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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 21 OctOber 2017

            Loyal Guests Honored at the Aruba Beach Club

                                                                      ORANJESTAD - Recently the Aruba Tourism  Mrs.  Cindy  Kubert  of  Massachusetts,  and
                                                                      Authority  had  the  great  pleasure  of  hon-  Mr.  Gerald  Choquette  and  Ms.  Christine
                                                                      oring two very nice families who are loyal  Mann of Florida, honored as Goodwill Am-
                                                                      and friendly visitors of Aruba at the Aruba  bassadors.
                                                                      Beach  Club  as  Distinguished  Visitors  and  These special visitors are regular guests at
                                                                      Goodwill Ambassadors.                      the Aruba Beach Club and they love Aru-
                                                                                                                 ba very much because of the safety, the
                                                                      The symbolic honorary titles are presented  beautiful sunsets, friendly locals, variety of
                                                                      in the name of the Minister of Tourism as  food and the feeling of home-away-from-
                                                                      tokens of appreciation to guests who visit  home.
                                                                      Aruba for 10-to-19 and 20-to-34 consecu-   The  certificates  were  presented  by  Ms.
                                                                      tive years.                                Darline S. De Cuba representing the Aru-
                                                                      The  honorees  were  Mr.  Joseph  and  Mrs.  ba Tourism Authority together with friends,
                                                                      Gail Stanizzi of Massachusetts, honored as  family  and  Ms.  Amanda  Singh  from  the
                                                                      Distinguished Visitors, and Mr. Richard and  Aruba Beach Club.q
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