Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20201125
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world news Diaranson 25 november 2020
UK eases restrictions so families can gather over Christmas
LONDON (AP) — British pate a rapid rush for the skies
authorities gave the green before vaccinations become
light Tuesday to holiday widely available.
reunions for millions, re- “We still have a complex jig-
laxing restrictions on so- saw puzzle of restrictions
cial mixing over Christ- around the world that need
mas and offering arriving tourists to have a high IQ
international travelers a to understand,” said Paul
way to cut short quaran- Charles, chief executive of
tine if they test negative travel consultancy The PC
for COVID-19. Agency. “We need to see
global consistency for travel
The U.K. government and to fully take off.”
administrations in Scotland, Many popular holiday desti-
Wales and Northern Ireland nations, such as the United
struck a deal that will ease States or Canada, remain
limits on travel and social- blocked off for English trav-
izing for five days over the elers, and trips to most of
festive period so that friends riving in England from most The industry hopes it will outbreak. Europe require quarantining,
and families can get together. destinations will be reduced spur British families to go on except for isolated spots like
Between Dec. 23 and 28, up to as little as five days if they holiday over the Christmas Though daily numbers can Spain’s Canary Islands, off
to three households can form test negative for COVID-19. break, especially if children fluctuate widely, the U.K. re- the coast of Africa.
a “Christmas bubble” and Under the new rules, passen- won’t have to miss school corded another 11,299 new Tim Alderslade, chief execu-
members can move freely gers from places not on the upon their return. coronavirus cases on Tuesday, tive of the industry associa-
between them. government's travel corridor The change only applies in the lowest level since early tion Airlines U.K., said the
list can reduce the 14-day England. Travelers arriving in October. The hope is that announcement on a shorter
People are currently barred quarantine period by paying Northern Ireland, Scotland fewer infections will soon quarantine period provided
from visiting members of for a test from a private firm and Wales must continue to lead to a reduction in hospi- “light at the end of the tun-
other households in much of on or after Day 5 of their ar- self-isolate for 14 days. talizations and the number of nel” for the aviation industry
the U.K. in an effort to curb rival at a potential cost of The Christmas plan will al- people dying from the coro- and people wanting to go on
the spread of the coronavirus, around 100 pounds ($133). low people to travel any- navirus. holiday.
and there are limits on travel Results normally take a day where in the U.K. to meet
to high-infection areas, or two. with loved ones in private For now, though, virus-re- The government also an-
Government scientific ad- “Our new testing strategy will homes, outdoors or in places lated deaths remain high and nounced new financial sup-
visers have signed off on the allow us to travel more freely, of worship — though not in another 608 were reported on port for English airports and
holiday plan, though scien- see loved ones and drive in- pubs and restaurants. Tuesday. However, Tuesday's ground handling firms be-
tists say it will likely lead to ternational business,” Trans- The decision to relax the rule figures have invariably been ginning in 2021.
an increase in coronavirus port Secretary Grant Shapps comes amid evidence that higher during the pandemic “This new package of sup-
infections. said. “By giving people the new coronavirus infections because of weekend report- port for airports, alongside
Cabinet minister Michael choice to test on Day 5, we have fallen since restrictions ing lag effects. a new testing regime for in-
Gove said the agreement are also supporting the travel were tightened in the past The change in England's ternational arrivals, will help
“will offer hope for families industry as it continues to re- few weeks, including a na- travel rules brings them the sector take off once again
and friends who have made build out of the pandemic.” tional lockdown in England more in line with other Eu- as we build back better from
many sacrifices over this dif- The change, which takes ef- that is due to end on Dec. 2. ropean countries, including the pandemic," said Treasury
ficult year.” fect Dec. 15, has been long- It will be replaced with re- Germany. Still, with a maze chief Rishi Sunak.
In a boost to holiday travel, awaited by the travel indus- gional measures that involve of travel and quarantine re- Sunak plans to unveil the
the 14-day quarantine re- try, one of the worst-hit sec- three tiers of restrictions strictions around the world, government's spending plans
quirement for travelers ar- tors during the pandemic. based on the scale of the local few industry experts antici- for 2021 on Wednesday.
Trudeau: Canadians won’t be among the first to get vaccine
(AP) — Prime Minister said. “We’re expecting to start
Justin Trudeau said Tues- receiving those doses in the
day Canada will have to first few months of 2021.”
wait for a vaccine because Trudeau said Canadians
the very first ones that roll won’t have to wait for ev-
off assembly lines are like- eryone in the U.S. to be vac-
ly to be given to citizens of cinated before Canada gets
the country they are made doses.
The issue was discussed at the
Trudeau noted Canada does G-20 this past weekend and
not have vaccine-production Trudeau said he’s working
facilities. The United States, with allies to make sure there
the United Kingdom and is a free flow of contracts. He
Germany do. said countries recognize that
Trudeau said it is under- “no one place gets through
standable that an American COVID-19 until all places
pharmaceutical company will are through COVID-19.”
distribute first in the U.S. Trudeau said having pre-
before they distribute inter- bought an array of vaccine
nationally. candidates from foreign
"Shortly afterwards they will manufacturers will help get
start honoring and deliver- Canadians effective doses as
ing the contracts that they soon as possible and noted
signed with other countries Canada pre-bought millions
including Canada," Trudeau of doses.