tion point and flu-like symp-
            will  be  “two  or  more  times  40,000  volunteers  was  an-  cine.”  Peskov  pointed  out  ing no symptoms, were test-  toms,  such  as  fever,  weak-
            cheaper” than those by Pfiz-  nounced  two  weeks  after  it  that “widespread vaccination  ed for the virus.       ness, fatigue and headache.
            er  or  Moderna,  which  cost  received government approv-  hasn’t  started  yet,  and  the                         Mass vaccination in Russia is
            about  $20  and  $15-25  per  al.  The  trial  is  still  ongoing,  head  of  state  can’t  take  part  Both times, the Russian data  expected to start in 2021, and
                                                                      in the vaccination as a volun-  was  based  on  a  much  lower  more  than  2  million  doses
                                                                      teer.”                       number  of  infections  than  of  Sputnik  V  will  produced
                                                                      Two weeks ago, the Moscow-   Western  drugmakers  looked  in  Russia  this  year,  Deputy
                                                                      based Gamaleya Institute that  at  when  assessing  the  effec-  Prime Minister Tatyana Go-
                                                                      developed  the  vaccine  and  tiveness of their vaccines.  likova said Tuesday.
                                                                      the  Russian  Direct  Invest-
                                                                      ment  Fund  said  analysis  of
                                                                      the study's early data showed
                                                                      that the vaccine “had an effi-
                                                                      cacy rate of 92%.” The con-
                                                                      clusion was based on 20 in-
                                                                      fections that occurred among
                                                                      16,000 volunteers.
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