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                                                                                                                           Saturday 21 OctOber 2017

            During the Challenge Aruba Endurance Festival:

            Join the Locals this Weekend at this Great Music and

            Food Festival on the Hyatt Regency Aruba Parking lot

                                                                                                   with multiple pop up stores  Kids Splash and Dash com-
                                                                                                   like FX Sports, Tri Bike Aruba,  petition. Here they run and
                                                                                                   Lab  Familiar,  Paralympic  swim for prizes.
                                                                                                   Committee,  Brasilsul,  Aru-  The  events  and  festival
                                                                                                   mil,  Challenge  Aruba  and  are  Powered  by  CHAL-
                                                                                                   more.                        LENGE  FAMILY,  THE  ARU-
                                                                                                   If  you  are  more  of  an  ac-  BA  TOURISM  AUTHORITY,
                                                                                                   tive person visitors are wel-  HYATT  REGENCY  ARUBA  y
                                                                                                   come  to  join  the  5KM  Fun  THE  ARUBA  MARRIOTT  RE-
                                                                                                   Walk  and  Run  which  starts  SORT.  Other  Sponsors:  Tier-
                                                                                                   on  Saturday  at  6pm  from  ra  del  Sol,  De  Palm  Tours,
                                                                                                   the Hyatt Regency Parking  Divi  Hotels,  Tropicana  Ho-
                                                                                                   Lot.  Also  visit  the  Fitv\Ville  tel,  Caribbean  Mercantile
                                                                                                   which is a crossfit competi-  Bank,  Hilton  Aruba  Resort,
                                                                                                   tion  which  takes  place  on  De  Cuba  &Wever,  Aruba
                                                                                                   all days of the festival. Also  Wine  &  Dine,  Aruba  Aloe,
                                                                                                   on  Saturday  at  8am  be-   Cool  FM  IMC,  Ennia,  Jet
                                                                                                   tween  The  Aruba  Marriott  Blue,Compra  NV,  La  Ca-
                                                                                                   Resort and The Ritz Carlton  bana Hotels, Queen Beatrix
                                                                                                   Aruba kids between 7 and  Airport, Amsterdam Manor,
                                                                                                   14  years  participate  in  the  Paseo Herencia y ASD.q
            PALM  BEACH  -  On  Friday  Amongst  the  restaurants
            October 20th, Saturday Oc-   that  will  be  present  these
            tober 21st and Sunday Oc-    will be Kalins Bar (Mexican),
            tober 22nd 2017 Aruba will  Café  The  Plaza  (Dutch),
            host  the  Challenge  Aruba  Old Cunucu House (Local)
            Endurance Festival. Besides  , De Suikertuin (Indonesian)
            all  of  the  sporting  events  , Eatali (Italian), Pure Local
            there shall be a great Mu-   (Paella), G & G Wing Shack
            sic and Food Festival each  (Wings)  ,  Pico  Bello  and
            day.  This  will  be  from  6pm  Poffertjes  van  Pofferdorie
            till 11pm with 6 bands, 6 DJ’s  for  the  deserts.  Everything
            and 7 local restaurants. It is  takes  place  on  the  Hyatt
            a  great  opportunity  for  lo-  Regency  Parking  lot  and
            cals and visitors to mix and  entrance   is   completely
            mingle during the festival.   free.
                                         The  music  lineup  is  as  fol-
            All  of  the  bands  are  local  lows:  Friday:  Buleria,  Hon-
            bands which is a great way  eypot,  DJ  Big  Rig  &  DJ
            of  experiencing  a  bit  of  101.  Saturday:    Joyride,  N
            our  culture.  Form  reggae  Fuzion,  DJ  Phattunez  &  DJ
            to salsa to rock, you will all  Vibes. Sunday Kawura, Tsu-
            hear  and  dance  to  their  nami, DJ Version and Music
            tunes.  The  restaurants  will  Monks.  On  the  parking  lot
            provide  different  cuisines.  there  is  also  a  Sport  Expo
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