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              Saturday 21 OctOber 2017

            Team Aruba Ready to Battle at PDRA World Finals

            NORTH DINWIDDIE, Va. - The
            Professional  Drag  Racers
            Association  has  reached
            the end of its fourth season.
            This weekend’s World Finals
            at Virginia Motorsports Park
            is every team’s last chance
            to make their mark on the

            Trevor  Eman  and  the  Aru-
   Extreme Pro Stock
            Mustang currently hold the
            number three spot in points.
            It’s been a great season for
            Team  Aruba  with  a  win  at
            Darlington  Dragway,  fol-
            lowed  by  a  runner  up  at
            Maryland      International
            Raceway.  They  would  like
            nothing  more  than  to  cap
            the season off with another
            “We’re excited to be back
            here in Virginia chasing an-  “We also want to remind all  U.S. Our partner, the Aruba  The  entire  PDRA  World  Fi-  race results, team updates,
            other 660 Man,” Eman said,  our fellow racers and race  Airport  Authority,  makes  nals is broadcasting live on  videos  and  photos.  Also
            referring  to  the  PDRA  na-  fans  that  the  racing  off  travel  seamless  and  helps      leave  your  comments  to
            tional  event  trophies.  “We  season  is  the  perfect  time  everyone feel welcome at  Qualifying begins on Friday.  cheer on Team Aruba!
            would love to end our sea-   to  make  a  trip  to  Aruba.  they  enter  the  island.  We  Eliminations  will  be  run  on  For  more  on  your  Aruba
            son  with  another  win  and  Our  year-round  wonderful  hope  to  see  many  of  our  Saturday.                   vacation  visit  www.Aruba.
            keep  up  our  standings  in  weather make a great win-   friends  in  our  island  home  Follow  Team  Aruba  on  com  and  www.airportaru-
            the points.                  ter  escape  for  folks  in  the  this off season.”       Facebook and Twitter. Find
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