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u.s. news Diasabra 10 OctOber 2020
Cunningham won't directly address possible other affairs
(AP) — Democratic U.S. ID-19 last week, has said it's
Senate candidate Cal Cun- Cunningham who has made
ningham refused on Friday to integrity and truthfulness
address whether other sexual campaign issues through his
affairs could surface days af- own words and narrative of
ter The Associated Press re- rooting out corruption while
ported his intimate encoun- a military lawyer.
ter this summer with a public Cunningham's "refusal to
relations consultant. answer questions makes him
Cunningham is in a closely unfit for office," campaign
contested, expensive race manager Luke Blanchat said
with Republican Sen. Thom in a news release. The Cal
Tillis that could determine Cunningham of just a week
control of the Senate. During ago was making his personal
a virtual news conference, he life the cornerstone of his
wouldn't respond directly to campaign, but now that the
multiple questions from re- real Cal Cunningham has
porters about the existence of been exposed, he no longer
other affairs or extramarital believes questions about his
allegations. personal life are relevant."
The U.S. Army Reserve of- The woman texting with
ficer and Raleigh attorney on Cunningham, Arlene Guz-
Oct. 2 acknowledged the ex- man Todd, acknowledged the
istence of sexually suggestive extramarital relationship this
text messages between him week. In a statement, she said
and a woman, both of whom were reported. "I've said what the revelations. business operator about addi- the relationship "spanned
are married, and apologized I'm going to say about it." "Cal Cunningham — what tional COVID-19 relief that several months and consisted
for hurting his family and Cunningham tried to return else is he hiding?" the leader- he blames Tillis for failing to primarily of a series of text
supporters. Additional texts the campaign's arc back to ship fund's ad says. deliver. exchanges and an in-person
obtained by The Associated issues and Tillis, who with Like another virtual speech "I'm hearing from North encounter."
Press and interviews show GOP allies have been relent- he gave on Wednesday, Cun- Carolinians that are telling Republicans hold a 53-47
the relationship extended to less this week in trying to ningham again on Friday me in no uncertain terms that majority in the Senate, and
an intimate encounter as re- make his personal decisions pushed back at Tillis, accus- they want their Senate candi- polls show the contest tight
cent as July. the focus approaching Elec- ing the Republican of using date talking about the issues between Cunningham and
"I've taken responsibility for tion Day. Both Tillis and the the incident to draw voters like those that we're talking Tillis. It's the most expen-
the hurt that I've caused in Senate Leadership Fund, a away from his record as a about right here today. Peo- sive Senate race in the nation,
my personal life. I've apolo- GOP super PAC run by allies senator. Friday's online event ple are tired of hearing about with more than $122 million
gized for it," Cunningham of Senate Majority Leader began with Cunningham personal issues," he said. in spending by outside groups
said on the virtual news con- Mitch McConnell, started speaking with representa- Tillis, still recovering at his alone during the general elec-
ference, his first meeting running ads this week em- tives of a union and teacher North Carolina home after tion, according to the Center
with reporters since the texts phasizing TV reports about lobbying group and a small testing positive for COV- for Responsive Politics.
A long road: Weed goes on sale years after approval in Maine
(AP) — Mainers got their on through two legislative re- something to be said for products on the shelves as $111 million in sales last year.
first opportunity to legally writes, two vetoes by the for- planting a flag and break- quickly as possible," said Pol- All told, about 87,000 Main-
buy marijuana for recreation- mer governor and a change ing the ice and starting sales lock. ers hold medical marijuana
al use, but a supply shortage in administrations, said Erik for thousands of adults who A line of customers formed cards, allowing them to make
was a potential buzzkill. Gundersen, director of the don't have access for one rea- outside his South Portland legal purchases from caregiv-
Retailers blame the pan- Maine Office of Marijuana son or another. It's a big day," store before it opened. ers and dispensaries.
demic and a limited number Policy. he said. At the front of the line was Maine becomes the second
of licensed manufacturers Once things got rolling, the State law allows each custom- Jason Chavez, of Portland, state in New England with
for reducing the variety of coronavirus pandemic creat- er to buy up to 2.5 ounces (70 who said he wanted to buy as stores selling marijuana for
products available on Friday. ed further delays as the state grams) of cannabis, enough much pot as possible. "I'm a recreational use. The first
Licenses were issued only a determined how to safely to roll more than 100 joints. major pothead, as they say," stores opened in Massachu-
month ago, causing retail- open stores, he said. Included within that limit, he added. setts in November 2018.
ers to scramble to stock their Under state law, marijuana customers may also purchase There is no supply short- Retail sales could start in
shelves. growers and product sup- 5 grams (0.18 ounces) of con- age for people buying medi- Vermont in two years af-
That didn't deter shoppers. pliers have to be licensed, centrate. cal marijuana. That market ter the governor announced
"This is a big day," Ben Bol- and the products have to be Many retailers, however, is long established in Maine, this week that he'd let a bill
stridge, of Lewiston, said certified by a state-licensed were limiting customers to and medical marijuana care- setting up a system for the
after making his purchases. lab. For now, there are only smaller purchases to stretch givers and eight dispensaries sale of cannabis become law
"It's the first time in Maine a handful of manufacturers, their supply. accounted for more than without his signature.
history that you can actually and one laboratory. Co-founder Brandon Pol-
buy recreational marijuana. Another store was licensed lock from Theory Wellness,
That's awesome. I wanted to this week, bringing the total which has cannabis stores in
be here today." to eight. But only six of them South Portland and Water-
Maine's road to becoming the were open Friday, a state of- ville, agreed that supply is
10th state allowing the retail ficial said. limited for the moment but
sale of marijuana for recre- That's a bit of a disappoint- said he's pleased vendors are
ational use was exceptionally ment for advocates. But it's out of the "purgatory" after
arduous. better than nothing and it years of delays.
A referendum was approved represents a starting point, "It's only going to get better
nearly four years ago, in No- said David Boyer, an inde- from here. We should all ap-
vember 2016, but the effort pendent marijuana industry preciate that we have a legal
to set up a method for legally consultant in Maine. access point, and we're doing
purchasing cannabis dragged "To the state's credit, there's the best we can to get as much