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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 21 OctOber 2017

            Charges, Insults Fly after Trump Aide Assails Congresswoman

                                                                      accusation,  White  House  Wilson  never  mentioned  widow that “you know that
                                                                      press secretary Sarah Huck-  the   building’s   funding,  this  could  happen  when
                                                                      abee Sanders chastised re-   though she did recount at  you signed up for it ... but it
                                                                      porters Friday for question-  length  her  efforts  to  help  still hurts.”
                                                                      ing the account of a deco-   name the building in honor   Johnson’s aunt, who raised
                                                                      rated general.               of the special agents.       the  soldier  from  a  young
                                                                      “If  you  want  to  go  after  That  did  nothing  to  deter  age,  said  the  family  took
                                                                      General  Kelly,  that’s  up  to  Sanders, who said “If you’re  that  remark  to  be  disre-
                                                                      you,”  she  said.  “But  I  think  able to make a sacred act  spectful.
                                                                      that if you want to get into  like honoring American he-  The  Defense  Department
                                                                      a  debate  with  a  four-star  roes about yourself, you’re  is  investigating  the  details
                                                                      Marine general, I think that  an empty barrel.”           of  the  Niger  ambush,  in
                                                                      that’s  something  highly  in-  Sanders also used a dismis-  which  Islamic  militants  on
                                                                      appropriate.”                sive  Southwest  rancher’s  motorcycles  brought  rock-
                                                                      Sen.  Lindsey  Graham,  a  term,  calling  Wilson,  who  et-propelled grenades and
                                                                      South Carolina Republican  often wears elaborate hats,  heavy machine guns, killing
                                                                      and  an  Air  Force  veteran,  “all hat and no cattle.”   the four and wounding oth-
                                                                      rejected   Sanders’   con-   Wilson  was  in  the  car  with  ers. The FBI said it is assisting,
            White House Chief of Staff John Kelly pauses as he speaks to the   tention  that  questioning  the family of Johnson, who  as  it  has  in  the  past  when
            media during the daily briefing in the Brady Press Briefing Room   a  general  was  out  of  line,  died  in  an  Oct.  4  ambush  American citizens are killed
            of the White House, Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017.
                                   (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)  saying  simply,  “No,  not  in  that  killed  four  American  overseas.
                                                                      America.”                    soldiers  in  Niger,  when  Sanders  said  Friday  that  if
            Continued from Front         It  all  started  when  Wilson   Video of the FBI office dedi-  Trump called to express his  the “spirit” in which Trump’s
                                         told  reporters  that  Trump   cation  in  Miami,  from  the  condolences  on  Tuesday.  comments “were intended
            “The  White  House  itself  is  had  insulted  the  family  of   archives  of  South  Florida’s  She said in an interview that  were misunderstood, that’s
            full of white supremacists,”  Johnson,  who  was  killed   Sun-Sentinel,  shows  that  Trump  had  told  Johnson’s  very unfortunate.”q
            said Wilson, who is black, as  two  weeks  ago  in  Niger.
            is  the  Florida  family  Trump  She  was  fabricating  that,
            had  called  in  a  condo-   Trump  said.  The  soldier’s
            lence effort this week that  widow and aunt said no, it
            led  to  the  back-and-forth  was the president who was
            name calling.                fibbing.
            Trump, in an interview with  Then Kelly strode out in the
            Fox Business Network, then  White House briefing room
            called  Wilson’s  criticism  of  on  Thursday,  backing  up
            Kelly “sickening.” And, in a  the president and suggest-
            comment  that  seems  un-    ing  Wilson  was  just  grand-
            likely  to  be  the  last  word,  standing — as he said she
            he  said  he  actually    had  had  at  the  FBI  dedication
            had a “very nice call,” with  in 2015.
            the family of Sgt. La David  After  news  accounts  took
            Johnson.                     issue  with  part  of  that  last

            Uninsured rate up to 12.3%

            amid “Obamacare” turmoil

            By RICARDO ZALDIVAR          1-Sept.  30,  an  increase
            Associated Press             of  1.4  percentage  points
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  since the end of last year.
            number of U.S. adults with-  The increase in the number
            out  health  insurance  is  up  of uninsured is more striking
            nearly  3.5  million  this  year,  because it comes at a time
            as rising premiums and po-   of  economic  growth  and
            litical turmoil over “Obam-  low unemployment.
            acare”  undermine  cover-    President  Donald  Trump
            age  gains  that  drove  the  has  stopped  federal  pay-
            nation’s uninsured rate to a  ments  that  reimburse  in-
            historic low.                surers  for  lower  copays
            That finding is based on the  and  deductibles  that  the
            latest  installment  of  a  ma-  Obama-era  law  requires
            jor  survey,  released  Friday.  them to provide to people
            The Gallup-Sharecare Well-   with  modest  incomes.  His
            Being Index asks a random  administration  slashed  the
            sample of 500 people each  advertising budget for 2018
            day  whether  they  have  sign-ups,  cut  the  length  of
            health insurance.            open  enrollment  in  half,
            The  survey  found  that  the  and  sharply  reduced  fed-
            uninsured    rate   among  eral  grants  to  groups  that
            adults  was  12.3  percent  help  consumers  navigate
            during the period from July  the process. q
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