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Saturday 21 OctOber 2017
Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino Pampers their Customers
resort has its unique assets.
It promised to be an eve-
ning of cocktails and deli-
cious hors d’oeuvres and it
turned out to be more, as
PALM BEACH - In the Grand there were many add-ons
Caribbean Ballroom of the like a live band, wonder-
Hilton there was something ful massages, displays of
going on last Thursday. beautiful Christmas tables
And that something was and fairytale designed des-
not just anything. ert corners. A small impres-
sion of the evening is cap-
The resort decided to tured in the pictures, but
pamper their appreciated for more wonders to see
clients and remind them you will need to pay a visit
at the same time that the yourself. Dream away!q